VAFHBGJ ;ALB/CM BACKGROUND JOB FOR UPDATE MESSAGES ;05/23/95 ;;5.3;Registration;**91,415**;Jun 06, 1996 ; ;This routine will loop through the pivot file, getting the entries ;that have the TRANSMITTED-NEED TO TRANSMIT field populated and ; generating an A08 message for the update. ; ; EN ;check to see if sending is on or off I '$$SEND^VAFHUTL() Q ;make sure only one job will run ENT L +^XTMP("ADT/HL7 VAFH BATCH UPDATE"):3 E Q ; D MAIN K HLA D KILL^HLTRANS L -^XTMP("ADT/HL7 VAFH BATCH UPDATE") Q ; MAIN N LSTR,LOOP,NODE,DFN,RECENT,EVTY,EVDT,PIVOT,VPTR,GBL,COUNT,UP,ERR,CLEAN I '$O(^VAT(391.71,"AC",1,"")) Q S LOOP="",GBL="HLA(""HLS"")" K HLA ; F S COUNT=1,LOOP=$O(^VAT(391.71,"AC",1,LOOP)) Q:LOOP="" D Q:$D(HL)=1 .; bad x-ref, delete it and quit .I '$D(^VAT(391.71,LOOP)) K ^VAT(391.71,"AC",1,LOOP) Q .S NODE=$G(^VAT(391.71,LOOP,0)) Q:'NODE .K HL D INIT^HLFNC2("VAFH A08",.HL) .I $D(HL)=1 Q .I LOOP#10=0,+$$S^%ZTLOAD K HL S HL="TaskMan User Stop " Q .S DFN=$P(NODE,"^",3),PIVOT=$P(NODE,"^",2) Q:'DFN .; need to check if anything but registration .S LSTR=$P($$LTD^VAFHUTL(DFN),"^",2) .I LSTR'="R",LSTR'["No l" S LSTR=",2,50" .E S LSTR=50 .; .; generate the a08 message .S ERR=$$UP^VAFHCA08(DFN,PIVOT,NODE,COUNT,GBL,"2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10B,11,12,13,14,16,19,22B","2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15",LSTR) .I +ERR=0 DO . .S CLEAN=$$CLNTRAN^VAFHPIV2(PIVOT),COUNT=$P(ERR,"^",2)+1 .E Q .;;;I COUNT<2&($D(CLEAN)) D .I +CLEAN=-1 D ERROR^VAFHCCAP(CLEAN,DFN) Q .D GENERATE^HLMA("VAFH A08","LM",1,.HLRESLT) .K HLA Q