DGYVPOST ;ALB/LD - Patch DG*5.3*64 Post-Init ; 8/8/95 ;;5.3;Registration;**64**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; ;-- Populate FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY file (#45.7) with effective ;-- date and active flag from pointed to Effective Date multiple ;-- entries in the TREATING SPECIALTY file (#42.4). ; EN ;-- Entry point ; N DGPTQ D XREFCHK I $G(DGPTQ) D DONE I '$G(DGPTQ) D RXREF,POPMUL,ERRPT,INACT^DGYVPST1,DONE ENQ Q ; XREFCHK ;-- Check for "ASPEC" xref in ^DD(45.7 ; W !!,">>> This post-init will populate the Effective Date multiple of each record",!?4,"in the Facility Treating Specialty file (#45.7).",!! N I S (DGPTQ,I)=0,I=$O(^DD(45.7,0,"IX","ASPEC",45.7,I)) I '$G(I) S DGPTQ=1 I $G(I) I '$D(^DD(45.7,"IX",I)) S DGPTQ=1 I $G(DGPTQ) W !,"***ERROR: Cross reference ""ASPEC"" in file #45.7 not found.",!?10,"Rerun init DGYVINIT from patch DG*5.3*64 (see patch description",!?10,"for complete instructions).",! Q ; RXREF ;--Reindex Specialty (#1) field "ASPEC" xref in file 45.7 ; N DIK S DIK="^DIC(45.7,",DIK(1)="1" D ENALL^DIK Q ; POPMUL ;--Get data from file 42.4 to populate eff date mult in file 45.7 ; W !!,">>> Post-Init started at: " D NOW^%DTC W $$FTIME^VALM1(%),! ; N DGPTERR,DGPTMIEN,DGPTOUT,DGPTSIEN,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT F DGPTMIEN=0:0 S DGPTMIEN=$O(^DIC(45.7,"ASPEC",DGPTMIEN)) Q:'DGPTMIEN!($G(DGPTOUT)) D .F DGPTSIEN=0:0 S DGPTSIEN=$O(^DIC(45.7,"ASPEC",DGPTMIEN,DGPTSIEN)) Q:'DGPTSIEN!($G(DGPTOUT)) D ..N DGPTASK,DGPTEFF,DGPTCTR,DGPTI ..;--Subentry doesn't exist in file 42.4 ..I '$D(^DIC(42.4,DGPTMIEN,"E",0)) S ^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTMIEN,DGPTSIEN,1)="" Q ..;--Get total # of subentries from file 42.4 subfile header node ..S DGPTCTR=$P($G(^DIC(42.4,DGPTMIEN,"E",0)),U,4) I DGPTCTR'>0 S ^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTMIEN,DGPTSIEN,2)="" Q ..F DGPTI=1:1:DGPTCTR Q:$G(DGPTOUT)!($G(DGPTEFF)=0) D POPFAC POPMULQ Q ; POPFAC ;--Populate eff date mult in FTS file #45.7 N DGPTACTF,DGPTEFDT,DGPTNODE,DA,DIC,DIE,DINUM,DR,X,Y ;--Get effective date and active flag from file 42.4 subentry S DGPTNODE=$G(^DIC(42.4,DGPTMIEN,"E",DGPTI,0)) I DGPTNODE']"" S ^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTMIEN,DGPTSIEN,3)="" G POPFACQ I (DGPTMIEN=70!(DGPTMIEN=71)!(DGPTMIEN=77)),('$G(DGPTASK)) D ASK I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) S ^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTMIEN,DGPTSIEN,4)="",DGPTOUT=1 G POPFACQ I $G(DGPTEFF)=0 S DGPTCTR=1 ;if no to inactivate, add active eff date only S DGPTEFDT=$P(DGPTNODE,U),DGPTACTF=$P(DGPTNODE,U,2) ;--Add fields to file 45.7 subentry S DIC="^DIC(45.7,"_DGPTSIEN_",""E""," S DIC(0)="L" S (DA,DINUM)=DGPTI S X=DGPTEFDT ;--Extra variables needed since it's a multiple S DIC("P")=$P(^DD(45.7,100,0),"^",2) S DA(1)=DGPTSIEN ;--Create/edit subentry S DIC("DR")=".02///^S X="_DGPTACTF K DD,DO D FILE^DICN I $G(Y)=-1 S ^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTMIEN,DGPTSIEN,5)="" I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S ^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTMIEN,DGPTSIEN,4)="",DGPTOUT=1 G POPFACQ ;--Write msg (once) to screen while processing I $G(Y)>0,($G(DGPTI)<2) W !!,"... Added ",$S('$G(DGPTEFF):"active ",1:"inactive "),"effective date and ",$S('$G(DGPTEFF):"active ",1:"inactive "),"flag to facility",!?4,"treating specialty ",$P($G(^DIC(45.7,DGPTSIEN,0)),U) ; POPFACQ Q ASK ; W !! S DIR("A")=" Inactivate facility treating specialty" S DIR("A",1)=" Facility treating specialty, "_$P($G(^DIC(45.7,DGPTSIEN,0)),U)_"," S DIR("A",2)=" is pointing to an inactive treating specialty in the Specialty (#42.4)" S DIR("A",3)=" file. Answering 'Yes' to this prompt will make the facility treating" S DIR("A",4)=" specialty inactive also." S DIR("A",5)=" " S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR S (DGPTASK,DGPTEFF)=+Y K Y W ! ASKQ Q ; ERRPT ;--Queue error report for printing or print direct Q:'$D(^TMP("DGPTERR",$J)) ; W !!,">>> The following report will list all messages and/or errors which occurred",!?4,"while running this post-init.",! N POP,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK S %ZIS="QMP" D ^%ZIS K %ZIS I POP Q I '$D(IO("Q")) U IO D PRTERR^DGYVPST1,^%ZISC G ERRPTQ ; task job S ZTRTN="PRTERR^DGYVPST1",ZTSAVE("^TMP(""DGPTERR"",$J,")="" S ZTDESC="Patch DG*5.3*64 Post-Init Error Report" D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,$S($D(ZTSK):">>> Job has been queued. The task number is "_ZTSK_".",1:">>> Unable to queue this job.") ERRPTQ K IO("Q"),^TMP("DGPTERR",$J) Q ; DONE W !!,">>> Post-Init completed at: " D NOW^%DTC W $$FTIME^VALM1(%),! Q ;