VAFCQRY ;BIR/DLR-Query for patient demographics ;10/18/2000 ;;5.3;Registration;**428,575,627,707**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 14 ; IN ;process in the patient query N IEN,HLA,VAFCCNT,ICN,CLAIM,SG,VAFCER,VAFC,DFN,STATE,CITY,SUBCOMP,COMP,REP,LVL,LVL2,VAFC,SSN S VAFCCNT=1,VAFCER=1 F VAFC=1:1 X HLNEXT Q:HLQUIT'>0 S SG=$E(HLNODE,1,3) D:$T(@SG)]"" @SG D CHKID^VAFCQRY2(.ICN,.SSN,.DFN) I $G(DFN)'>0 S VAFCER="-1^Unknown ICN#"_$G(ICN)_" and SSN#"_$G(SSN) S ^TMP("HLA",$J,VAFCCNT)="MSA"_HL("FS")_"AA"_HL("FS")_HL("MID")_HL("FS")_$S(+$G(VAFCER)'>0:$P(VAFCER,"^",2),1:""),VAFCCNT=VAFCCNT+1 S ^TMP("HLA",$J,VAFCCNT)=VAFCQRD,VAFCCNT=VAFCCNT+1 I $G(VAFCER)>0 D BLDRSP(DFN,.VAFCCNT) D LINK^HLUTIL3(SITE,.VAFC) S IEN=$O(VAFC(0)) S HLL("LINKS",1)="^"_VAFC(IEN) D GENACK^HLMA1(HL("EID"),HLMTIENS,HL("EIDS"),"GM",1,.HLRESLTA,"",.HL) K VAFCER,VAFCID,COMP,SITE,VAFCFS,VAFCRCV,VAFCQRD,^TMP("HLA",$J) Q RESP ;Response processing initiated from the MPI. Q ROUTE ;Routine logic initiated from the MPI. Q BLDRSP(DFN,VAFCCNT) ; N EVN,PID,PD1,SEQ,ERR,CNT,X,PV2,RADE,LABE,PRES ;construct EVN (for TF Event Type AND Last Treatment Date) S SEQ="1,2" D BLDEVN(DFN,.SEQ,.EVN,.HL,"A19",.ERR) S ^TMP("HLA",$J,VAFCCNT)=EVN(1) S VAFCCNT=VAFCCNT+1 ;construct PID S SEQ="ALL" D BLDPID(DFN,1,.SEQ,.PID,.HL,.ERR) S ^TMP("HLA",$J,VAFCCNT)=PID(1) S X=1,CNT=1 F S X=$O(PID(X)) Q:'X I $D(PID(X)) S ^TMP("HLA",$J,VAFCCNT,CNT)=PID(X),CNT=CNT+1 S VAFCCNT=VAFCCNT+1 ;construct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construct ZPD segment S SEQ="1,17,21,34" ;**707 Added 1, 21 and 34 to ZPD fields S ^TMP("HLA",$J,VAFCCNT)=$$EN1^VAFHLZPD(DFN,SEQ) S VAFCCNT=VAFCCNT+1 Q MSH ;process MSH segment S VAFCFS=HL("FS") S HLQ=HL("Q"),HLFS=HL("FS"),HLECH=HL("ECH") S VAFCID=HL("MID") S COMP=$E(HL("ECH"),1) S REP=$E(HL("ECH"),2) S SUBCOMP=$E(HL("ECH"),4) S SITE=$$LKUP^XUAF4($P($P(HLNODE,HL("FS"),4),COMP)) Q QRD ;process QRD segment N QRD,X,IDS,WSF,ID,QRDAA,QRDNTC S VAFCQRD=HLNODE S VAFCRCV=$P(VAFCQRD,HL("FS"),5) S IDS=$P(VAFCQRD,HL("FS"),9) F X=1:1:$L(IDS,REP) S WSF=$P(IDS,REP,X) D . ;get id, assigning authority, and name type code . S ID=$P(WSF,COMP),QRDAA=$P($P(WSF,COMP,9),SUBCOMP),QRDNTC=$P(WSF,COMP,10) . ;check assigning authority(0363) AND name type code(0203) . I QRDAA="USVHA" D .. I QRDNTC="NI" S ICN=ID ;National unique individual identifier .. I QRDNTC="PI" S DFN=ID ;Patient internal identifier . I QRDAA="USSSA" D .. I QRDNTC="SS" S SSN=ID ;Social Security number Q BLDEVN(DFN,SEQ,EVN,HL,EVR,ERR) ;build EVN for TF last treatment date and event reason ; At this point only sequence one and two are supported ; Variable list ; DFN - internal PATIENT (#2) number ; SEQ - variable consisting of sequence numbers delimited by commas ; that will be used to build the message ; EVN (passed by reference) - array location to place EVN segment result, the array can have existing values when passed. ; HL - array that contains the necessary HL variables (init^hlsub) ; EVR - event reason that triggered this message ; ERR - array that is used to return an error ; D BLDEVN^VAFCQRY2(DFN,SEQ,.EVN,.HL,EVR,.ERR) Q BLDPD1(DFN,SEQ,PD1,HL,ERR) ; ; At this point only sequence 3 is supported ; Variable list ; DFN - internal PATIENT (#2) number ; SEQ - variable consisting of sequence numbers delimited by commas ; that will be used to build the message ; PD1 (passed by reference) - array location to place PD1 segment result, the array can have existing values when passed. ; HL - array that contains the necessary HL variables (init^hlsub) ; ERR - array that is used to return an error ; D BLDPD1^VAFCQRY2(DFN,SEQ,.PD1,.HL,.ERR) Q BLDPID(DFN,CNT,SEQ,PID,HL,ERR) ;build PID from File #2 ;The required sequences 3 and 5 will be returned and at this point ;sequences 1-3,5-8,10-14,16,17,19,22-24 and 29 are supported ; ; At this point only sequence one and two are supported ; Variable list ; DFN - internal PATIENT (#2) number ; CNT - value to be place in PID seq#1 (SET ID) ; SEQ - variable consisting of sequence numbers delimited by commas ; that will be used to build the message ; PID (passed by reference) - array location to place PID segment ; result, the array can have existing values when passed. ; HL - array that contains the necessary HL variables (init^hlsub) ; ERR - array that is used to return an error ; ;if this is a mismatch a null or """" should be passed in, so that ;the ICN will be removed at the site ; D BLDPID^VAFCQRY1(DFN,CNT,SEQ,.PID,.HL,.ERR) Q