DGTSSET ;ALB/LM - TREATING SPECIALTY SETUP & INITIALIZATION ; 4-1-93 ;;5.3;Registration;**27,36,39,64,68,85,242**;Aug 13, 1993 ; START S DGEGL=+^DG(43,1,"G")\1 ; G&L init date S DGTSDIV=+$P($G(^DG(43,1,"GL")),"^",2) ; Multidivision Med Center ; I DGEGL'?7N W !!,"I cannot run this program until you specify an early date",!,"to run the G&L in the site parameters.",!!,*7,*7 G END ; S DGEGL=$O(^DG(40.8,0)) I '$D(^DG(40.8,DGEGL)) W !!,"I cannot run this program until you set up your Medical Center's",!,"Division File",!!,*7,*7 G END ; TSR ; Day before TSR Initialiation Date S DGTSIN=$S($D(^DG(43,1,"G")):+$P(^DG(43,1,"G"),"^",11),1:"") ; I DGTSIN'>0 S DGTSIN=2921001 S DGTSINDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DGTSIN) ; init date - external format S X1=DGTSIN,X2=-1 D C^%DTC S DGTSIN=X ; Internal format of date ; S DGTSDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DGTSIN) ; FTS ; Facility Treating Specialty File W ! S DIC="^DIC(45.7,",DIC(0)="AEQMZL",DLAYGO=45.7 D ^DIC G END:+Y'>0 ; ;S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,DGTS=$P(^DIC(45.7,DA,0),"^"),DR=".01;1;2;10;99" D ^DIE ; DGTS = TS Name S DIE=DIC,(DGTSIEN,DA)=+Y,DGTS=$P(^DIC(45.7,DA,0),"^"),DR="[DGTREAT]" D ^DIE ; DGTS = TS Name ; K DGEGL,DIC,DIE,Y,DA,DR,X,X1,X2 ; ; This note was commented out (in patch DG*5.3*39) because it is only ; applicable to the initial setup of existing treating specialties for ; the Treating Specialty report. It does not apply to new ; treating specialties. (RESTORED - PATCH DG*5.3*85) ; NOTE ; note to be displayed; W !!?5,"The information for the ",DGTS," treating specialty" W !?5,"should be entered ",$S($D(DGTSDIV):"by Medical Center Division",1:"")," as of midnight on " W !?5,DGTSDT," to properly initialize the Treating Specialty Report!",!! W ?5,"Following any new entries to or revisions of this data, " W !?5,"the G&L MUST BE recalculated back to ",DGTSINDT,".",!! ; W ! S DGTSIF=$S($D(^DIC(45.7,"B",DGTS)):$O(^DIC(45.7,"B",DGTS,0)),1:-1) ; TS Internal Format (IEN) of Facility Treating Specialty ; DV ; Medical Center Division File S DIC="^DG(40.8,",DIC(0)="AEQZ" ; I DGTSDIV D ^DIC G FTS:+Y'>0 S (DGTSDV,DA)=+Y ; I 'DGTSDIV S (DGTSDV,DA)=$O(^DG(40.8,0)) ; C ; Treating Specialty Multiple ; Census Multiple S DIE="^DG(40.8,",DR="[DGTS]" D ^DIE ; K DA,DR,DIE,DIC,Y,X ; I DGTSDIV G DV ; I 'DGTSDIV G FTS ; PR ; W !!,"This report should be printed on 132 columns.",! S L=0,DIC="^DIC(45.7,",FLDS="[DGTREAT]",DHD="" D EN1^DIP Q ; END K DGEGL,DGTSIN,DGTSDT,DGTSIF,DGTSDV,DGTSDIV,DGTS,DGTSIEN,DGTSPT,DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,X1,X2 Q