DGREG ;ALB/JDS,MRL/PJR/PHH-REGISTER PATIENT ;1/27/07 13:08 ;;5.3;Registration;**1,32,108,147,149,182,245,250,513,425,533,574,563,624,658,634**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 28 ; Modified from FOIA VISTA, ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; START ; EN D LO^DGUTL S DGCLPR="" N DGDIV S DGDIV=$$PRIM^VASITE S:DGDIV %ZIS("B")=$P($G(^DG(40.8,+DGDIV,"DEV")),U,1) I $P(^DG(43,1,0),U,39) S %ZIS="NQ",%ZIS("A")="Select 1010 printer: " D ^%ZIS Q:POP S (DGIO(10),DGIO("PRF"),DGIO("RT"),DGIO("HS"))=ION,DGASKDEV="" I $E(IOST,1,2)'["P-" W !,$C(7),"Not a printer" G DGREG K %ZIS("B") I '$D(DGIO),$P(^DG(43,1,0),U,30) S %ZIS="N",IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS I $D(IOS),IOS,$D(^%ZIS(1,+IOS,99)),$D(^%ZIS(1,+^(99),0)) S Y=$P(^(0),U,1) W !,"Using closest printer ",Y,! F I=10,"PRF","RT","HS" S DGIO(I)=Y A D ENDREG($G(DFN)) ; ; ** VOE change 1 of 4: DAOU/WCJ 2/1/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 1/5/2006 ** ; ; if not VA agency code, add DIC("DR") to default some identifiers and ; skip others also, improve readability ; ; before change: ; W !! S DIC=2,DIC(0)="ALEQM",DLAYGO=2 K DIC("S"),DIC("B") D ^DIC K DLAYGO G Q1:Y<0 S (DFN,DA)=+Y,DGNEW=$P(Y,"^",3) N Y D PAUSE^DG10 D BEGINREG(DFN) I DGNEW D NEW^DGRP ; ; after change: W !! N Y,DGREGY S DGREGY=1 D I DGREGY<0 G Q1 . N DIC S DIC=2 ; Patient file . S DIC(0)="ALEQM" ; ask, laygo, echo, question, and multi-index . N DLAYGO S DLAYGO=2 ; override file access by user: allow laygo . I $G(DUZ("AG"))'="V" D ;adjust identifiers asked for VOE . . S DIC("DR")=".02;.03;994;.301///N;391///VISTA OFFICE EHR;1901///N;.09" . ; . D ^DIC ; Select Patient . ; . I Y<0 S DGREGY=-1 Q . K DIC("DR") . S (DFN,DA)=+Y . S DGNEW=$P(Y,"^",3) ; new patient? . N Y D PAUSE^DG10 ; prompt user before continuing . D BEGINREG(DFN) ; lock patient record ; ; ** end of VOE change 1 ** ; ;; ask to continue if patient died - DG*5.3*563 - pjr 10/12/04 S DOD="" I $G(DFN) S DOD=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),"^",1) I DOD S Y=DOD,DGPME=0 D DIED^DGPMV I DGPME K DFN,DGRPOUT G A ; D CIRN ; ; ** VOE change 2 of 4: DAOU/WCJ 2/1/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 1/5/2006 ** ; I $G(DGNEW) D NEW^DGRP ; execute new patient DR string ; ; send CMOR query and display results only if VA agency code ; ; before change: ; I +$G(DGNEW) D ; ; after change: I $G(DGNEW),$G(DUZ("AG"))="V" D . ; . ; end of change . ; . ; query CMOR for Patient Record Flag Assignments if NEW patient and . ; display results. . I $$PRFQRY^DGPFAPI(DFN) D DISPPRF^DGPFAPI(DFN) ; ; before change: ; D ROMQRY ; ; after change: I $G(DUZ("AG"))="V" D ROMQRY ; ; ** end of VOE change 2 ** ; S (DGFC,CURR)=0 D:'$G(DGNEW) WARN S DA=DFN,DGFC="^1",VET=$S($D(^DPT(DFN,"VET")):^("VET")'="Y",1:0) S %ZIS="N",IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS S DGELVER=0 D EN^DGRPD I $D(DGRPOUT) D ENDREG($G(DFN)) D HL7A08^VAFCDD01 K DFN,DGRPOUT G A D HINQ^DG10 I $D(^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")) I ^("UP") D ADM^RTQ3 ; ; ** VOE change 3 of 4: DAOU/WCJ 2/1/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 1/5/2006 ** ; ; send