DGRPCTRG ;ALB/BAJ - CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS TRIGGER AXEE141 ;May 17, 2006 ;;5.3;Registration;**653**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 2 ;;**653 BAJ May 1,2006 Modifications to Confidential address to support functionality moved ;;from EVC Release 2 to EVC Release 1 Q EECHG ; entry point ; this tag is called by a trigger in the CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS CATEGORY FIELD (#2.141) ; If the ELIGIBILITY/ENROLLMENT Category has been added, changed, or deleted, X will equal 1 ; A Z07 must be sent anytime the E/E Category is modified on a confidential address Q:'$G(DFN) I X=1 D EVENT^IVMPLOG(DFN) Q EECONF(DFN) ; used to identify E/E Confidential Category ; This tag is called by all Confidential Address fields and files a Z07 message if true: ; I $$EECONF^DGRPCTRG(DFN) D EVENT^IVMPLOG ; ; if there is no active E/E Category on file for this Confidential Address, return 0 N ISEE,ACT S ISEE=0 I '$G(DFN) Q ISEE I '$D(^DPT(DFN,.14,"B",1)) Q ISEE S ACT=+$O(^DPT(DFN,.14,"B",1,"")) S ISEE=$P(^DPT(DFN,.14,ACT,0),U,2)="Y" Q ISEE ;