DGRPCF ;ALB/MRL,BAJ - CONSISTENCY OF PATIENT DATA (FILE/EDIT) ;Nov 2, 2005 ;;5.3;Registration;**250,653**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 2 ; ; file new inconsistencies or update file entries for patient ; ; DGCT = count of inconsistencies found (passed in from checker) ; DGCT1= count of inconsistencies which can't be edited because ; user does not hold appropriate key ; DGCT2= count of already filed inconsistencies ; DGCT3= count of inconsistencies which are uneditable through ; checker options ; ; ; EN I '$D(DGCT) G KVAR^DGRPCE ; DG*5.3*653 BAJ modified to delete only inconsistencies numbered 99 or less I 'DGCT,$O(^DGIN(38.5,DFN,"I",""),-1)>99 D DELETE G KVAR^DGRPCE S DGEDCN=+$G(DGEDCN),DGRPOUT=+$G(DGRPOUT),DGCON=1 D:DGEDCN START^DGRPC I 'DGCT D ^DGRPCF1,TIMEQ^DGRPC G KVAR^DGRPCE S:'$D(^DGIN(38.5,DFN,0)) ^(0)=DFN_"^"_DT_"^"_$S(('$D(DUZ)#2):"",1:DUZ) S X=$P(^(0),"^",4),^DGIN(38.5,DFN,0)=$P(^(0),"^",1,3)_"^"_DT_"^"_$S(('$D(DUZ)#2):"",1:DUZ)_"^"_$P(^(0),"^",6) K ^DGIN(38.5,"AC",9999999-X,DFN) S ^DGIN(38.5,"B",DFN,DFN)="",^DGIN(38.5,"AC",9999999-DT,DFN)="",^DGIN(38.5,0)=$P(^DGIN(38.5,0),"^",1,2)_"^"_DFN_"^"_($P(^(0),"^",4)+1) I $D(^DGIN(38.5,DFN,"I")) D DELETE S DGD2=0 F DGD=1:1 S DGD1=$P(DGER,",",DGD) Q:DGD1="" I $D(^DGIN(38.6,DGD1,0)) S DGD2=DGD1 S ^DGIN(38.5,DFN,"I",DGD1,0)=DGD1 S ^DGIN(38.5,DFN,"I",0)="^38.51PA^"_DGD2_"^"_DGCT I DGCT,DGEDCN G DIS G KVAR^DGRPCE ; DIS D TIME^DGRPC S DGRPE=$S($D(DGRPE):DGRPE+1,1:0) D KEY S IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS K IOP W @IOF,! D DEM^VADPT W VADM(1)," (",$P(VADM(2),"^",2),")",?65,$P(VADM(3),"^",2) S X="",$P(X,"=",79)="" W !,X S (C,DGCT1,DGCT2,DGCT3)=0,DGEDIT="0000000011111110011111113333222223313333332222220030000" F I=1:1 S J=$P(DGER,",",I) Q:J="" I $D(^DGIN(38.6,J,0)) S X2=$P(^(0),"^",1) D WRIT I DGCT1!DGCT3 W ! D NOEDIT S DGINC55=$S(DGER'[55:0,($G(DGRPVV(9))'["0"):0,1:1) EDIT G:DGRPOUT BUL I DGCT1+DGCT3'=DGCT W !!,"DO YOU WANT TO UPDATE THESE INCONSISTENCIES NOW" S %=1 D YN^DICN I %=1 D G ^DGRPC . S DGINC55=$S(DGER'[55:0,($G(DGRPVV(9))'["0"):0,1:1) . L +^DPT(DFN):3 E W *7,!!,"Patient is being edited. Try again later." S DGEDCN=0 Q . D ^DGRPCE . L -^DPT(DFN) . S DGEDCN=1 I $S(($G(DGRETURN)>10):0,$G(DGINC55):1,1:0) D .N DIR .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to return to Screen #9 to enter missing Income Data? ",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR .S:Y>0 DGRPV=0 .S:Y>0 DGRETURN=$G(DGRETURN)+1 I $S($G(Y)'>0:0,(DGRETURN>11):0,1:1) D ^DGRPV G ^DGRP9 I DGCT1+DGCT3'=DGCT,'% W !!?4,"YES - To correct inconsistencies to unrestricted fields immediately.",!?4,"NO - To abort this process immediately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elete all Registration inconsistencies from INCONSISTENT DATA file (#38.5). ; ; N RULE,DIK,DA ; S RULE=0,DA="" S DIK="^DGIN(38.5,"_DFN_","_"""I"""_"," F S RULE=$O(^DGIN(38.5,DFN,"I",RULE)) Q:RULE="" Q:RULE>99 S DA=RULE D ^DIK Q ; NOEDIT ; write explanation of non-editable items I DGCT1 W !,"You will not be able to edit inconsistencies followed by an asterisk [*]",!,"as you do not hold the appropriate ""DG ELIGIBILITY"" security key." I DGCT3 W !,"Inconsistencies followed by two (2) asterisks [**] must be corrected by",!,"using the appropriate MAS menu option(s)." I DGCT1+DGCT3'=DGCT W !!,"All items not followed by an asterisk can be edited at this time. If these",!,"items are not corrected at this time, a bulletin will be sent to the",!,"appropriate hospital personnel." ;;QUIT