financial query only for VA agency code ; ; before change: ; D REG^IVMCQ($G(DFN)) ; send financial query ; ; after change: I $G(DUZ("AG"))="V" D REG^IVMCQ($G(DFN)) ; send financial query ; ; ** end of VOE change 3 ** ; G A1 ; RT I $D(^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")) I ^("UP") S $P(DGFC,U,1)=DIV D ADM^RTQ3 Q ; A1 W !,"Do you want to ",$S(DGNEW:"enter",1:"edit")," Patient Data" S %=1 D YN^DICN D G H:'%,CK:%'=1 S DGRPV=0 D EN1^DGRP G Q:'$D(DA) .I +$G(DGNEW) Q .I $$ADD^DGADDUTL($G(DFN)) ; G CH PR W !!,"Is the patient currently being followed in a clinic for the same condition" S %=0 D YN^DICN G Q:%=-1 I '% W !?4,$C(7),"Enter 'Y' if the patient is being followed in clinic for condition for which",!?6,"registered, 'N' if not." G PR S CURR=% G SEEN ; CK S DGEDCN=1 D ^DGRPC CH S X=$S('$D(^DPT(DFN,.36)):1,$P(^(.36),"^",1)']"":1,1:0),X1=$S('$D(^DPT(DFN,.32)):1,$P(^(.32),"^",3)']"":1,1:0) I 'X,'X1 G CH1 CH1 S DA=DFN G PR:'$D(^DPT("ADA",1,DA)) W !!,"There is still an open disposition--register aborted.",$C(7),$C(7) G Q SEEN W !!,"Is the patient to be examined in the medical center today" S %=1 D YN^DICN S SEEN=% G:%<0 Q I %'>0 W !!,"Enter 'Y' if the patient is to be examined today, 'N' if not.",$C(7) G SEEN ABIL D ^DGREGG ENR ; next line appears to be dead code. left commented just to test. mli 4/28/94 ;S DE=0 F I=0:0 S I=$O(^DPT(DA,"DE",I)) Q:'I I $P(^(I,0),"^",3)'?7N Q D PR:'DE S L=+$P($S($D(^SC(L,0)):^(0),1:""),"^",1) REG S (DIE,DIC)="^DPT("_DFN_",""DIS"",",%DT="PTEX",%DT("A")="Registration login date/time: NOW// " W !,%DT("A") R ANS:DTIME S:'$T ANS="^" S:ANS="" ANS="N" S X=ANS G Q:ANS="^" S DA(1)=DFN D CHK^DIE(2.101,.01,"E",X,.RESULT) G REG:RESULT="^"!('$D(RESULT)),PR3:'(RESULT#1) S Y=RESULT I (RESULT'="^") W " ("_RESULT(0)_")" S DINUM=9999999-RESULT S (DFN1,Y1)=DINUM,APD=Y I $D(^DPT(DFN,"DIS",Y1)) W !!,"You must enter a date that does not exist.",$C(7),$C(7) G REG G:$D(^DPT("ADA",1,DA)) CH1 L @(DIE_DINUM_")"):2 G:'$T MSG S:'($D(^DPT(DA(1),"DIS",0))#2) ^(0)="^2.101D^^" S DIC(0)="L",X=+Y D ^DIC ; ;SAVE OFF DATE/TIME OF REGISTRATION FOR HL7 V2.3 MESSAGING, IN VAFCDDT S VAFCDDT=X ; S DA=DFN1,DIE("NO^")="",DA(1)=DFN,DP=2.101,DR="1///"_$S(SEEN=2:2,CURR=1:1,1:0)_";Q;2"_$S(CURR=1:"///3",1:"")_";2.1;3//"_$S($P(^DG(43,1,"GL"),"^",2):"",1:"/")_$S($D(^DG(40.8,+$P(^DG(43,1,"GL"),"^",3),0)):$P(^(0),"^",1),1:"")_";4////"_DUZ ; ; ** VOE change 4 of 4: DAOU/JLG 2/7/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 1/5/2006 ** ; ; for VOE or IHS agency codes, add the following: ; force TYPE OF CARE with ALL OTHER ; I $G(DUZ("AG"))="E"!($G(DUZ("AG"))="I") D . S DR="1///"_$S(SEEN=2:2,CURR=1:1,1:0)_";Q;2"_$S(CURR=1:"///3",1:"")_";2.1///5;3//"_$S($P(^DG(43,1,"GL"),"^",2):"",1:"/")_$S($D(^DG(40.8,+$P(^DG(43,1,"GL"),"^",3),0)):$P(^(0),"^",1),1:"")_";4////"_DUZ ; ; ** end of VOE change 4 ** ; D EL K DIC("A") N DGNDLOCK S DGNDLOCK=DIE_DFN1_")" L +@DGNDLOCK:2 G:'$T MSG D ^DIE L -@DGNDLOCK I $D(DTOUT) D G Q .K DTOUT .N DA,DIK .S DA(1)=DFN,DA=DFN1,DIK="^DPT("_DFN_",""DIS""," .D ^DIK .W !!?5,"User Time-out. Required registration data could be missing." .W !,?5,"This registration has been deleted." ; check whether