DGYMTRT1 ;ALB/CAW/LD - Print changed specialty report ; 9/8/94 ;;5.3;Registration;**39**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; This routine will print the changed treating specialty report after ; completing the Specialty file (#42.4) and Facility Treating Specialty ; file (#45.7) update in routine DGYMTRT. ; EN ; Print changed treating specialty report D FTSP W !!?2,"The following report will list all existing entries in the FACILITY TREATING",!?2,"SPECIALTY file (#45.7) that point to entries in the SPECIALTY file (#42.4)",!?2,"which have been changed." S %ZIS="PMQ" D ^%ZIS K %ZIS G:POP ENQ I '$D(IO("Q")) D PRINT,^%ZISC G ENQ S Y=$$QUE ENQ K DGTSP,POP,Y,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE Q FTSP ; Facility Treating Specialty N DGY S DGY=0 F S DGY=$O(^DIC(45.7,DGY)) Q:'DGY I "^33^72^73^74^"[(U_$P(^(DGY,0),U,2)_U) S DGTSP(DGY)="" Q QUE() ; -- queue job ; return: did job queue [ 1|yes 0|no ] ; K ZTSK,IO("Q") S ZTDESC="Treating Specialty Report",ZTRTN="PRINT^DGYMTRT1" S ZTSAVE("DGTSP(")="" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) " (Task: ",ZTSK,")" Q $D(ZTSK) PRINT ;Print any facility treating specialties that point to changed ;specialties. ; U IO S $P(DGDASH,"=",80)="" W @IOF,!?24,"CHANGED TREATING SPECIALTY REPORT" W !!,"FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY (#45.7)",?45,"CHANGED SPECIALTY (#42.4)" W !,DGDASH N DGY,DGX S DGY="" F S DGY=$O(DGTSP(DGY)) Q:'DGY S DGX=$G(^DIC(45.7,DGY,0)) D .W !,$P(DGX,U),?45,$P($G(^DIC(42.4,$P(DGX,U,2),0)),U) I '$D(DGTSP) W !!?2,"No entries found in File #45.7 which correspond to changed treating",!?2,"specialties in File #42.4." K DGDASH Q