Last change on this file was 628, checked in by George Lilly, 15 years ago

initial load of FOIAVistA 6/30/08 version

File size: 2.8 KB
[628]1DGYMFILE ;ALB/MLI - Set File Access Codes for MAS files ; October 20, 1994
2 ;;5.3;Registration;**49**;Aug 13, 1993
3 ;
4 ; This routine will loop through the MAS files and show the site's
5 ; existing file access and the recommended file access. It will
6 ; also give the site the opportunity to update the file access for
7 ; one, many, or all of the files on the list.
8 ;
9 ; Must be run by someone with DUZ(0)="@".
10 ;
11EN ; entry point to print list of existing and recommended file access
12 I $G(DUZ(0))'="@" W !,"You must have DUZ(0) set to '@' before continuing" G Q
13 F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(TEXT+I),";;",2) Q:X="QUIT" W !,X
14 S ZTDESC="Generate list of file access codes",ZTRTN="PRINT^DGYMFIL2"
19 Q
20 ;
21 ;
22TEXT ; text lines for help
23 ;;This call will generate a listing of current file access on all MAS files
24 ;;along with the recommended access. Where the recommended access does not
25 ;;equal the current access, an * will be printed prior to the file number.
26 ;;Once this listing has been reviewed, you can call EDIT^DGYMFILE to take
27 ;;the recommended access for one, many, or all files on the list.
28 ;;
29 ;;To abort this process, enter an '^' at the Device prompt.
30 ;;
31 ;;QUIT
32 ;
33 ;
34EDIT ; edit file access for one, many, or all MAS files
35 I $G(DUZ(0))'="@" W !,"You must have DUZ(0) set to '@' before continuing" G Q
36 F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(EDITTXT+I),";;",2) Q:X="QUIT" W !,X
37 D LOAD^DGYMFIL2 ; put file list into TMP global
39 D FIRST^VAUTOMA ; select one, many, or all MAS files
40 I Y<0 W !,"Operation EDIT^DGYMFILE to begin again" G EDITQ
41 I DGYMFILE D ; if all MAS files selected
42 . F I=0:0 S I=$O(^TMP($J,"DGYMFILE",I)) Q:'I D SET(^(I))
43 I 'DGYMFILE D ; if one or many MAS files selected
44 . F I=0:0 S I=$O(DGYMFILE(I)) Q:'I D SET(^TMP($J,"DGYMFILE",I))
45 W !,"File updating has been completed!"
47 Q
48 ;
49SET(X) ; set recommended file access into selected file
50 ;
51 ; Input - X as File IEN^Read^Write^Delete^Laygo
52 ;
53 S ^DIC(+X,0,"DD")="@" ; all dd access set to @
54 S ^DIC(+X,0,"RD")="d" ; all read access set to d
55 S ^DIC(+X,0,"WR")=$P(X,"^",2)
56 S ^DIC(+X,0,"DEL")=$P(X,"^",3)
57 S ^DIC(+X,0,"LAYGO")=$P(X,"^",4)
58 Q
59 ;
60EDITTXT ; text for edit process
61 ;;This call will allow you to accept the recommended file security codes
62 ;;for one, many, or all MAS files. You should have already reviewed the
63 ;;printout generated from the EN^DGYMFILE call which shows your current vs.
64 ;;recommended file access codes. It is recommended that you accept the
65 ;;file security for all files.
66 ;;
67 ;;To abort this process, enter an '^' at the 'Select File: ALL//' prompt.
68 ;;
69 ;;QUIT
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