DGMTP1 ;ALB/RMO - Print Means Test 10-10F Cont. ;7 APR 1992 11:00 am ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ; EN ;Entry point to print demograpic, marital status and dependents D DEM,MAR,DEP,EN^DGMTP2 Q Q ; DEM ;Print demographic portion of form W @IOF,?116,"VA FORM 10-10F",!,DGLNE,!,"DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS",?111,"FINANCIAL WORKSHEET",!,DGLNE W !?30,"THE LAW PROVIDES SEVERE PENALTIES FOR WILLFUL SUBMISSION OF FALSE INFORMATION",!?39,"SEE PAGE 3 FOR PRIVACY ACT AND PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT INFORMATION",!,DGLNE W !?1,"Applicant's Name: ",$$NAME^DGMTU1(DGVPRI),?72,"| Social Security Number: ",$$SSN^DGMTU1(DGVPRI) Q ; MAR ;Print marital status W !,DGLNE,!!?61,"A. Marital Status",$$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1) W !?1,"1. Were you married last calendar year.",?41,"| 2. Did you live with your spouse",?78,"| 3. If you did not live with your spouse, show the" W !?4,"(If ""NO"", go to Section B).",?41,"| last calendar year. (If ""YES"", go",?78,"| amount you contributed to your spouse's support" W !?6,$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGVIR0,"^",5)) W ?41,"| to Section B). ",$S($P(DGVIR0,"^",5)=0:"NOT APPLICABLE",1:$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGVIR0,"^",6))) W ?78,"| last calendar year ",$S($P(DGVIR0,"^",5)=0!($P(DGVIR0,"^",6)):"NOT APPLICABLE",1:$$AMT^DGMTSCU1($P(DGVIR0,"^",7))) Q ; DEP ;Print dependent children W $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!!?60,"B. Dependent Children",$$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1) W !?2,"During last calendar year, did you have any UNMARRIED children or stepchildren who are under the age of 18 or between the ages" W !?2,"of 18 and 23 and attending school? OR did you have any unmarried children over the age of 17 who became permanently incapable" W !?2,"of self-support before reaching the age of 18? ",$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGVIR0,"^",8))," (If ""NO"", go to Section C)" W $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!?6,"Child's Name",?30,"| Permanently",?50,"| Did the child",?72,"| Did you contribute",?93,"| Did the",?109,"| Was the child's" W !?30,"| incapable of",?50,"| live with you",?72,"| to the child's",?93,"| child have",?109,"| income available" W !?30,"| self-support",?50,"|",?72,"| support?",?93,"| any income?",?109,"| to you?" W !?6," (1)",?30,"| (2)",?50,"| (3)",?72,"| (4)",?93,"| (5)",?109,"| (6)" I '$P(DGVIR0,"^",8) W $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!?6,"NOT APPLICABLE",?30,"|",?50,"|",?72,"|",?93,"|",?109,"|" I $P(DGVIR0,"^",8) S DGCNT=0 F S DGCNT=$O(DGREL("C",DGCNT)) Q:'DGCNT D CHILD Q ; CHILD ;Print data collected for a dependent child N DGIR0 S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,+$G(DGINR("C",DGCNT)),0)) W $$UL^DGMTSCU1(DGUL,DGLNE1),!?1,$$NAME^DGMTU1(+DGREL("C",DGCNT)) W ?30,"| ",$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGIR0,"^",9)) W ?50,"| ",$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGIR0,"^",6)) W ?72,"| ",$S($P(DGIR0,"^",6):"NOT APPLICABLE",1:$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGIR0,"^",10))) W ?93,"| ",$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGIR0,"^",11)) W ?109,"| ",$S($P(DGIR0,"^",11)=0:"NOT APPLICABLE",1:$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(DGIR0,"^",12))) CHILDQ Q