DGPFAPI1 ;ALB/RBS - PRF EXTERNAL API'S ; 9/27/06 3:00pm ;;5.3;Registration;**554,650**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 3 ; Q ;no direct entry ; GETHTIU(DGDFN,DGTITLE,DGHTIU) ;retrieve PRF/TIU PN link Assignment data ;This function is used to return a patient's ASSIGNMENT (active or ;inactive) based on the TIU PN title. If an ASSIGNMENT is found ;then all ASSIGNMENT HISTORY records will be returned. ;If the request is not from the Owner Site of the PRF Assignment, ;no data is returned. ;The TIU Progress Note Title IEN will be used to search for the ;patient assignment that is linked to the associated record flag. ; ; Associated DBIA: #4383 - DGPF ASSIGNMENT LINK TIU PN ; ; Input: ; DGDFN - [Required] IEN of PATIENT (#2) file ; DGTITLE - [Required] IEN of TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION (#8925.1) file ; DGHTIU - [Optional] - default name is "DGPFHTIU" ; (Closed Root (local or global) array of return values) ; ; Output: ; Function result - returns 1 on success ; - returns two piece string on failure ; Format: 0^error text generated from EZBLD^DIALOG ; ; DGHTIU() - Array, passed by closed root reference. ; If this function is successful, this array will ; contain the PRF/TIU PN link Assignment data where ; the Subscript field value equals: ; Internal Value^External Value ; Note: The "HISTORY" subscript level will contain a ; unique node for each PRF Assignment History record ; associated with the Assignment where nn = a unique ; number for each History record. ; ; Subscript Field Name Field #/File # ; ----------------------- ----------- ------------ ; "ASSIGNIEN" NUMBER (.001)/(#26.13) ; "FLAG" FLAG NAME (.02)/(#26.13) ; "HISTORY" # OF HISTORY RECORDS N/A ; "HISTORY",nn,"ACTION" ACTION (.03)/(#26.14) ; "HISTORY",nn,"DATETIME") DATE/TIME (.02)/(#26.14) ; "HISTORY",nn,"HISTIEN") NUMBER (.001)/(#26.14) ; "HISTORY",nn,"TIUIEN") TIU PN LINK (.06)/(#26.14) ; N DGAIEN ;ien of record flag assignment in (#26.13) file N DGDIALOG ;failure reason generated from EZBLD^DIALOG N DGFIEN ;variable pointer to #26.11 or #26.15 ie. "1;DGPF(26.15," N DGFLAG ;flag name N DGHIEN ;ien of history record in (#26.14) file N DGHIENS ;array of all assignment history IEN's N DGPFA ;flag assignment array N DGPFAH ;flag assignment history array N DGRSLT ;function result N DGTHCNT ;"nn"=number of history records returned ; S DGDFN=+$G(DGDFN) S DGTITLE=+$G(DGTITLE) ; ;setup return array S DGHTIU=$G(DGHTIU) I DGHTIU']"" S DGHTIU="DGPFHTIU" ;setup default array name K @DGHTIU ;Kill/initialize work array ; S DGRSLT=0 ; ;get IEN variable pointer of National or Local flag S DGFIEN=$P($$FNDTITLE(DGTITLE),U,1) ;strip off flag name ; I '$G(DGFIEN) S DGDIALOG=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(261107) ;no flag link ; ;if flag is assoc with TIU Progres Note Title (quit on failure) I $G(DGFIEN) D . ; . ;get IEN of assignment linked to flag linked to TIU PN Title . S DGAIEN=$$FNDASGN^DGPFAA(DGDFN,DGFIEN) . I '$G(DGAIEN) S DGDIALOG=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(261108) Q . ; . ;get all assignment data for patient . I '$$GETASGN^DGPFAA(DGAIEN,.DGPFA) S