DGPMV30 ;ALB/MIR - EDITS FOR DATE/TIME ;12 NOV 89 @8 ;;5.3;Registration;**95,131**;Aug 13, 1993 CHK ;Check new date/time for consistency with other movements I DGPMT=6,$P(^DGPM(DGPMDA,0),U,14)=$P(^DGPM(DGPMDA,0),U,24),+Y'=+^DGPM(DGPMCA,0) S DGPME="Cannot change date/time for treating specialty associated with admission." Q I $D(^DGPM("APRD",DFN,+Y))!$D(^DGPM("APTT6",DFN,+Y))!$D(^DGPM("APTT4",DFN,+Y))!$D(^DGPM("APTT5",DFN,+Y)) S DGPME="There is already a movement at that date/time entered for this patient" Q S X1=$O(^DGPM("APRD",DFN,+DGPMP+.0000005)) I X1 S X=$O(^DGPM("APRD",DFN,X1,0)) I X,$D(^DGPM(+X,0)) S Z=^(0),X=$P(Z,"^",2) I Y>Z D WR S DGPME=" "_DGPMUC_" must be before next movement." Q S X1=$O(^DGPM("APTT4",DFN,+DGPMP+.0000005)) I X1 S X=$O(^DGPM("APTT4",DFN,X1,0)) I X,$D(^DGPM(+X,0)) S Z=^(0),X=$P(Z,"^",2) I Y>Z D WR S DGPME=" "_DGPMUC_" must be before next movement." Q S X1=10000000-DGPMP,X1=$O(^DGPM("APID",DFN,X1)) I X1 S X=$O(^DGPM("APID",DFN,X1,0)) I X,$D(^DGPM(+X,0)) S Z=^(0),X=$P(Z,"^",2) I YDGNOW K=DGNOW Q I K S X1=+DGPMY,X2=30 D C^%DTC I XX,DGPMY'>X S DGPME="Delete and redo discharge for less than 30 days" Q I DGPMP'>X,DGPMY>X S DGPME="Delete and redo discharge for greater than 30 days" Q ; no edit of d/t of adm mvt if census rec exist I DGPMT=1,$O(^DGPT("ACENSUS",+$P(DGPMAN,"^",16),0)) S DGPME="Cannot change admission date/time while PTF Census record #"_$O(^(0))_" is closed" Q ; I DGPMTYP=42,(DGPMP'>DGPMY) S DGPME="Must be prior to original discharge date/time" Q Q:(DGPMTYP'=42) ;No edit if hospital admission discharged...must back out S X=$O(^DGPM("APMV",DFN,DGPMCA,+DGPMP)),X=$O(^(+X,0)) I $D(^DGPM(+X,0)),("^13^44^"[$P(^(0),"^",18)),$D(^DGPM($P(^(0),"^",15),0)),$P(^(0),"^",17) S DGPME="Patient discharged from hospital...no edit of NHCU/DOM discharge allowed" Q ASK W !!?5,"WARNING: By changing the date/time of this 'WHILE ASIH' discharge,",!?15,"you are permanently discharging this patient from the NHCU/DOM" W !?15,"prior to the 30 days of ASIH allotted. The patient can not be",!?15,"returned to the NHCU/DOM except by readmission.",!!?15,"Are you sure you want to continue" S %=2 D YN^DICN I %<0 S DGPME="" Q I '% W !!?5,"Enter 'Y'es to discharge the patient from the NHCU/DOM or 'N'o to",!?15,"continue patient's ASIH stay." G ASK I %=2 S DGPMY=+DGPMP W !?5,*7,"NO CHANGE TO DATE/TIME MADE" Q S DGMAS=47 D FAMT I 'DGFAC H 5 G H^XUS S DIE="^DGPM(",DA=DGPMDA,DR=".04////"_DGFAC D ^DIE K DGFAC Q WR W !,*7," There is a",$S(X=1:"n admission",X=2:" transfer",X=3:" discharge",X=4:" check-in lodger",X=5:" check-out lodger",X=6:" specialty transfer",1:"")," movement on file for this patient on " S X=Y,Y=+Z X ^DD("DD") W Y,"." S Y=X Q ; FAMT ;find active movement type ; ;input: DGMAS = IFN of 405.2 entry ;output: DGFAC = IFN of active 405.1 entry ; N I S DGFAC="" F I=0:0 S I=$O(^DG(405.1,"AM",DGMAS,I)) Q:'I I $D(^DG(405.1,+I,0)),$P(^(0),"^",4) S DGFAC=I Q I 'DGFAC W !!,"You ASIH movement types are not properly defined...Contact your site manager!","There is no movement type define for ",$P(^DG(405.2,DGMAS,0),"^",1) K DGMAS Q ; CHKLAST(DFN,DGCA,DGY,DGP) ;Function to confirm that patient is not on absence for time/date selected for TS transfer ; ;Input DFN ; DGCA - Corres. Adm. ; DGY - Time/Date being checked ; DGP - date/time before editing ; ;Output 0 - Pt. not on Absence ; 1 - Pt. on Absence ; N DGFAC,DGMAS,DGX,DGX0,DGZ,X S X=0,DGX=$O(^DGPM("APCA",DFN,DGCA,DGY),-1),DGZ=$O(^(DGX,0)),DGX0=$P(^DGPM(DGZ,0),U,4) S DGMAS=20 D FAMT I '$D(^DG(405.1,+DGFAC,"F",DGX0)) S X=1 I +$G(DGP)=DGY S X=0 Q X ; CHKTS(DFN,DGP,DGY) ;check previous and next ts transfer date/time ;Output : 0 = acceptable ; 1 = before previous ts change ; 2 = after next ts change N DGTS1,DGTS2,X S X=0 S DGTS1=$O(^DGPM("APTT6",DFN,DGP),-1) I DGY'>DGTS1 S X=1 G CHKTSQ S DGTS2=$O(^DGPM("APTT6",DFN,DGP)) I DGTS2,DGY'