DGYMPKG ;ALB/MLI - Clean-up MAS package names ; 3/28/95@1340 ;;5.3;Registration;**56**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; This routine cleans up old entries in the package file for ; all MAS package file entries (DG, DPT, SD). If there are ; multiple entries in the PACKAGE file which have the DG, SD, ; or DPT package namespace, the erroneous ones will be removed. ; EN ; clean up package file S DIK="^DIC(9.4,",DGFL=0 F DGNMSP="DG","SD","DPT" S DGI=0 F S DGI=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",DGNMSP,DGI)) Q:'DGI D . S DGX=$G(^DIC(9.4,DGI,0)) . I $P(DGX,"^",1)=$P($T(@DGNMSP),";;",2) Q ; correct entry . S DA=DGI D ^DIK . W !,"...",$P(DGX,"^",1)," [",DGNMSP,"] entry deleted from PACKAGE file (IEN=",DA,")" . S DGFL=1 W !!,"All set." I 'DGFL W "..No problems found." K DA,DIK,DGI,DGFL,DGNMSP,DGX Q ; ; the following are the official names of the package file entries ; DG ;;REGISTRATION SD ;;SCHEDULING DPT ;;PATIENT FILE