VAFCUTL ;BIR/LTL-utility for the ADT/HL7 PIVOT file 391.71, etc. ;22 Jul 97 ;;5.3;Registration;**149**;Aug 13, 1993 FILERM(PIV,MSG) ;programmer entry point. ;INPUT PIV - This is the IEN of the ADT/HL7 PIVOT file ; MSG - This is either the message ID for a successfully ;sent message or an error message ; G:'$G(PIV) FILERMQ S MSG=$TRANSLATE(MSG,"^","") N DIE,DA,DR S DIE="^VAT(391.71,",DA=PIV,DR="1.1////"_$G(MSG) D ^DIE ; FILERMQ Q ; COMP(LOCAL,REMOTE) ;string translator ;INPUT LOCAL - Local data element ; REMOTE - Remote data element ; ;OUTPUT 1 - Match, 0 - No match ; ;strip some punctuation and spaces N STRIP S STRIP=".()- " S LOCAL=$TR(LOCAL,STRIP),REMOTE=$TR(REMOTE,STRIP) ;reduce all to lowercase S LOCAL=$$LOW^XLFSTR(LOCAL),REMOTE=$$LOW^XLFSTR(REMOTE) Q $S(LOCAL=REMOTE:1,1:0)