DGYQPOST ;AISC/TET - POST INIT TO PATCH DG*5.3*41 ;;5.3;Registration;**41**;Aug 13, 1993 EN ;entry point for entire post init D RCOMP,WARD,DOB Q RCOMP ;entry point to re-compile templates N DGDASH,DGMAX,DGROU,DGTEMP,I S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=300 S U="^",$P(DGDASH,"=",81)="",DGMAX=$G(^DD("ROU")) S:'DGMAX DGMAX=5000 W !!?17,"Recompilation of affected Registration Input Templates",!,DGDASH,! F I=1:1 S DGTEMP=$P($T(ITEMP+I),";;",2) Q:DGTEMP="END" W !?5,DGTEMP D .N DMAX,DGIEN,DGROU,X,Y .S DGIEN=$O(^DIE("B",DGTEMP,0)) Q:'DGIEN .S DGROU=$G(^DIE(DGIEN,"ROUOLD")) I DGROU']""!('$D(^DIE(DGIEN,0))) Q .S X=$P(DGROU,U),DMAX=DGMAX,Y=DGIEN D EN^DIEZ .W !?5,"===> ",DGTEMP," input template recompiled.",! ;Q ITEMP ;input templates to be recompiled ;;DGPM ADMIT ;;DGPM ASIH ADMIT ;;DGPM SPECIALTY TRANSFER ;;DVBA C ADD 2507 PAT ;;END Q WARD ;delete .001 field from ward location file (#42), if exists I $D(^DD(42,.001)) D .N DA,DIC,DIK .W !!,"Deleting the Number field (#.001) from the WARD LOCATION file (#42)." .S DIK="^DD(42,",DA=".001",DA(1)=42 D ^DIK K DIK,DA .W !?10," ... Deleted",! Q DOB ;entry point to remove value from latest dob field (#.07) in period of service file (#21) W !!,">>>> Modifying data in the Period of Service File (#21)..." W !," >>>> Deleting the Latest DOB Field (#.07) for select entries",! N DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y,DGX,DGERR S DIC="^DIC(21," S DIC(0)="XZ" F DGX="PERSIAN GULF WAR","OPERATION DESERT SHIELD" D Q:$G(DGERR) .S X=DGX .D ^DIC .I Y'>0 D ..W !!,"*****" ..W ?7,"There was a problem identifying the following PERIOD OF SERVICE" ..W !?7,"entry: ",DGX,! ..S DGERR=1 .I Y>0 D ..W !!,"IEN= ",+Y,?10," Period of Service: ",$P(Y,U,2) ..S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC,DR=".07///@" ..D ^DIE ..W ", Field #.07 deleted.",! D:$G(DGERR) ERRMESS W:'$G(DGERR) !!,"Done." Q ERRMESS ; W !!!! F X=1:1 S DGX=$T(MESS+X) Q:$G(DGX)="" W !,$P(DGX,";;",2) Q MESS ; ;;It appears as if the PERIOD OF SERVICE File (#21) has been locally ;;modified at this site. ;; ;;The PERIOD OF SERVICE file contains entries as determined by VACO ;;MAS. Alteration of existing entries or addition of new ones will ;;undoubtedly have a negative impact on the efficient operation of the ;;MAS module and other modules. ;; ;;Please contact your Support ISC before continuing. This routine, ;;at tag DOB^DGYQPOST, may be re-run multiple times.