DGPTMOVE ;ALB/JDS - MOVE DRG FY DATA TO UPPER LEVEL ; 26 AUG 84 14:15 ;;5.3;Registration;**78,158,178,256**;Aug 13, 1993 ; EN F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(TEXT+I),";;",2) Q:X="END" W !,X S DGFLAG=0 D WHICH I 'DGFLAG D FY I 'DGFLAG D SET Q K DGFLAG,DGFY,DGFY2K,DGWHICH,I,X Q ; ; WHICH ; select which option (local or all) N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="SM^A:ALL;L:LOCAL",DIR("A")="Copy which trim values" S DIR("?",1)="Enter LOCAL if you want to use the local and national trim" S DIR("?",2)="values from last year until new trim values are offically" S DIR("?",3)="released. This will copy the local and national trim" S DIR("?",4)="values into the next fiscal year. It will also copy the" S DIR("?",5)="local trim values to the upper level of the DRG file for" S DIR("?",6)="use on the <701> screen and in the DRG Calculation option." S DIR("?",7)=" " S DIR("?",8)="Choose ALL if local and national trim values have already" S DIR("?",9)="been entered for the current fiscal year and you wish to" S DIR("?",10)="copy those figures to the upper level of the DRG file for" S DIR("?",11)="use on the <701> screen and in the DRG Calculation option." S DIR("?",12)=" " S DIR("?")="Choose L LOCAL or A for ALL." D ^DIR S DGWHICH=Y I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIRUT)!$D(DIROUT) S DGFLAG=1 Q Q ; ; FY ; select fiscal year to copy from N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="F^2:2^I X'?2N K X",DIR("A")="Enter FISCAL YEAR to copy data from" S DIR("?",1)="Enter the fiscal year from which you want to copy the trim" S DIR("?",2)="values. The values you selected will be copied from this" S DIR("?",3)="year to the upper level of the file." I DGWHICH="L" D . S DIR("?",3)=DIR("?",3)_" It will also copy" . S DIR("?",4)="all trim data (local and national) to the fiscal year" . S DIR("?",5)="following the year you select." . S DIR("?",6)=" " E D . S DIR("?",4)=" " S DIR("?")="Enter the fiscal year as NN (ex: '94' for fiscal year 1994)." D ^DIR S DGFY=Y I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIRUT)!$D(DIROUT) S DGFLAG=1 Q S DGFY2K=$$DGY2K^DGPTOD0(DGFY) I '$D(^ICD("AFY",DGFY2K)) W !!,"No information has been entered yet for the selected fiscal year.",*7,! G FY Q ; ; SET ; set values into upper level and next fiscal year N I,MULT,NODE,UPPER,Y S Y=DGFY2K X ^DD("DD") W !!,"Copying WWU, ALOS, high trims, and low trims from FY",Y," to upper level of file." I DGWHICH="L" D .W !,"Also copying values from FY",Y," multiple to FY" .S Y=DGFY2K+10000 X ^DD("DD") W Y," multiple." W ".." W ! F I=0:0 S I=$O(^ICD(I)) Q:I'>0 I $D(^ICD(I,"FY",DGFY2K,0)) D . N NODE,MULT,UPPER . S NODE=$G(^ICD(I,0)),MULT=$G(^ICD(I,"FY",DGFY2K,0)) . S $P(NODE,"^",15)="",$P(MULT,"^",15)="" ; ensures '^'s out to end of node . I DGWHICH="A" D . . S UPPER=$P(NODE,U,1)_U_$P(MULT,U,2,4)_U_$P(NODE,U,5,6)_U_$P(MULT,U,8,9)_U_$P(MULT,U,6,7)_U_$P(MULT,U,10)_U_$P(NODE,U,12) . I DGWHICH="L" D . . S UPPER=NODE . . S $P(UPPER,"^",9)=$P(MULT,"^",6),$P(UPPER,"^",10)=$P(MULT,"^",7) ; sets local figures into upper level . . S ^ICD(I,"FY",DGFY2K+10000,0)=(DGFY2K+10000)_"^"_$P(MULT,"^",2,10) . S ^ICD(I,0)=UPPER . W "." W !!?17,"****** COPY COMPLETED ******",!! Q ; ; TEXT ; ;;This option is used to copy values from the FISCAL YEAR WEIGHTS&TRIMS ;;multiple of the DRG File for display purposes on the <701> screen and ;;in the DRG Calculation option and for the processing of the DRG Reports. ;; ;;Values are copied to the upper level of the DRG File for display purposes ;;and may also be copied from a fiscal year to the next fiscal year to ;;temporarily use a prior fiscal year's values until the current fiscal ;;year's values are available. ;; ;;Local values must previously have been entered into the DRG File through ;;the use of the 'Trim Point Entry' option. ;; ;; ;;END