DGPTAPP ;MTC/ALB - PTF Purge Utilities; 10-14-92 ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ; PUR ;-- entry point from protocol 'DGPT A/P PURGE' N DGTMP ; ;-- get template to purge D SEL^VALM2 I '$D(VALMY) G PURQ S DGTMP=$O(^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST","REC",+$O(VALMY(0)),0)) ;--if data has not been archived quit I '$P($G(^DGP(45.62,+DGTMP,0)),U,4) W !,*7,">>> Data Must be Archived before Purge..." H 2 G PURQ ;--if data has been already purged quit I $P($G(^DGP(45.62,+DGTMP,0)),U,7) W !,*7,">>> Data Already Purged..." H 2 G PURQ ; ;-- perfrom purge I $$WARNING D . D PURGE^DGPTAPP1(DGTMP) . ;-- update history file . D ADDPUR(DGTMP) ; PURQ Q ; PUREX ;-- exit point from protocol 'DGPT A/P PURGE' D TMPINT^DGPTLMU2 S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ADDPUR(TEMP) ;-- This function will add PURGE date, user and status ; ; INPUT : TEMP - IFN of the History File to update ; I '$D(^DGP(45.62,TEMP,0)) G ADDPURQ W !,">>> Adding Purge data to PTF Archive/Purge History entry." W !," Deleting Archive Data..." H 2 S DA=TEMP,DIE="^DGP(45.62,",DR=".05////^S X=DUZ;.06///NOW;.07///1;100///@" D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA ADDPURQ Q ; WARNING() ; This function will display a warning to the user before the ; purge of the data will occur. A '1' will be returned if the purge ; should continue. ; OUTPUT : 1 - DO NOT CONTINUE ; 0 - OK W !,*7,"This option will permanently purge data from the Data Base." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure that you want to continue ",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR Q $S(Y:1,1:0) ;