DGPFUT2 ;ALB/KCL - PRF UTILITIES CONTINUED ; 12/17/03 2:56pm ;;5.3;Registration;**425,554,650**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 3 ; ; This routine contains generic calls for use throughout DGPF*. ; ;- no direct entry QUIT ; ; GETPAT(DGDFN,DGPAT) ;retrieve patient identifying information ; Used to obtain identifying information for a patient ; in the PATIENT (#2) file and place it in an array format. ; ; NOTE: Direct global reference of patient's zero node in the ; PATIENT (#2) file is supported by DBIA #10035 ; ; Input: ; DGDFN - (required) ien of patient in PATIENT (#2) file ; ; Output: ; Function Value - returns 1 on success, 0 on failure ; DGPAT - output array containing the patient identifying information, ; on success, pass by reference. ; Array subscripts are: ; "DFN" - ien PATIENT (#2) file ; "NAME" - patient name ; "SSN" - patient Social Security Number ; "DOB" - patient date of birth (FM format) ; "SEX" - patient sex ; N DGNODE N RESULT ; S RESULT=0 ; I $G(DGDFN)>0,$D(^DPT(DGDFN,0)) D . . ;-- obtain zero node of patient record (supported by DBIA #10035) . S DGNODE=$G(^DPT(DGDFN,0)) . ; . S DGPAT("DFN")=DGDFN . S DGPAT("NAME")=$P(DGNODE,"^") . S DGPAT("SEX")=$P(DGNODE,"^",2) . S DGPAT("DOB")=$P(DGNODE,"^",3) . S DGPAT("SSN")=$P(DGNODE,"^",9) . S RESULT=1 ;success ; Q RESULT ; GETDFN(DGICN,DGEROOT) ;Used to convert an ICN to a DFN. ; ; Supported DBIA #2701: The supported DBIA is used to retrieve the ; pointer (DFN) to the PATIENT (#2) file for a ; given ICN. ; ; Input: ; DGICN - Integrated Control Number with or without checksum ; DGEROOT - (optional) closed root array name (i.e. "DGERROR") for ; error dialog returned from BLD^DIALOG. If not passed, ; error dialog is returned in ^TMP("DIERR",$J) global. ; ; Output: ; Function Value - DFN on success, 0 on failure ; DGEROOT() - error output array from BLD^DIALOG ; N DGDFN ;ptr to patient N DIERR ;var returned from BLD^DIALOG ; ;init error output array if passed S DGEROOT=$G(DGEROOT) I DGEROOT]"" K @DGEROOT ; S DGDFN=+$$GETDFN^MPIF001(+$G(DGICN)) I DGDFN'>0 D BLD^DIALOG(261127,,,DGEROOT,"F") ; Q $S(DGDFN'>0:0,1:DGDFN) ; SORT(DGPFARR) ;Re-sort of active record assignments by category then flag name ; This function re-sorts the active record flag assignment list for a ; patient by category (Cat I or Cat II) and then by flag name. ; ; Input: [Required] ; DGPFARR - Closed root reference array name of active assignments ; to be sorted ; ; Output: ; Function Value - returns 1 on success, 0 on failure ; ; DGPFARR() - Closed Root reference name of re-sorted assignments ; - Category I's will sort first in the returned array. ; - Category II's will sort second. ; N DGCAT ;category N DGINDX ;index array N DGNAME ;flag name N DGSORT ;re-sorted data array N DGX ;generic counter ; ; check for input value - Quit if none found Q:DGPFARR']"" 0 Q:'$O(@DGPFARR@("")) 0 ; S DGSORT=$NA(^TMP("DGPFUT2",$J)) K @DGSORT ; ;build index - ARRAY(Category (I or II),Flag Name)=sort number S DGX=0 F S DGX=$O(@DGPFARR@(DGX)) Q:'DGX D . S DGCAT=$S($P(@DGPFARR@(DGX,"FLAG"),U)[26.11:2,1:1) . S DGINDX(DGCAT,$P(@DGPFARR@(DGX,"FLAG"),U,2))=DGX ; ;build sorted data array - S (DGCAT,DGX)=0 F S DGCAT=$O(DGINDX(DGCAT)) Q:'DGCAT D . S DGNAME="" . F S DGNAME=$O(DGINDX(DGCAT,DGNAME)) Q:DGNAME="" D . . S DGX=DGX+1 . . M @DGSORT@(DGX)=@DGPFARR@(DGINDX(DGCAT,DGNAME)) ; ;remove input array and replace with sorted array, kill sort array K @DGPFARR M @DGPFARR=@DGSORT K @DGSORT ; Q 1 ; ACTDT ; update PRF Software Activation Date field in (#26.18) ; This utility should only be run at the Alpha and Beta test sites ; of the Patient Record Flags Project, Patch DG*5.3*425. ; If necessary, this entry point will change the date that the ; Patient Record Flags (PRF) System became active. ; The (#1) PRF SOFTWARE ACTIVATION DATE field of the (#26.18) PRF ; PARAMETERS file, will be changed to: SEP 25, 2003 ; ; Input: none ; ; Output: User message on successful or failure of file update ; N DGACTDT ; Nationally Released Software Activation Date value N DGIENS ; IEN - internal entry # OF (#26.18) FILE N DGFLD ; PRF Software Activation Date field # N DGFDA ; FDA data array for filer N DGERR ; error message array returned from filer N DGERRMSG ; error message for display N DGPARM ; current internal/external values of field ; S DGACTDT="SEP 25, 2003" S DGIENS="1," S DGFLD=1 ; ; display user message W !!,"Updating the PRF SOFTWARE ACTIVATION DATE (#1) field in the PRF PARAMETERS FILE (#26.18) to the value of SEP 25, 2003..." ; ; checks for necessary programmer variables I '$G(DUZ)!($G(DUZ(0))'="@")!('$G(DT))!($G(U)'="^") D . S DGERRMSG="Your programming variables are not set up properly." ; ; check if activation is not less than the current date I '$D(DGERRMSG),DT<3030925 D . S DGERRMSG="This file/field update can't be run before the date of SEP 25, 2003 is reached." ; ; get current activation date from PRF PARAMETERS (#26.18) file I '$D(DGERRMSG) D . D GETS^DIQ(26.18,"1,",1,"IE","DGPARM","DGERR") . ; . ; check for errors and inform the user . I $D(DGERR) D Q . . S DGERRMSG=$G(DGERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) . ; . ; check to make sure field is not set already . I $G(DGPARM(26.18,"1,",1,"I"))=3030925 D . . S DGERRMSG="The date value is already set to SEP 25, 2003." ; ; now start the (#26.18) filing process I '$D(DGERRMSG) D . ; . ; DELETE activation date before filing since field is uneditable . S DGFDA(26.18,DGIENS,1)="@" . D FILE^DIE("","DGFDA","DGERR") . ; . ; check for errors and inform the user . I $D(DGERR) D Q . . S DGERRMSG=$G(DGERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) . ; . ; setup and file the new activation date value (external) . S DGFDA(26.18,DGIENS,1)=DGACTDT . D FILE^DIE("SE","DGFDA","DGERR") . ; . ; check for success or errors and inform the user of update status . I $D(DGERR) D Q . . S DGERRMSG=$G(DGERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) ; ; display successful/failure file update - updated field and value W !!,$C(7) I $D(DGERRMSG) D . W "Field could not be updated...",DGERRMSG E D . W "Field was successfully changed from ",$G(DGPARM(26.18,"1,",1,"E"))," to ",$G(DGFDA(26.18,DGIENS,DGFLD)),"." ; Q ; BLDTFL(DGDFN,DGTFL) ;build array of Treating Facilities ; This function builds an array of INSTITUTION (#4) file pointers ; that are non-local medical treating facilities for a given patient. ; ; Input: ; DGDFN - pointer to patient in PATIENT (#2) file ; ; Output: ; Function value - 1 on results returned; 0 on failure ; DGTFL - array of treating facility INSTITUTION (#4) file pointers ; Format: DGTFL(pointer)=date last treated ; N DGLOC ;pointer to local facility in INSTITUTION (#4) file N DGDLT ;date last treated N DGFAC ;TFL API results array N DGI ;generic counter N DGINST ;pointer to INSTITUTION (#4) file ; Q:$G(DGDFN)'>0 0 ;validate input parameter ; D TFL^VAFCTFU1(.DGFAC,DGDFN) S DGLOC=$P($$SITE^VASITE(),U) S DGI=0 F S DGI=$O(DGFAC(DGI)) Q:'DGI D . S DGINST=$$IEN^XUAF4($P(DGFAC(DGI),U)) . Q:DGINST'>0 . Q:DGINST=DGLOC ;filter local facility . Q:'$$TF^XUAF4(DGINST) ;facility must be active treating facility . S DGDLT=+$P(DGFAC(DGI),U,3) . S DGTFL(DGINST)=DGDLT ; Q $S(+$O(DGTFL(0)):1,1:0)