DGYVPST1 ;ALB/LD - Patch DG*5.3*64 Post-Init (cont.); 8/8/95 ;;5.3;Registration;**64**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; ; ; PRTERR ;--Print errors which occurred during pop of file #45.7 Eff Date mult N DGPTE,DGPTM,DGPTMSG,DGPTS S (DGPTM,DGPTS,DGPTE)=0 I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D HDR F S DGPTM=$O(^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTM)) Q:'DGPTM!($G(DGPTEX)) D .F S DGPTS=$O(^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTM,DGPTS)) Q:'DGPTS!($G(DGPTEX)) D ..F S DGPTE=$O(^TMP("DGPTERR",$J,DGPTM,DGPTS,DGPTE)) Q:'DGPTE!($G(DGPTEX)) D ...W !,"Specialty: ",$S($P($G(^DIC(42.4,DGPTM,0)),U)]"":$P($G(^DIC(42.4,DGPTM,0)),U),1:"UNKNOWN") ...W !,"Facility Treating Specialty: ",$S($P($G(^DIC(45.7,DGPTS,0)),U)]"":$P($G(^DIC(45.7,DGPTS,0)),U),1:"UNKNOWN") ...S DGPTMSG=$P($T(ERRMSG+DGPTE),";;",2) ...W !,DGPTMSG,! ...I $Y>(IOSL-5) D PAUSE Q:$G(DGPTEX) D HDR K DGPTEX Q ; PAUSE ;--Pause for screen output Q:$E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" N XX,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT F XX=$Y:1:(IOSL-3) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S DGPTEX=1 Q ; HDR ;--Screen header W @IOF,?21,"Patch DG*5.3*64 Post-Init Report",!! Q ; ERRMSG ;--Error messages ;;Error with entry in file #42.4: Effective Date multiple zero node not found. ;;Error with entry in file #42.4: Incomplete Effective Date multiple zero node. ;;Error with entry in file #42.4: Missing Effective Date field in multiple. ;;Error with entry in file #45.7: Post-init terminated by user. ;;Effective Date multiple data already exists for this facility treating spec. ; INACT ;-- Report of inactive facility treating specialties. These ;-- should be edited through the Treating Specialty Set-up option ;-- [DG TREATING SETUP] under the ADT System Definition Menu. ; N DGFAC,DGI,DGJ,DGX,POP W !!,">>> Creating Inactive Treating Specialty Report...",! H 2 F DGI=70,71,77 D .F DGJ=0:0 S DGJ=$O(^DIC(45.7,"ASPEC",DGI,DGJ)) Q:'DGJ S DGFAC(DGJ)=DGI_"^"_$P($G(^DIC(45.7,DGJ,0)),U) S %ZIS="MP" D ^%ZIS K %ZIS I POP Q U IO W @IOF,?23,"INACTIVE TREATING SPECIALTY REPORT",! W !!?4,"The following facility treating specialties point to treating specialties",!?4,"which are now inactive. These facility treating specialties should be" W !?4,"edited to point to active specialties through the Treating Specialty",!?4,"Set-up option [DG TREATING SETUP] under the ADT System Definition Menu.",!! W !?8,"FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY",?46,"INACTIVE TREATING SPECIALTY" W !?8,"===========================",?46,"===========================",! F DGX=0:0 S DGX=$O(DGFAC(DGX)) Q:'DGX W !?8,$P($G(DGFAC(DGX)),U,2),?46,$P($G(^DIC(42.4,$P($G(DGFAC(DGX)),U),0)),U) I '$D(DGFAC) W !?4,"No inactive facility treating specialties found.",! D ^%ZISC INACTQ Q