VAFCPTED ;ISA/RJS,Zoltan-EDIT EXISTING PATIENT ;04/06/99 ;;5.3;Registration;**149,333,756**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 5 EDIT(DGDFN,ARRAY,STRNGDR) ;-- Edits existing patient ;Input: ; DGDFN - IEN in the PATIENT (#2) file ; ARRAY - Array containing fields to be edited. ; Ex. ARRAY(.111)="123 STREET" or ARRAY(2,.111)="123... ; STRNGDR - String of delimited PATIENT (#2) file fields in the order ; in which the fields will be processed by DIE. ; Ex. ".01;.03;.05..." ;Output: ; No output ; S U="^" N LOCKFLE,FLD,ZTQUEUED,DIQUIET,OLDZIP,VAFCX,STRNG S (ZTQUEUED,DIQUIET)=1 L +^DPT(DGDFN):60 S LOCKFLE=$T ; Need to remember whether the lock went through. I $L($G(@ARRAY@(.1112)))=5 D . ; This section prevents a 5-digit ZIP from replacing . ; an otherwise equivalent ZIP+4. . S OLDZIP=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DGDFN_",",.1112,"I") . I $E(OLDZIP,1,5)=@ARRAY@(.1112) S @ARRAY@(.1112)=OLDZIP ;process the given PATIENT file DR string in the given order S STRNG=STRNGDR F VAFCX=1:1 Q:STRNG="" S FLD=$P(STRNGDR,";",VAFCX) S STRNG=$P(STRNGDR,";",VAFCX+1,$L(STRNGDR,";")) D LOAD ; ;Do Address Bulletin if incoming Address does not equal existing ;Address - removed bulletin with patch DG*5.3*333 ; ;I $D(@ARRAY@(.111))!$D(@ARRAY@(.112))!$D(@ARRAY@(.113))!$D(@ARRAY@(.114))!$D(@ARRAY@(.115))!$D(@ARRAY@(.117))!$D(@ARRAY@(.1112)) D ;**333 ;. D ADDRESS^RGRSBULL(DGDFN,$G(@ARRAY@(.01)),$G(@ARRAY@(.111)),$G(@ARRAY@(.112)),$G(@ARRAY@(.113)),@ARRAY@("SENDING SITE"),$G(@ARRAY@(.114)),$G(@ARRAY@(.117)),$G(@ARRAY@(.115)),$G(@ARRAY@(.1112))) ; I LOCKFLE L -^DPT(DGDFN) ; K DIE,DA Q ; LOAD ; -- Loads fields to patient file N DR,DIE ;**756 check if updating ALIAS I FLD=1 D ALIAS Q S DA=DGDFN,DIE="^DPT(" I $G(@ARRAY@(FLD))="" Q I $G(@ARRAY@(FLD))["@" S @ARRAY@(FLD)="@" ;GENERATE BULLETIN FOR CONDITION BELOW ? I $G(@ARRAY@(FLD))[U Q S DR=FLD_"///^S X=$G(@ARRAY@(FLD))" D ^DIE Q ; ALIAS ; update Alias multiple **756 ;allow the synchronizing of the Alias multiple with the data passed in the array ;array(1,x)=name (last, first middle suffix format)^ssn N HAVE,I,MIEN,ADD,DONE,FDA,MPIFERR,DEL,ALIAS,CNT M HAVE=^DPT(DGDFN,.01) S CNT=0 ;see if any need to be added S I=0 F S I=$O(@ARRAY@(1,I)) Q:'I D ;loop through incoming data . S ADD=1,(DONE,MIEN)=0 F S MIEN=$O(HAVE(MIEN)) Q:'MIEN D I DONE Q ;loop through existing data ..I $P(@ARRAY@(1,I),"^",1,2)=$P($G(HAVE(MIEN,0)),"^",1,2) S ADD=0,DONE=1 Q ;compare to existing data to see if already in subfile, if not then .I ADD S ALIAS=@ARRAY@(1,I) D ;add new entry to subfile ..S FDA(2.01,"+"_I_","_DGDFN_",",.01)=$P(@ARRAY@(1,I),"^") ..S FDA(2.01,"+"_I_","_DGDFN_",",1)=$P(@ARRAY@(1,I),"^",2) I $D(FDA) D UPDATE^DIE("E","FDA",,"MPIFERR") I $G(MPIFERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1))'="" S RGER="-1^"_MPIFERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1) ;delete entries K FDA,MPIFERR S MIEN=0 F S MIEN=$O(HAVE(MIEN)) Q:'MIEN D ;loop through existing data . S DEL=1,(DONE,I)=0 F S I=$O(@ARRAY@(1,I)) Q:'I D I DONE Q ;loop through incoming data . . I $P($G(HAVE(MIEN,0)),"^",1,2)=$P(@ARRAY@(1,I),"^",1,2) S DEL=0,DONE=1 Q ;compare to existing data to see if data should be deleted . I DEL S FDA(2.01,MIEN_","_DGDFN_",",.01)="@" ;existing entry to delete I $D(FDA) D FILE^DIE("E","FDA","MPIERR") I $G(MPIFERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1))'="" S RGER="-1^"_MPIFERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1) ;delete entry Q