DGPTAPA1 ;ALB/MTC - PTF A/P ARCHIVE UTILITY ; 10-19-92 ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ; ARINT ; D ARMAIN,AR401^DGPTAPA2,AR601^DGPTAPA2,AR501^DGPTAPA3,AR535^DGPTAPA3 Q ; ARMAIN ;-- This function will load the array containing the ; PTF detailed information. ; INPUT : DGPTF - Valid PTF entry ; DGTMP - IEN of the template used ; N I,X,Y,DG70,NUMREC,SEQ,OSEQ,REF ;-- S OSEQ=$G(^DGP(45.62,DGTMP,100,0)) Q:OSEQ']"" S SEQ=$P(OSEQ,U,3),REF="^DGP(45.62,"_DGTMP_",100)" S DG70=$G(^DGPT(DGPTF,70)) ; ;--patient name (2) S Y=DGPTF_U_$P(^DPT(+^DGPT(DGPTF,0),0),U) ;--admission date (3) S Y=Y_U_$P(^DGPT(DGPTF,0),U,2) ;--discharge date (4) S Y=Y_U_$S(+DG70:+DG70,1:"") ;--discharge specilaty (5) S Y=Y_U_$S($P(DG70,U,2):$P(^DIC(42.4,$P(DG70,U,2),0),U),1:""),X=$P(DG70,U,3) ;--type of disposition (6) S Y=Y_U_$S(X:$P($P($P(^DD(45,72,0),U,3),";",X),":",2),1:"") S X=$P(DG70,U,14) ;--discharge status (7) S Y=Y_U_$S(X:$P($P($P(^DD(45,72.1,0),U,3),";",X),":",2),1:"") S X=$P(DG70,U,4) ;--outpatient treatment (8) S Y=Y_U_$S(X=1:"YES",1:"NO") ;-- ASIH days (9) S Y=Y_U_$S($P(DG70,U,8)]"":$P(DG70,U,8),1:"") S X=$P(DG70,U,9) ;-- C&P Status (10) S Y=Y_U_$S(X:$P($P($P(^DD(45,78,0),U,3),";",X),":",2),1:"") ;-- VA Auspices (11) S Y=Y_U_$S($P(DG70,U,5)=1:"YES",1:"NO") ;-- income (12) S DGINC=$P($G(^DGPT(DGPTF,101)),U,7) S Y=Y_U_$S(DGINC]"":DGINC,1:"") ; ;-- check for ICD codes (13-22) F I=10,15:1:24 D . S Y=Y_U_$S($P(DG70,U,I):$P(^ICD9($P(DG70,U,I),0),U),1:"") ; ;-- check for 300 node information (23-28) S X=$G(^DGPT(DGPTF,300)) S Y=Y_U_$$AR300(X),SEQ=SEQ+1,@REF@(SEQ,0)=Y ; ;-- update S $P(^DGP(45.62,DGTMP,100,0),U,3,4)=SEQ_U_SEQ ; Q ; AR300(N300) ;-- load 300 node information ; INPUT N300 - Contains 300 node ; OUTPUT - Load display array ; N Y,X ;-- suicide indicator S Y=$S($P(N300,U,2)=1:"Attempted",$P(N300,U,2)=2:"Accomplished",1:"")_U ;-- legionnaire's S Y=Y_$S($P(N300,U,3)=1:"YES",1:"NO")_U ;-- abused substance S Y=Y_$S($P(N300,U,4):$P($G(^DIC(45.61,$P(N300,U,4),0)),U),1:"")_U ;-- psych class severity I $P(N300,U,5)]"" D . S X=$P(N300,U,5) . S Y=Y_$S(X]"":$P($P($P(^DD(45.02,300.05,0),U,3),";",X),":",2),1:"")_U I $P(N300,U,5)="" S Y=Y_U ;-- current func assessment S Y=Y_$S($P(N300,U,6):$P(N300,U,6),1:"")_U ;-- high level psych class S Y=Y_$S($P(N300,U,7):$P(N300,U,7),1:"")_U Q Y ;