DGYMFIL2 ;ALB/MLI - Set File Access Codes for MAS files ; October 20, 1994 ;;5.3;Registration;**49**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; This routine will loop through the MAS files and show the site's ; existing file access and the recommended file access. ; PRINT ; generate listing of existing vs recommended file access N BRKLINE,FLAG,I,LINE,PAGE,X S (FLAG,PAGE)=0,$P(LINE,"-",80)="",$P(BRKLINE,"- ",41)="" D HEADER I FLAG Q F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(FILES+I),";;",2) Q:X="QUIT"!FLAG D . N CUR,REC ; cur=current, rec=recommended . S REC="@^d^"_$P(X,"^",2,5) ; recommended access (DD always @) . S CUR=$G(^DIC(+X,0,"DD"))_"^"_$G(^("RD"))_"^"_$G(^("WR"))_"^"_$G(^("DEL"))_"^"_$G(^("LAYGO")) . I $Y>(IOSL-4) D HEADER I FLAG Q . W !,$S(CUR=REC:" ",1:"*"),+X S X=$P($G(^DIC(+X,0)),"^",1) W ?8,$E(X,1,30) I $L(X)>30 W "..." . D WRITE(CUR) W ! ; write current access . I CUR=REC W ?43,"Currently meets recommended levels" . E D WRITE(REC) ; write recommended access . W !,BRKLINE Q ; ; WRITE(X) ; write out the access codes in columns ; ; input - X as string of dd^rd^wr^del^laygo access ; W ?43,$P(X,"^",1),?51,$P(X,"^",2),?57,$P(X,"^",3),?65,$P(X,"^",4),?75,$P(X,"^",5) Q ; ; HEADER ; print header for comparison report N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S PAGE=PAGE+1 I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",(PAGE>1) S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S FLAG='Y I FLAG Q W @IOF,!?29,"MAS File Access Report",?70,"PAGE: ",$J(PAGE,2) W !!," File",?8,"File",?54,"File Access Type" W !," Number",?8,"Name",?43,"DD",?49,"Read",?55,"Write",?63,"Delete",?73,"Laygo" W !,LINE Q ; ; LOAD ; load files into TMP global F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(FILES+I),";;",2) Q:X="QUIT" S ^TMP($J,"DGYMFILE",+X)=X Q ; FILES ; list of file numbers and names for MAS files w/recommended access ;;2^D^@^D ;;5^@^@^@ ;;8^@^@^@ ;;8.1^@^@^@ ;;8.2^@^@^@ ;;10^@^@^@ ;;11^@^@^@ ;;13^@^@^@ ;;21^@^@^@ ;;22^@^@^@ ;;23^@^@^@ ;;25^@^@^@ ;;30^@^@^@ ;;35^@^@^@ ;;37^@^@^@ ;;38.1^D^@^D ;;38.5^@^@^@ ;;38.6^@^@^@ ;;39.1^@^@^@ ;;39.2^@^@^@ ;;39.3^@^@^@ ;;40.1^@^D^@ ;;40.15^D^D^D ;;40.7^@^@^@ ;;40.8^@^@^@ ;;40.9^@^@^@ ;;41.1^D^D^D ;;41.9^@^@^@ ;;42^D^@^D ;;42.4^@^@^@ ;;42.5^D^D^D ;;42.55^@^@^@ ;;42.6^D^D^D ;;42.7^D^D^D ;;43^D^@^@ ;;43.1^D^D^D ;;43.11^D^D^D ;;43.4^@^@^@ ;;43.5^D^D^D ;;43.61^@^@^@ ;;43.7^@^@^@ ;;44^D^@^D ;;45^D^@^@ ;;45.1^@^@^@ ;;45.2^D^@^D ;;45.3^@^@^@ ;;45.4^@^@^@ ;;45.5^@^@^@ ;;45.6^@^@^@ ;;45.61^@^@^@ ;;45.62^@^@^@ ;;45.64^@^@^@ ;;45.7^D^@^D ;;45.81^@^@^@ ;;45.82^@^@^@ ;;45.83^@^@^@ ;;45.84^@^@^@ ;;45.85^D^@^@ ;;45.86^@^@^@ ;;45.87^@^@^@ ;;45.88^@^@^@ ;;45.89^@^@^@ ;;45.9^D^D^D ;;45.91^@^@^@ ;;47^@^@^@ ;;48^D^@^@ ;;48.5^@^@^@ ;;389.9^@^@^@ ;;391^@^@^@ ;;391.1^@^@^@ ;;391.51^@^@^@ ;;392^@^@^@ ;;392.1^D^D^D ;;392.2^D^D^D ;;392.3^@^@^@ ;;392.4^D^@^D ;;393^D^D^D ;;393.1^@^@^@ ;;393.2^@^@^@ ;;393.3^@^@^@ ;;393.41^@^@^@ ;;405^@^@^@ ;;405.1^D^@^D ;;405.2^@^@^@ ;;405.3^@^@^@ ;;405.4^D^@^D ;;405.5^@^@^@ ;;405.6^D^@^D ;;406.41^D^@^D ;;407.5^D^D^D ;;407.6^@^@^@ ;;407.7^@^@^@ ;;408^@^@^@ ;;408.11^@^@^@ ;;408.12^@^@^@ ;;408.13^@^@^@ ;;408.21^@^@^@ ;;408.22^@^@^@ ;;408.31^@^@^@ ;;408.32^@^@^@ ;;408.33^@^@^@ ;;408.34^@^@^@ ;;408.41^@^@^@ ;;408.42^@^@^@ ;;409.1^@^@^@ ;;409.2^@^@^@ ;;409.3^D^D^D ;;409.41^@^@^@ ;;409.42^D^D^D ;;409.43^D^D^D ;;409.44^D^D^D ;;409.45^@^@^@ ;;409.5^D^D^D ;;409.61^@^@^@ ;;409.62^@^@^@ ;;409.63^@^@^@ ;;409.65^@^@^@ ;;409.66^@^@^@ ;;409.68^@^@^@ ;;409.71^D^@^D ;;409.72^D^D^D ;;409.81^@^@^@ ;;409.82^D^D^D ;;QUIT