VAFCMGB4 ;BIR/LTL,PTD-DEMOGRAPHIC MERGE NOTIFIER ;23 SEP 97 ;;5.3;Registration;**149,392**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ;NOTE: This routine notifies the members of the ; RG CIRN DEMOGRAPHIC ISSUES Mail Group upon login ; that there are patients awaiting review. ; CHK ;Is user a member of this mail group? S RGCDI=$$FIND1^DIC(3.8,,,"RG CIRN DEMOGRAPHIC ISSUES") S XMDUZ=DUZ,Y=RGCDI D CHK^XMA21 I '$T G END D:$O(^DGCN(391.98,"AST",1,0)) SET^XUS1A("!Use the Patient Data Review option to examine pending patients.") ; END K RGCDI,XMDUZ,Y Q