DGMTSCC ;ALB/RMO,CAW,LBD,EG - Means Test Screen Completion ; 03/24/2006 ;;5.3;Registration;**33,45,130,438,332,433,462,456,610,624,611**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 3 ; ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGMTACT Means Test Action ; DGMTDT Date of Test ; DGMTYPT Type of Test 1=MT 2=COPAY ; DGMTPAR Annual Means Test Parameters ; DGVINI Veteran Individual Annual Income IEN ; DGVIRI Veteran Income Relation IEN ; DGVPRI Veteran Patient Relation IEN ; DGMTNWC Net Worth Calculation flag ; Output -- DGERR 1=INCOMPLETE and 0=COMPLETE ; EN N DGCAT,DGCOMF,DGDC,DGDET,DGIN0,DGIN1,DGIN2,DGINT,DGINTF,DGMTS,DGNC,DGND,DGNWT,DGNWTF,DGREF1,DGSP,DGTYC,DGTHA,DGTHB,DGVIR0,DGCOPS,DGCOST,DGTHG S DGERR=0 I DGMTACT="ADD" D COM I 'Y!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) G Q S DGCOMF=1 D DEP^DGMTSCU2,INC^DGMTSCU3 ;if ANSPFIN="Y" user already answered to provide financial information (module DISC^DGMTSC) I $G(ANSPFIN)="Y",$D(DGREF) D . S (DGINTF,DGNWTF)="" . W !,"DECLINES TO GIVE INCOME INFORMATION: YES" . S DGREF1="" . Q I ($G(DGINTF)=0),($G(DGNWTF)=0) S DGREF1="" D REF G Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) D CAT^DGMTSCU2,STA^DGMTSCU2 ;don't try to run validation checks if declining to provide financial information I '$D(DGREF) D CHK I DGERR W !?3,*7,$S(DGMTYPT=1:"Means",1:"Copay")_" test cannot be completed." G Q I DGMTYPT=1,DGTYC="M",(DGNWT-DGDET)+$S(DGMTNWC:0,1:DGINT)'<$P(DGMTPAR,"^",8) D ADJ G Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) I DGMTYPT=2,DGCAT="P" D ADJ G Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S DA=DGMTI,DIE="^DGMT(408.31,",DIE("NO^")="",DR="[DGMT ENTER/EDIT COMPLETION]" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR I '$D(DGFIN) S DGERR=1 G Q I DGMTACT="EDT",DGMTDT>DT D . N DATA S (DATA(.01),DATA(.07))=DT,DATA(2)=1 I $$UPD^DGENDBS(408.31,DGMTI,.DATA) W:DGMTYPT=1 !?3,"...means test status is ",$P($$MTS^DGMTU(DFN,DGMTS),"^"),"..." W:DGMTYPT=2 !?3,"...copay test status is ",$S(DGCAT="E":"EXEMPT",DGCAT="M":"NON-EXEMPT",DGCAT="P":"PENDING ADJUDICATION",1:"INCOMPLETE"),"..." D PRT ; Q K DGFIN,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y Q ; COM ;Check if user wants to complete the means test N DIR S DIR("A")="Do you wish to complete the "_$S(DGMTYPT=1:"means",1:"copay exemption")_" test" S DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR ; The following was added for LTC Copay Phase II (DG*5.3*433) I DGMTYPT=4,'Y D . W !,"NOTE: If you do not complete the LTC copay exemption test, the incomplete test",!?6,"will be deleted." . S DIR("A")="Do you wish to complete the copay exemption test" . S DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR Q ; REF ;Check if patient declines to provide income information ;ANSPFIN Y - user already answer this question (see program DGMTSC) N DIR,Y,U S U="^" S DIR("A")="DECLINES TO GIVE INCOME INFORMATION" I $P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),"^",14)]"" S DIR("B")=$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(^(0),"^",14)) I '$D(DIR("B")),$G(ANSPFIN)'="Y" S DIR("B")="NO" ;user answered Y to provide income initially, but didn't provide income information I $G(ANSPFIN)="Y" S DIR("B")="YES" I $G(DGINTF)=0,$G(DGNWTF)=0 S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR(0)="408.31,.14" D ^DIR K DIR G REFQ:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S:Y DGREF="" Q:'$D(DGREF)!