DGYPREG4 ;ALB/REW - POST-INIT CONVERSION/REPORTING ;5-APR-93 ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; Note: By removing the ;(comment) before D NUMLIM the user is ; prompted for the maximum number of patients to print. MAX ; N DIR,DGXM,DGTXT,X,Y,%DT,Z W !,?5,"This report will print problem records sorted by Last Activity Date." W !,?5,"It also prints a total of convertible and un-convertible patients" W !?5,"for Active and Inactive patients",! D PRHEAD1^DGYPREG2 ;Displays definition of Last Activity Date W !?5,"Because this may be a very long report, you may wish to only" W !?5,"print recently active patients. The default is 2 years ago.",! S DIR("A")="Oldest Activity Date to Print: ",Z=(DT-20000),DIR("B")=$E(Z,4,5)_"/"_$E(Z,6,7)_"/"_$E(Z,2,3),%DT="AE",DIR(0)="D^2800101:2950101:EX" D ^DIR G:Y<0!($G(DIRUT)) QTMAX S:Y DGFSTDT=Y I DGFSTDT=2800101 D .N DIR .W !?5,"Because you have chosen the earliest date (1-1-80) records with NO" .W !?5,"Activity Date will be printed at the end. An example of this" .W !?5,"is a patient that never completed registration.",! .S DGFSTDT=0 .S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR ;D NUMLIM S:'$G(DGMAXPT) DGMAXPT=1999 QTMAX Q MBQUE ; N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DGFSTDT,DGMAXPT,DGDOMB,DGVAR,DGPGM,X,Y,ZTIO S DGDOMB=1,DGVAR="DGMAXPT^DGFSTDT^DGDOMB^DUZ",DGPGM="EN^DGYPREG",ZTIO="" D MAX,QUEMESS:'$G(DIRUT) D:'$G(DIRUT) QUE^DGUTQ QTMBQ Q CFLQUE ; N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DGFSTDT,DGMAXPT,DGDOCFL,DGVAR,DGPGM,X,Y,ZTIO S DGDOCFL=1,DGVAR="DGMAXPT^DGFSTDT^DGDOCFL^DUZ",DGPGM="EN^DGYPREG",ZTIO="" D MAX,QUEMESS:'$G(DIRUT) D:'$G(DIRUT) QUE^DGUTQ QTCFLQ Q QUEMESS ; I $D(ZTQUEUED) G QTQMESS W !!?5,"You will be receiving a Mail Message indicating records whose " W:$G(DGDOMB) !?5,"monetary benefit amount fields can not be converted into the" W:$G(DGDOMB) !?5,"TOTAL ANNUAL VA CHECK AMOUNT field.",! W:$G(DGDOCFL) !?5,"Claim Folder Location field in the Patient File does not " W:$G(DGDOCFL) !?5,"begin with an institution's station number." W !?5,$S($G(DGDOMB)=1:"NO",$G(DGDOCFL)=1:"NO",1:"")," Data will be changed.",!! W !?5,"This is a queued task. Because this searches the entire Patient File," W !?5,"you may wish to run this during off-hours.",!! QTQMESS Q NUMLIM ; W !!?5,"You may wish to limit the number of patients to print in the" W !?5,"listing to a maximum number of unconvertible patients.",! S DIR(0)="NA^20:99999:0",DIR("A")="Maximum number of Unconvertible Patients to print: " S DIR("B")=999 D ^DIR Q:'Y S:Y DGMAXPT=Y Q