RMPFEA1 ;DDC/KAW-APPROVE/DISAPPROVE ORDERS; [ 06/16/95 3:06 PM ] ;;2.0;REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM;;JUN 16, 1995 SEL ;;input: RMPFS ;;output: RMPFX,RMPFM K RMPFX S RMPFM="I" S XX=$P(RMPFSYS,U,6) G SELE:'$D(RMPFS) SEL1 W !!,"Select an order number" I XX W ", ultiple Approval" W " or to exit: " D READ G END:$D(RMPFOUT) SEL11 I $D(RMPFQUT) W !!,"Enter the number to the left of the order you wish to approve",!," to continue." W:XX " Enter an to approve multiple orders." G SEL1 G SELE:Y="" I XX,"Mm"[Y S RMPFM="M" G SELE I '$D(RMPFS(Y)) S RMPFQUT="" G SEL11 SEL2 S RMPFX=RMPFS(Y) SELE K XX,Y Q MULTI ;;input: RMPFM ;;output: G END:RMPFM'="M" W !!,"Approve ll orders, by rdering Official, ype of Order or",!,"Numbers of specific orders separated by commas. O// " D READ G END:$D(RMPFOUT) MULTI1 I $D(RMPFQUT) D MSG G MULTI S:Y="" Y="O" I "AaOoTt"'[Y&(Y'?1N.E) S RMPFQUT="" G MULTI1 I Y?1N.E K RMPFS1 S CT=0 D SUB G MULTI1:$D(RMPFQUT),EXIT S Y=$E(Y,1),OR=$S("Aa"[Y:"A","Oo"[Y:"O",1:"T") D ORD:OR="O",TYP:OR="T" G END:Y=-1 S (CT,RMPFX)=0 F IK=1:1 S RMPFX=$O(^RMPF(791810,"AC",2,RMPFX)) Q:'RMPFX S S0=$G(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,0)) I $P(S0,U,15)=$O(^RMPF(791810.5,"C",RMPFMENU,0)),$P(S0,U,3)=2 D SUB1 EXIT W !!,CT," Orders Added to the Batch." D CONT^RMPFEA END K JJ,KK,IK,OR,CT,Y,RMPFX,RMPFM,DI,I,DIE,DR,D0,DI,D,% Q SUB F KK=1:1 S JJ=$P(Y,",",KK) Q:JJ="" D Q:$D(RMPFQUT) .I '$D(RMPFS(JJ)) S RMPFQUT="" Q .S RMPFS1(RMPFS(JJ))="" S RMPFX=0 F S RMPFX=$O(RMPFS1(RMPFX)) Q:'RMPFX D .Q:'$D(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,0)) S RMPFHAT="",X=$P(^(0),U,2) .I X,$D(^RMPF(791810.1,X,0)) S RMPFHAT=$P(^(0),U,2) .D SET^RMPFEA2 S CT=CT+1 Q SUB1 Q:'$D(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,0)) S S0=^(0),X=$P(S0,U,2),RMPFHAT="" I X,$D(^RMPF(791810.1,X,0)) S RMPFHAT=$P(^(0),U,2) I OR="O" Q:$P(S0,U,8)'=RMPFAD I OR="T" Q:$P(S0,U,2)'=RMPFTYP D SET^RMPFEA2 S CT=CT+1 Q ORD S DIC=200,DIC(0)="AEQM" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 S RMPFAD=+Y Q TYP S DIC=791810.1,DIC(0)="AEQM",DIC("S")="I '$P(^(0),U,7)" D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y=-1 S RMPFTYP=+Y Q READ K RMPFOUT,RMPFQUT R Y:DTIME I '$T W $C(7) R Y:5 G READ:Y="." S:'$T Y=U I Y?1"^".E S (RMPFOUT,Y)="" Q S:Y?1"?".E (RMPFQUT,Y)="" Q MSG W !!,"Enter an to approve all pending orders" W !?6,"an or to approve orders for one Ordering Official" W !?7,"a to approve orders of one specific type" W !?6,"The numbers to the left of orders, separated by commas for specific orders" W !?6,"an <^> to exit." Q