DGNFUNC ;BPCIOFO/CMC-NAME FORMAT FUNCTIONS ; 22 Jan 2002 10:39 AM ;;5.3;Registration;**149,244**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ;This routine will contains functions for returning the name field ;in a variety of formats. It will NOT update the Patient file, ;the name field. ; FML(DFN) ; ;This function will return the name from the Patient file for the given ;DFN in the format of First Middle Last Suffix. ; Input: DFN - ien of patient in Patient file ; Output: -1^error message OR ; Patient name formatted First Middle Last Suffix. ; I '$D(DFN) Q "-1^MISSING DFN" I $G(DFN)<0 Q "-1^Missing DFN" N DPTNAME S DPTNAME("IENS")=DFN_",",DPTNAME("FILE")=2,DPTNAME("FIELD")=.01 Q $$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(.DPTNAME,"G","")