facility applying to (division) is inactive I '$$DIVCHK^DGREGFAC(DFN,DFN1) G CONT ASKDIV W !!?5,"The facility chosen either has no pointer to an Institution" W !?5,"file record or the Institution file record is inactive." W !?5,"Please choose another division." S DA=DFN1,DIE("NO^")="",DA(1)=DFN,DP=2.101,DR="3" D ^DIE I $$DIVCHK^DGREGFAC(DFN,DFN1) G ASKDIV CONT ; continue S DGXXXD=1 D EL^DGREGE I $P(^DPT(DFN,"DIS",DFN1,0),"^",3)=4 S DA=DFN,DIE="^DPT(",DR=".368;.369" D ^DIE S DIE="^DPT("_DFN_",""DIS"",",DA(1)=DFN,DA=DFN1 S DA=DFN,DR="[DGREG]",DIE="^DPT(" D ^DIE K DIE("NO^") I $D(^DPT(DFN,"DIS",DFN1,2)),$P(^(2),"^",1)="Y" S DIE="^DPT(",DR="[DG EMPLOYER]",DA=DFN D ^DIE G ^DGREG0 PR2 W !!,"You can only enter new registrations through this option.",$C(7),$C(7) G REG PR3 W !!,"Time is required to register the patient.",!!,$C(7),$C(7) G REG H W !?5,"Enter 'YES' to enter/edit registration data or 'NO' to continue." G A1 Q K DG,DQ G Q1^DGREG0 Q1 K DGIO,DGASKDEV,DGFC,DGCLRP,CURR,DGELVER,DGNEW Q EL S DR=DR_";13//" I $D(^DPT(DFN,.36)),$D(^DIC(8,+^(.36),0)) S DR=DR_$P(^(0),"^",1) Q S DR=DR_"HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCY" Q FEE S DGRPFEE=1 D DGREG K DGRPFEE G Q1 ; WARN I $S('$D(^DPT(DFN,.1)):0,$P(^(.1),"^",1)']"":0,1:1) W !,$C(7),"***PATIENT IS CURRENTLY AN INPATIENT***",! H 2 I $S('$D(^DPT(DFN,.107)):0,$P(^(.107),"^",1)']"":0,1:1) W !,$C(7),"***PATIENT IS CURRENTLY A LODGER***",! H 2 Q MSG W !,"Another user is editing, try later ..." G Q ; BEGINREG(DFN) ; ;Description: This is called at the beginning of the registration process. ;Concurrent processes can check the lock to determine if the patient is ;currently being registered. ; Q:'$G(DFN) 0 I $$QRY^DGENQRY(DFN) W !!,"Enrollment/Eligibility Query sent ...",!! L +^TMP(DFN,"REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS"):1 I $$LOCK^DGENPTA1(DFN) ;try to lock the patient record Q ; ENDREG(DFN) ; ;Description: releases the lock obtained by calling BEGINREG. ; Q:'$G(DFN) L -^TMP(DFN,"REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS") D UNLOCK^DGENPTA1(DFN) Q ; IFREG(DFN) ; ;Description: tests whether the lock set by BEGINREG is set ; ;Input: DFN ;Output: ; Function Value = 1 if lock is set, 0 otherwise ; N RETURN Q:'$G(DFN) 0 L +^TMP(DFN,"REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS"):1 S RETURN='$T L -^TMP(DFN,"REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS") Q RETURN Q CIRN ;MPI QUERY ;check to see if CIRN PD/MPI is installed N X S X="MPIFAPI" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") Q:'$T K MPIFRTN D MPIQ^MPIFAPI(DFN) K MPIFRTN Q ROMQRY ; I +$G(DGNEW) D . ; query LST for Patient Demographic Information if NEW patient and . ; file into patient's record. . N A . I $$ROMQRY^DGROAPI(DFN) D . . ;display busy message to interactive users . .S DGMSG(1)="Data retrieval from LST site has been completed successfully" . .S DGMSG(2)="Thank you for your patience." . .D EN^DDIOL(.DGMSG) R A:5 . E D . . ;display busy message to interactive users . .S DGMSG(1)="Data retrieval from LST site has not been successful." . .S DGMSG(2)="Please continue the Registration Process." . .D EN^DDIOL(.DGMSG) R A:5 . ; Q