DGPTLMU2 ;ALM/MTC - Util used for the List Manager Cont; 9-22-92 ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ; EN ;-- entry point D EN^VALM("DGPT A/P MAIN SELECT") Q ; TMPBYE ;-- exit code called from list template K ^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST") D CLEAR^VALM1 Q ; TMPINT ;-- list manager init point K ^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST") S VALMCNT=$$TMPBLD() Q ; TMPEXIT ;-- This fuction will be used to rebuild the the list D TMPINT S VALMBCK="R" Q ; TMPBLD() ;-- This function will take the entries in from file 45.62 ; and build the display and index array. ; OUTPUT - total number of entries ; ; Format of display string: ; < date range> N NUMREC,REC,DGX,DGY S NUMREC=0 ;-- get a/p entry S DGX="" F S DGX=$O(^DGP(45.62,"B",DGX)) Q:DGX']"" D . S DGY=$O(^DGP(45.62,"B",DGX,0)),NUMREC=NUMREC+1,X="" . S X=$$BLDDIS(DGY) . S X=$$SETSTR^VALM1(NUMREC,X,6,2) . S ^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST",NUMREC,0)=X . S ^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST","IDX",NUMREC,NUMREC)="" . S ^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST","REC",NUMREC,DGY)="" TMPQ Q NUMREC ; TMPDEL ;-- tag entries to delete entry in file 45.62. N DGX D SEL^VALM2 I '$D(VALMY) G TMPDELQ W !,"Deleting PTF Archive/Purge History entry." H 1 S DGX=$O(^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST","REC",+$O(VALMY(0)),0)) S DIK="^DIBT(",DA=$P(^DGP(45.62,DGX,0),U,8) D ^DIK K DA,DIK S DIK="^DGP(45.62,",DA=DGX D ^DIK K DA,DIK TMPDELQ Q ; TMPADD ;-- build new entry in 45.62. D CRTEMP^DGPTAPSL Q ; TMPED ;-- edit PTF A/P Template N DGX,DGTMP D SEL^VALM2 I '$D(VALMY) G TMPEDQ S DGTMP=$O(^TMP("ARCPTF",$J,"AP LIST","REC",+$O(VALMY(0)),0)) ;-- if data is purged quit I $P($G(^DGP(45.62,+DGTMP,0)),U,7) W !,*7,">>> Data Already Purged...Cannot Edit Template." G TMPEDQ D EN^VALM("DGPT A/P EDIT TEMPLATE") TMPEDQ Q ; BLDDIS(DGTMP) ; -- This function will build the entry for the display ; array used for the List Manager. ; INPUT : DGTMP ; OUTPUT: - N X S X="",X=$$SETSTR^VALM1($$FTIME^VALM1($P(^DGP(45.62,DGTMP,0),U,10))_" thru "_$$FTIME^VALM1($P(^DGP(45.62,DGTMP,0),U,11)),X,8,30) S X=$$SETSTR^VALM1($J($P(^DGP(45.62,DGTMP,0),U,9),10),X,45,10) S Y=$$STATUS(DGTMP) S X=$$SETSTR^VALM1($S(Y="P":"PURGED",Y="A":"ARCHIVED",1:"ACTIVE"),X,65,10) Q $$LOWER^VALM1(X) ; STATUS(REC) ;-- This function will return the currect status of the PTF ; A/P template. If the record has been Archived & Purged the 'P' will ; be returned if just Archived then 'A' else "" ; ; INPUT : REC - IFN of the record to check ; OUTPUT : "A" - Archived, "P" - Purged, or "" N X S X=$G(^DGP(45.62,REC,0)) G:X']"" STATQ STATQ Q $S($P(X,U,7):"P",$P(X,U,4):"A",1:"") ;