VAFCTFU1 ;BHM/RGY-Utilities for the Treating Facility file 391.91, CONTINUED ;10/31/99 ;;5.3;Registration;**261,392,448,449**;Aug 13, 1993 TFL(LIST,DFN) ;for dfn get list of treating facilities NEW X,ICN,DA,DR,VAFCTFU1,DIC,DIQ,VAFC S X="MPIF001" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I '$T S LIST(1)="-1^MPI Not Installed" Q S DR=".01;13;99",DIC=4,DIQ(0)="E",DIQ="VAFCTFU1" ;**448 S ICN=$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) I ICN<0 S LIST(1)=ICN Q S X=$$QUERYTF($P(ICN,"V"),"LIST",0) I $P(X,U)="1" S LIST(1)="-1"_U_$P(X,U,2) Q F VAFC=0:0 S VAFC=$O(LIST(VAFC)) Q:VAFC="" D .K VAFCTFU1 .S DA=+LIST(VAFC) .D EN^DIQ1 .S LIST(VAFC)=VAFCTFU1(4,+LIST(VAFC),99,"E")_"^"_VAFCTFU1(4,+LIST(VAFC),.01,"E")_"^"_$P(LIST(VAFC),"^",2)_"^"_$P(LIST(VAFC),"^",3)_"^"_VAFCTFU1(4,+LIST(VAFC),13,"E") ;**448 .Q Q GETICN(RESULT,DFN) ; S RESULT=$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) Q GETDFN(RESULT,ICN) ; S RESULT=$$GETDFN^MPIF001(ICN) Q IFLOCAL(RESULT,DFN) ; S RESULT=$$IFLOCAL^MPIF001(DFN) Q ; SET(TFIEN,ARY,CTR) ;This sets the array with the treating facility list. ; Returns: treating facility ^ treatment date ^ event reason (if any) ; *261 gjc@120899 (formerly part of VAFCTFU prior to DG*5.3*261) N DGCN S CTR=CTR+1,DGCN(0)=$G(^DGCN(391.91,TFIEN,0)) S @ARY@(CTR)=$P(DGCN(0),U,2,3)_U_$P(DGCN(0),U,7) Q ; QUERYTF(PAT,ARY,INDX) ;a query for Treating Facility. ;INPUT PAT - The patient's ICN ; ARY - The array in which to return the Treating facility info. ; INDX (optional) - the index to $O through. APAT for patient ; information linked to treating facilities, AEVN for patient ; info linked with an event reason. INDX=1 if AEVN is used, ; else APAT is used. *261 gjc@120399 ; ;OUTPUT A list of the Treating Facilities in the array provided from ; the parameter. It will be in the structure of x(1), x(2) etc. ; Ex X(1)=500^2960101^ptr to ADT/HL7 Event Reason file (if exists) ; Where the first piece is the IEN of the institution, the second ; piece is the current date on record for that institution and the ; third piece is the event reason (if it exists). Note: A04 & A08 ; events do not file an event reason when adding to the TREATING ; FACILITY LIST (#391.91) file, thus returning null in the third ; piece. *261 gjc@120199 ; ; This is also a function call. If there is an error then a ; 1^error description will be returned. ; ; *** If no data is found the array will not be populated and ; a 1^error description will be returned. ; N PDFN,VAFCER,LP,CTR I '$G(PAT)!('$D(ARY)) S VAFCER="1^Parameter missing." G QUERYTFQ S VAFCER=0,CTR=0,INDX=$G(INDX) S X="MPIF001" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I '$T G QUERYTFQ S PDFN=$$GETDFN^MPIF001(PAT) I PDFN<0 S VAFCER="1^No patient DFN." G QUERYTFQ ; determine the index to $O through, based on the value of INDX I 'INDX F LP=0:0 S LP=$O(^DGCN(391.91,"APAT",PDFN,LP)) Q:'LP S TFIEN=$O(^(LP,"")) D SET(TFIEN,ARY,.CTR) I INDX S LP=0 F S LP=$O(^DGCN(391.91,"AEVN",PDFN,LP)) Q:'LP D .; please note the following: the AEVN xref is subscripted by pat. dfn .; event reason ptr, and the ien of the TFL file. It is possible .; that a patient may have numerous admission/discharges at different .; treating facilities, thus the looping through the TFIEN (TFL ien) .; subscript. *261 gjc@120399 .S TFIEN=0 F S TFIEN=$O(^DGCN(391.91,"AEVN",PDFN,LP,TFIEN)) Q:'TFIEN D SET(TFIEN,ARY,.CTR) .Q I $D(@ARY)'>9 S VAFCER="1^Could not find Treating Facilities" QUERYTFQ Q VAFCER