DGPMGLG4 ;ALB/ABR - G&L GENERATION CONT.; 17 MAY 94 ;;5.3;Registration;**34**;Aug.13, 1993 ; ;This routine finds the division associated with a given ;Treating Specialty transaction. ; ;It finds the division of the ward where the patient is ;located at the time of the TS transaction. ; ;Variables: ; LTSDV - last treating specialty division. ; this is the division for the current treating specialty transaction. ; PTSDV - previous treating specialty division. ; TSDIV ;entry point for division search S LTSDV=$$TSDV(+MV("LWD")) ; TSDIVP ; entry point for Previous TS division only ; ;If transaction is a TS/Provider change, without an associated ;physical movement, then the previous TS division will be the same as ;the current division. I MV("TT")=6,'$P(MD,"^",24) S PTSDV=LTSDV Q S PTSDV=$$TSDV(+MV("PWD")) Q ; TSDV(X) ; This function returns the TS division N DV S DV=$P($G(^DIC(42,+X,0)),"^",11) I '$D(^DG(40.8,+DV,0)) S DV=DIV Q +DV Q ASIHR ;to find PTS, PTSDV for returns from ASIH N J1,J2,T,PMT S J1=J F S J1=$O(^DGPM("APMV",DFN,MV("CA"),J1)) Q:'J1 S J2=$O(^(J1,0)) D Q:$D(T) .S PMT=$P(^DGPM(J2,0),"^",18),PMT="^"_PMT_"^" .I '$F("^13^43^44^45^",PMT) S T=1 I '$D(T) Q S MV("PWD")=$P($G(^DGPM(J2,0)),"^",6),PTSDV=$$TSDV(MV("PWD")) ; find division for previous TS S J1=$O(^DGPM("ATS",DFN,MV("CA"),9999999.9999999-MD)),J2=$O(^(J1,0)),MV("PTS")=J2 ; find previous TS Q