DGPTFVC2 ;ALB/MJK - Expanded PTF Close-Out Edits ; Jul 20 88 ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ;called from Q+2^DGPTFTR ; input : PTF ; output: DGERR DGERR := 1 if record fails to pass a check ; DGERR := "" if record passes all checks EN ; Q:'$D(PTF) ; -- count mvts S DGMAX=25,DGERR="" N C,DGM,I,Y F DGM=501,535 S Y=PTF D @DGM I C>DGMAX S DGERR=1 W !,DGM," There are '",C,"' ",DGM," movements but only '",DGMAX,"' can be sent to Austin." I DGERR W !," *** Contact PTF supervisor ***" G ENQ ; -- check proc/surg dates G ENQ:T1 S DGDCDT=+$S($D(^DGPT(PTF,70)):^(70),1:"") F DGM="P","S" F I=0:0 S I=$O(^DGPT(PTF,DGM,I)) Q:'I I $D(^(I,0)),+^(0)>DGDCDT S Y=^(0) D ERROR ENQ K DGMAX,DGDCDT Q ; ERROR ; S:'$D(^UTILITY("DG",$J,$S(DGM="P":601,1:401),I)) ^(I)="^" S X=^(I) S:X'["^1^" ^(I)=X_"1^" S DGERR=1,Y=+Y X ^DD("DD") W !,">>>> ",$S(DGM="P":"Procedure",1:"Surgery")," date/time of '",Y,"' is after the discharge date." ; LINES ; -- count the number of lines to be xmited for PTF rec ; input : Y := ifn of ^DGPT ; output: X := line count ; N NODE,C S X=2 D 501 S X=X+C D 535 S X=X+C F NODE="P","S" F %=0:0 S %=$O(^DGPT(Y,NODE,%)) Q:'% I $D(^(%,0)),+^(0)'T2 S X=X+1 Q ; 501 ; -- count 501 mvts to xmit ; input : Y := IFN ; DGMTY := indicates entering from flag option [optional] ; output: C := # of entries ; N Z,D S C=1 ; always one 501 ; count & check if between date range & ok to xmit F %=1:0 S %=$O(^DGPT(Y,"M",%)) Q:'% S C=C+1 I '$D(DGMTY),$D(^(%,0)) S Z=^(0),D=$P(Z,U,10) I DT2)!($P(Z,U,17)="n") S C=C-1 Q ; 535 ; -- count 535 mvts to xmit ; input : Y := IFN ; DGMTY := indicates entering from flag option [optional] ; output: C := # of entries ; N Z,D S C=0 ; count & check if between date range & ok to xmit & not a 501 on date F %=0:0 S %=$O(^DGPT(Y,535,%)) Q:'% S C=C+1 I '$D(DGMTY),$D(^(%,0)) S Z=^(0),D=$P(Z,U,10) I 'D!(DT2)!($P(Z,U,17)="n")!($D(^DGPT(Y,"M","AM",+D))) S C=C-1 Q ;