DGRUGA22 ;ALB/GRR - HL7 ADT A22 MESSAGE BUILDER ;8/5/99 15:36 ;;5.3;Registration;**190**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ;This routine will build a ADT A22 (From Leave of Absence) HL7 message for an inpatient. ; EN(DFN,DGMIEN,DGARRAY) ;Entry point of routine ;DFN - Patient Internal Entry Number ;DGMIEN - Patient Movement Internal Entry Number ;DGARRAY - Name of output array by reference where built message will be contained. ; ;The HL7 variables must be initialized before calling this routine! ;HL("FS"),HL("ECH"),HLFS,HLECH, and HLQ are used by segment builders called by this routine ; N DGPV1,DGCNT,DGMDT,DGCDT,DGOADT,DGICD,DGICDCNT,DGIN,DGINCNT S DGCNT=0 Q:DGARRAY="" ;Required output variable name was not passed K @DGARRAY ;Kill output array to insure erronuous data does not exist Q:DGMIEN="" S DGMDT=$$GET1^DIQ(405,DGMIEN,".01","I") D NOW^%DTC S DGCDT=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(%) ;Get current date/time and convert to HL7 format S DGCNT=DGCNT+1 ;Increment node counter by one for first segment S @DGARRAY@(DGCNT)=$$EVN^VAFHLEVN("A22","05",DGMDT) ;Create Event segment and store in output array S DGCNT=DGCNT+1 ;Increment node counter by one for next segment S @DGARRAY@(DGCNT)=$$EN^VAFCPID(DFN,",2,5,7,8,10,11,13,16,17,19,23,29",1) ;Create PID segment using segment sequence numbers passed and store in output array S DGMDT=$$GET1^DIQ(405,DGMIEN,".01","I") ;Retrieve Movement Date/Time S DGCNT=DGCNT+1 ;Increment node counter by one to store next segment S DGPV1=$$IN^VAFHLPV1(DFN,DGMDT,",2,3,6,7,10,17,44,",$G(DGMIEN),"","") ;Create the PV1 segment based on sequence numbers passed S DGOADT=$$CKADMIT^DGRUUTL1(DFN) ;check if integrated site get original admit date/time I DGOADT]"" S $P(DGPV1,HL("FS"),45)=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(DGOADT) S DGPV1=$$DOCID^DGRUUTL(DGPV1) S @DGARRAY@(DGCNT)=$$LOCTRAN^DGRUUTL1(DGPV1) ;Translate Ward and Room-Bed name, store into array S DGMTYP=$$GET1^DIQ(405,DGMIEN,.18,"I") ;Get Movement Type I DGMTYP=14!(DGMTYP=41) S $P(@DGARRAY@(DGCNT),HL("FS"),41)="H" ;If From ASIH flag bed status field as 'H' Q