DGDIALOG=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(261102) Q . ; . ;check for owner site of assignment . I '$$ISDIV^DGPFUT($P(DGPFA("OWNER"),U)) S DGDIALOG=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(261103) Q . ; . ;get all history ien's . I '$$GETALL^DGPFAAH(DGAIEN,.DGHIENS) S DGDIALOG=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(261101) Q . ; . S DGHIEN="",DGTHCNT=0 . ; . ;loop all assignment history ien's . F S DGHIEN=$O(DGHIENS(DGHIEN)) Q:DGHIEN="" D Q:$D(DGDIALOG) . . K DGPFAH . . ;get assignment history record . . I '$$GETHIST^DGPFAAH(DGHIEN,.DGPFAH) S DGDIALOG=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(261101),DGTHCNT=0 Q . . ; . . S DGTHCNT=DGTHCNT+1 . . S @DGHTIU@("HISTORY",DGTHCNT,"ACTION")=$G(DGPFAH("ACTION")) . . S @DGHTIU@("HISTORY",DGTHCNT,"DATETIME")=$G(DGPFAH("ASSIGNDT")) . . S @DGHTIU@("HISTORY",DGTHCNT,"HISTIEN")=DGHIEN_U_DGHIEN . . S @DGHTIU@("HISTORY",DGTHCNT,"TIUIEN")=$G(DGPFAH("TIULINK")) . ; . Q:$D(DGDIALOG) ;stop on error . ; . I DGTHCNT D . . S @DGHTIU@("ASSIGNIEN")=DGAIEN_U_$P($G(DGPFA("DFN")),U,2) . . S @DGHTIU@("FLAG")=$G(DGPFA("FLAG")) . . S @DGHTIU@("HISTORY")=DGTHCNT . ; . S DGRSLT=1 ;success ; ;if failure delete return array I $D(DGDIALOG) K @DGHTIU ; Q $S(DGRSLT:1,1:DGRSLT_"^"_$G(DGDIALOG)) ; FNDTITLE(DGTITLE) ;retrieve IEN of associated PRF (National or Local) Flag ;This function returns the IEN and Name of the National or Local flag ;that is associated with the TIU Progress Note Title. ; ; Input: ; DGTITLE - [Required] IEN of TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION (#8925.1) file ; ; Output: ; Function Value - returns two piece ^ string on failure or success ; On Failure - 0^error text generated from EZBLD^DIALOG ; On Success - IEN^External Flag Name ; [example: 1;DGPF(26.15,^BEHAVIORAL] ; [Note: "1;DGPF(26.15," is a variable pointer] ; S DGTITLE=+$G(DGTITLE) ; N DGDIALOG ;failure reason N DGFLAG ;flag name N DGIEN ;ien of flag ; ; search for Local Flag I $D(^DGPF(26.11,"ATIU",DGTITLE)) D . S DGFLAG=$O(^DGPF(26.11,"ATIU",DGTITLE,"")) . I DGFLAG]"" D . . S DGIEN=$O(^DGPF(26.11,"ATIU",DGTITLE,DGFLAG,0)) . . I '$D(^DGPF(26.11,DGIEN,0)) K DGIEN Q . . S:$G(DGIEN) DGIEN=DGIEN_";DGPF(26.11,^"_DGFLAG ;add flag name ; ; search for National Flag - (if Title not found in Local Flag file) I '$G(DGIEN),$D(^DGPF(26.15,"ATIU",DGTITLE)) D . S DGFLAG=$O(^DGPF(26.15,"ATIU",DGTITLE,"")) . I DGFLAG]"" D . . S DGIEN=$O(^DGPF(26.15,"ATIU",DGTITLE,DGFLAG,0)) . . I '$D(^DGPF(26.15,DGIEN,0)) K DGIEN Q . . S:$G(DGIEN) DGIEN=DGIEN_";DGPF(26.15,^"_DGFLAG ;add flag name ; I '$G(DGIEN) S DGDIALOG=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(261107) ; Q $S($G(DGIEN)>0:DGIEN,1:"0^"_$G(DGDIALOG)) ; GETLINK(DGTIUIEN) ;get linked assignment history ien ;This function returns the IEN of a patient's record flag assignment ;history record that is linked to a specific TIU Progress Note. ; ; Associated DBIA: #4383 - DGPF ASSIGNMENT LINK TIU PN ; ; Input: ; DGTIUIEN - [Required] IEN of TIU DOCUMENT (#8925) file ; ; Output: ; Function result - returns IEN of linked history record on success ; - "0" if no link found ; Q +$O(^DGPF(26.14,"ATIUPN",+$G(DGTIUIEN),0))