($D(DGREF1))!(DGMTYPT'=1) S DGCAT="C" D STA^DGMTSCU2 S ANSPFIN="Y" REFQ Q ; CHK ;Check if means test can be completed N DGA,DGD,DGDEP,DGREL,DGL,DGM,I D GETREL^DGMTU11(DFN,"CS",$$LYR^DGMTSCU1(DGMTDT),$S($G(DGMTI):DGMTI,1:"")) S DGM=$P(DGVIR0,"^",5),DGL=$P(DGVIR0,"^",6),DGA=$P(DGVIR0,"^",7),DGD=$P(DGVIR0,"^",8) I DGM']""!(DGM&(DGL']""))!(DGM&('DGL)&(DGA']"")) W !?3,"Marital section must be completed." S DGERR=1 I DGM,'$D(DGREL("S")),'$D(DGREF) W !?3,"Married is 'YES'. An active spouse for this means test does not exist." S DGERR=1 I 'DGM,$D(DGREL("S")) W !?3,"An active spouse exists for this means test. Married should be 'YES'." S DGERR=1 I DGD']"" W !?3,"Dependent Children section must be completed." S DGERR=1 I DGD,'$D(DGREL("C")) W !?3,"Dependent Children is 'YES'. No active children exist." S DGERR=1 I 'DGD,$D(DGREL("C")) W !?3,"Active children exist. Dependent Children should be 'YES'." S DGERR=1 I DGMTYPT=1,'$D(DGREF),DGTYC="M",'DGNWTF W !?3,"A status of ",$$GETNAME^DGMTH(DGMTS)," requires property information." S DGERR=1 I DGMTYPT=2,'DGNWTF,DGCAT="E",$$ASKNW^DGMTCOU W !?3,"Patient is in an 'EXEMPT' status and requires property information." S DGERR=1 I DGDET>DGINT W !?3,"Patient's deductible expenses cannot exceed income." S DGERR=1 Q:$G(DGERR) N CNT,ACT,DGDEP,FLAG,DGINCP D INIT^DGDEP S CNT=0 D . F S CNT=$O(DGDEP(CNT)) Q:'CNT I $P(DGDEP(CNT),U,2)="SPOUSE" D Q:$G(DGERR) . . D GETIENS^DGMTU2(DFN,$P(DGDEP(CNT),U,20),DGMTDT) . . S DGINCP=$G(^DGMT(408.22,+DGIRI,"MT")) S:DGINCP FLAG=$G(FLAG)+1 . . I $G(FLAG)>1 W !?3,"Patient has more than one spouse for this means test." S DGERR=1 Q ; ADJ ;Adjudicate the means test N DIR,Y S DIR("?",1)="Since assets exceed the threshold, the "_$S(DGMTYPT=1:"means",1:"copay")_" test can" S DIR("?",2)="be sent to adjudication. If the "_$S(DGMTYPT=1:"means",1:"copay")_" test is not" S DIR("?")="adjudicated, the patient will be placed in "_$S(DGMTYPT=1&(DGTHG>DGTHA):"GMT Copay Required",DGMTYPT=1:"MT Copay Required",1:"Non-exempt")_" status." S DIR("A")="Do you wish to send this case to adjudication" S DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR G ADJQ:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S DGCAT=$S(Y:"P",DGMTYPT=1&(DGTHG>DGTHA):"G",DGMTYPT=1:"C",1:"N") D STA^DGMTSCU2 ADJQ Q ; ;DG*5.3*624 - REMOVE 10-10F AND REPLACE WITH 10-10EZ/EZR PRT ;Print the 10-10EZR or 10-10EZ N EZFLAG I $D(DGFINOP) DO .W !!,"Options for printing financial assessment information will follow." .W !,"Generally, you should answer 'YES' to 'PRINT 10-10EZR?' after updating" .W !,"patient demographic or financial information. Answer 'YES' to 'PRINT" .W !,"10-10EZ?' after entering new patient demographic and financial information." S EZFLAG=$$SEL1010^DG1010P("EZR/EZ") Q:(EZFLAG=-1) D QUE ; PRTQ Q ; ;DG*5.3*624 - REMOVE 10-10F AND REPLACE WITH 10-10EZ/EZR QUE ; N X I $G(EZFLAG)="EZ" S X=$$ENEZ^EASEZPDG(DFN,DGMTI) I $G(EZFLAG)="EZR" S X=$$ENEZR^EASEZPDG(DFN,DGMTI) Q