DPTLK5 ;BAY/JAT,EG - Patient lookup APIs for patient safety issues ; 11 Aug 2005 8:20 AM ;;5.3;Registration;**265,276,277,485,675**;Aug 13, 1993 Q BS5(DPTDFN) ;function checks if other patients on "BS5" xref ; with same last name ; returns 1 if other patients exist ; input: ien of Patient file I '$G(DPTDFN) Q 0 I '$D(^DPT(DPTDFN,0)) Q 0 N DPT0,DPTNME,DPTSSN,DPTBS5,DPTLAST,DPTIEN,DPTFLAG S DPT0=^DPT(DPTDFN,0) S DPTNME=$E(DPT0,1),DPTSSN=$E($P(DPT0,U,9),6,9) S DPTBS5=DPTNME_DPTSSN S DPTLAST=$P($P(DPT0,U),",") S (DPTIEN,DPTFLAG)=0 F S DPTIEN=$O(^DPT("BS5",DPTBS5,DPTIEN)) Q:'DPTIEN!(DPTFLAG=1) D .Q:DPTDFN=DPTIEN .S DPTNME=$P($P($G(^DPT(DPTIEN,0)),U),",") .I DPTNME=DPTLAST S DPTFLAG=1 Q DPTFLAG ; DMT(DPTDFN,DPTUSER) ; function checks if the 'Display Means Test Required' ; message is to be displayed for this Division ; returns Division ien if message is to be displayed ; input: a) ien of Patient file ; b) user's Institution for current session (DUZ(2)) ; DD(200.02,.01)<==>DD(4,DINUM)<==>DD(40.8,.07) I '$G(DPTDFN)!('$G(DPTUSER)) Q 0 N Y,DFN,DGREQF,DGMTLST,DPTDIV ; verifies that Means Test required for this patient ; S DFN=DPTDFN S DGMTLST=$$CMTS^DGMTU(DFN) ;only display division message if means test is required I '$$MFLG^DGMTU(DGMTLST) Q 0 S DPTDIV=0 S DPTDIV=$O(^DG(40.8,"AD",DPTUSER,DPTDIV)) I DPTDIV,$P($G(^DG(40.8,DPTDIV,"MT")),U)="Y" Q DPTDIV Q 0 ; FFP ; This function checks if the 'Display Fugitive Felon Message' ; message is to be displayed. Message displays only for DG and SD ; menu options ; Q:'$D(XQY0) Q:$E(XQY0,1,2)'="SD"&($E(XQY0,1,2)'="DG") ; N X,Y,IORVON,IORVOFF,DIR,DIRUT S X="IORVON;IORVOFF" D ENDR^%ZISS W !?17,$CHAR(7) W:$D(IORVON) IORVON W "*** WARNING - FFP FLAG ACTIVE ***" W:$D(IORVOFF) IORVOFF W !?19,$CHAR(7) W:$D(IORVON) IORVON W "PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR SUPERVISOR" W:$D(IORVOFF) IORVOFF W ! S DIR(0)="FAO",DIR("A")="Enter to continue." D ^DIR K DIR Q