DGPFUT5 ;ALB/SAE - PRF UTILITIES CONTINUED ; 12/18/03 09:00pm ;;5.3;Registration;**554**;Aug 13, 1993 ; Q ; no direct entry ; DISPLAY(TXN,DGPFGOUT) ; entry point for user-review screen ; ; This routine completes the re-display process. ; It re-displays information about the Flag, or Flag Assignment, ; being created or modified by the user, prior to the 'file' question. ; ; Input: ; TXN - transaction - has several '^' pieces starting with: ; FA - FLAG ASSIGNMENT - Assign Flag ; FA - FLAG ASSIGNMENT - Edit Flag Assignment ; FA - FLAG ASSIGNMENT - Change Assignment Ownership ; FM - FLAG MANAGEMENT - Add New Record Flag ; FM - FLAG MANAGEMENT - Edit Record Flag ; DGPFGOUT - name of global ^TMP global used to display ; ; Output: ; none - display to user only ; ; Temporary variables: N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y ; DIR Reader variables ; F D I Y=0!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) W ! Q . D DISP(TXN,DGPFGOUT) . W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to review again" . S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR ; Q ; DISP(TXN,DGPFGOUT) ; display user review screen(s): ; ; Re-displays information about the Flag or Flag Assignment being ; created or modified. ; ; Input: ; TXN - transaction - has several pieces starting with: ; FA - FLAG ASSIGNMENT - Assign Flag ; FA - FLAG ASSIGNMENT - Edit Flag Assignment ; FA - FLAG ASSIGNMENT - Change Assignment Ownership ; FM - FLAG MANAGEMENT - Add New Record Flag ; FM - FLAG MANAGEMENT - Edit Record Flag ; DGPFGOUT - name of global ^TMP global used to display ; ; Output: ; none - display to user only ; ; Temporary variables: N DGPFQUIT ; quit variable for loop N DGPFCT ; counter variable for loop N DGPFNEW ; new page indicator N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y ; DIR Reader variables N DGPFHDR ; used for new screens of word processing displays N DGPFTHIS ; value of current node ; DGPFTHIS("HEADER") ; this node in global array is a header N DGPFNEXT ; next node in global array N DGPFLAST ; prevents page feed and display of headers with no body N DGPFLINE ; line for underlining headers N DGPFPINV ; counter to control display of principal investigator label N DGPFPAD ; pad for leading spaces N DGPFACT ; ACTION as upper case ; S DGPFCT=0 S DGPFACT=$TR($P(TXN,U,3),"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") S DGPFHDR("TOP")="REVIEW OF "_DGPFACT_" DATA INPUT BEFORE FILING" ; S DGPFLINE="",$P(DGPFLINE,"-",($L(DGPFHDR("TOP"))+1))="" S DGPFHDR("TOPLINE")=DGPFLINE S DGPFPINV=0 ; W:$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" @IOF W DGPFHDR("TOP"),!,DGPFHDR("TOPLINE") F S DGPFCT=$O(@DGPFGOUT@(DGPFCT)) Q:DGPFCT="" D Q:$D(DGPFQUIT) . K DGPFTHIS,DGPFNEXT . S DGPFTHIS=@DGPFGOUT@(DGPFCT,0) . S DGPFNEXT=$O(@DGPFGOUT@(DGPFCT)) . S DGPFNEXT=$S(DGPFNEXT="":"",1:@DGPFGOUT@(DGPFNEXT,0)) . S:$O(@DGPFGOUT@(DGPFCT))="" DGPFLAST=1 . ; . I DGPFTHIS["Principal Investigator(s):" S DGPFPINV=DGPFPINV+1 . I DGPFTHIS["Action Comments:" S DGPFTHIS("HEADER")=1 . I DGPFTHIS["Flag Description:" S DGPFTHIS("HEADER")=1 . I DGPFTHIS["Reason For Flag Enter/Edit:" S DGPFTHIS("HEADER")=1 . I DGPFTHIS["Record Flag Assignment Narrative:" S DGPFTHIS("HEADER")=1 . I DGPFNEXT["Action Comments:" S DGPFNEXT("HEADER")=1 . I DGPFNEXT["Flag Description:" S DGPFNEXT("HEADER")=1 . I DGPFNEXT["Reason For Flag Enter/Edit:" S DGPFNEXT("HEADER")=1 . I DGPFNEXT["Record Flag Assignment Narrative:" S DGPFNEXT("HEADER")=1 . I $D(DGPFTHIS("HEADER")) S DGPFHDR(1)=DGPFTHIS D . . S DGPFLINE=" ",$P(DGPFLINE,"-",($L(DGPFHDR(1))-1))="" . ; . ; if near the bottom, set new screen variable DGPFNEW . I $Y+9>IOSL I $D(DGPFTHIS("HEADER"))!($Y+6>IOSL) S DGPFNEW=1 . I $D(DGPFNEW),'$D(DGPFLAST) D Q . . K DGPFNEW W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR . . I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) S DGPFQUIT=1 Q . . W:$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" @IOF . . W DGPFHDR("TOP"),!,DGPFHDR("TOPLINE") . . I $D(DGPFHDR(1)) D . . . I DGPFTHIS?1." ",$D(DGPFNEXT("HEADER")) Q . . . W !,DGPFHDR(1),!,DGPFLINE . . W:'$D(DGPFTHIS("HEADER")) !,DGPFTHIS . . I DGPFTHIS["Principal Investigator(s):" S DGPFPINV=1 . W:$D(DGPFTHIS("HEADER")) ! . ; remove label from Principal Investigator line if not first node . I DGPFTHIS["Principal Investigator(s):",DGPFPINV>1 D . . S DGPFPAD=$E($J("",27),1,27) . . S DGPFTHIS=DGPFPAD_$P(DGPFTHIS,":",2) . W !,DGPFTHIS . W:$D(DGPFTHIS("HEADER")) !,DGPFLINE W ! ; Q