DGROAPI ;DJH/AMA - ROM EXTERNAL USER INTERFACE APIs ; 27 Apr 2004 4:42 PM ;;5.3;Registration;**533,572**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ;This routine contains API entry points that are used by packages ;and modules that are external to the Register Once module. ; Q ;no direct entry ; ROMQRY(DGDFN) ;query the LST for all patient demographic data ;This function queries a given patient's Last Site Treated (LST) ;site to retrieve all patient demographic data for the patient. ;The function will only succeed when the QRY HL7 interface is ;enabled, the patient has a national Integrated Control Number ;(ICN), the patient's LST is not the local site and the HL7 query ;receives an ACK from the LST site. ; ; Input: ; DGDFN - pointer to patient in PATIENT (#2) file ; ; Output: ; Function value - 1 on success, 0 on failure ; N DGRSLT,STRTIME,ENDTIME,ELAPTIME S STRTIME=$P($H,",",2) ; S DGRSLT=$$SNDQRY^DGROHLS(DGDFN) S ENDTIME=$P($H,",",2) S ELAPTIME=ENDTIME-STRTIME I DGRSLT=0&(ELAPTIME>59) D . S DGMSG(1)=" " . S DGMSG(2)="The connection to the Last Site Treated failed and timed out." . S DGMSG(3)="Please continue with registration." . S DGMSG(4)=" " . D EN^DDIOL(.DGMSG) ; I DGRSLT D . N ZTSAVE,A,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTDTH,DGMSG . ;Invoke IB Insurance Query (Patch IB*2.0*214) . S ZTSAVE("IBTYPE")=1,ZTSAVE("DFN")=DGDFN,ZTSAVE("IBDUZ")=$G(DUZ) . S ZTRTN="BACKGND^IBCNRDV" . S ZTDTH=$H . S ZTDESC="IBCN INSURANCE QUERY TASK" . S ZTIO="" . D ^%ZTLOAD . ;display busy message to interactive users . S DGMSG(2)="Insurance data retrieval has been initiated." . S DGMSG(3)=" " . D EN^DDIOL(.DGMSG) R A:5 Q DGRSLT ;