DGRPCP ;ALB/MRL/BAJ - CONSISTENCY PRINT ; OCT 25, 2005 ;;5.3;Registration;**653**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 2 ; ;DG*5.3*653 BAJ 10/25/2005 ;modified code to prompt for and process inconsistencies found during Z07 build ;Also modified format of report. Changed to print inconsistency descriptions instead ;of numbers. See DGRPCP1 for detail. ; ; D ON^DGRPC G Q^DGRPCP1:DGER 1 K ^UTILITY($J) D DT^DICRW S Z="^" W !!,"Generate a listing of inconsistent data elements by:",! F I=1:1:3 S J=$P($T(T+I),";;",2),Z=Z_$P(J,"^",1)_"^" W !?4,$P(J,"^",1) R !!,"CHOOSE OUTPUT METHOD OR ENTER '^' TO QUIT: ",X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" D IN^DGHELP G Q^DGRPCP1:X["^"!(X']"") I %=-1 W !!,"The available choices are:",! X "F I=1:1:3 S J=$P($T(T+I),"";;"",2) W !,$P(J,""^"",1),"" - "",$P(J,""^"",2)" G 1 S DGHOW=X_"^"_$S(X="A":"ADMISSION",X="R":"REGISTRATION",1:"IDENTIFICATION")_" DATE" D W !! S %DT="EAX",%DT(0)=-DT,%DT("A")="Start with "_$P(DGHOW,"^",2)_": " D ^%DT G Q^DGRPCP1:Y'>0 S DGFRD=Y S Y=DGFRD X ^DD("DD") S %DT("A")=" Go To "_$P(DGHOW,"^",2)_": "_Y_"// " D ^%DT I X']"" S DGTOD=DGFRD_".9999" G H G Q^DGRPCP1:Y'>0 S DGTOD=Y_".9999" I DGFRD>DGTOD W !?4,"TO DATE CAN'T BE BEFORE FROM DATE!!",*7 G D H K %DT S Z="^NAME^TERMINAL DIGIT" R !!,"List by (N)ame or (T)erminal Digit: ",X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" D IN^DGHELP G Q^DGRPCP1:X["^" I %=-1 W !!?4,"N - To generate listing in Alphabetical Order",!?4,"T - To generate listing in Terminal Digit Order." G H Z07 S DGHOW1=X,Z="^Registration^Z07 Messages^All" R !!,"List (R)egistration, (Z)07 Messages or (A)ll Inconsistencies: ",X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" D IN^DGHELP G Q^DGRPCP1:X["^" I %=-1 D G Z07 . W !!?4,"R - Generate a list of inconsistencies found during Registration" . W !?4,"Z - Generate a list of inconsistencies found during Z07 Message build" . W !?4,"A - Generate a list of all inconsistencies found" S DGFILT=$S("RZ"[X:X,1:"A") W !!,*7,"THIS OUTPUT REQUIRES 132 COLUMN OUTPUT" S DGVAR="DUZ^DGHOW^DGHOW1^DGFRD^DGTOD^DGFILT",DGPGM="^DGRPCP1" D ZIS^DGUTQ G Q^DGRPCP1:POP U IO G ^DGRPCP1 T ; ;;ADMISSION DATE^Patients admitted during a specified date range. ;;IDENTIFICATION DATE^Inconsistencies identified during a specified date range. ;;REGISTRATION DATE^Patients registered during a specified date range.