DGPTCO2 ;ALB/MJK - Census Status Report ; 15 APR 90 ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ; DIV ; -- ask for div to print K DGCHOICE("DIV") I $D(^DG(43,1,"GL")),'$P(^("GL"),U,2) S DGCHOICE("DIV")=1 G DIVQ S DIC="^DG(40.8,",VAUTNI=2,VAUTSTR="division",VAUTVB="DGCHOICE(""DIV"")" D FIRST^VAUTOMA,CHK:Y=-1 DIVQ Q ; CHK ; -- ask how far to ^ out I DGCHOICE("DIV")=0,'$O(DGCHOICE("DIV",0)) G CHK1 ASK W !!,"Continue using your selection(s)" S %=2 D YN^DICN G CHKQ:%=1 I '% W !?5,"Answer 'YES' to use selections you made or 'NO' to stop process." G ASK CHK1 K DGCHOICE("DIV") CHKQ Q ; STATUS ; -- ask for status to print K DGCHOICE("STATUS") S DIR(0)="SA^0:Open;1:Closed;2:Released;3:Transmitted;9:All",DIR("A")="Census Status: ",DIR("B")="All" S DIR("?",1)="Select one of the following:" S DIR("?",2)=" 0 - for only 'Open' records" S DIR("?",3)=" 1 - for only 'Closed' records" S DIR("?",4)=" 2 - for only 'Released' records" S DIR("?",5)=" 3 - for only 'Transmitted' records" S DIR("?")=" OR 9 - to select ALL statuses" W ! D ^DIR G STATUSQ:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S DGCHOICE("STATUS")=$P($P(DIR(0),Y_":",2),";") STATUSQ K DIR Q ;