RMPFET62 ;DDC/KAW-CONTINUATION OF RMPFET [ 06/16/95 3:06 PM ] ;;2.0;REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM;;JUN 16, 1995 SEL ;;Select a line item from existing line item orders ;; input: RMPFX,RMPFMD,RMPFMC,RMPFHAT ;;output: RMPFY,Y1 W !!,"Enter dit, elete" S SX="EeDd" S FL=1 D ADD I FL W ", dd" S SX=SX_"Aa" D CAN^RMPFET0 I CN=1 W ", ancel" S SX=SX_"Cc" W " or to continue: " K Y1 D READ G SELE:$D(RMPFOUT) SEL1 I $D(RMPFQUT) D G SEL .W !!," Enter an to edit an item," .W !?8,"a to delete an item" .W !?7,"an to add an item or",!?8,"a to continue." .I SX["C" W !?8,"a to cancel an item" .I RMPFMC>1 W !," If editing or deleting, enter the number of the item after the function choice",!?6,"(ex: E2)." .W !!,"A maximum of two aids may be ordered with a monaural fitting and" .W !,"a maximum of four aids may be ordered with a binaural fitting." G SELE:Y="" S Y1=$E(Y,1) I SX'[Y1 S RMPFQUT="" G SEL1 I "Aa"[Y1 G SELE S Y2=$E(Y,2,99) I Y2,$D(RMPFMD(Y2)) S RMPFY=RMPFMD(Y2) G SELE I RMPFMC=1 S RMPFY=RMPFMD(1) G SELE SEL2 W !!,"Select number of item: " D READ G SELE:$D(RMPFOUT)!(Y="") SEL3 I $D(RMPFQUT) W !!,"Enter the number to the left of the item you wish to edit or to continue." G SEL2 G SELE:Y="" I '$D(RMPFMD(Y)) S RMPFQUT="" G SEL2 S RMPFY=RMPFMD(Y) SELE K X,Y,Y2,I,CN,SX,FL Q ADD S F=$P($G(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,11)),U,1) G ADDE:F="" D ARRAY^RMPFDT2 S (X,C)=0 F S X=$O(RMPFO(X)) Q:'X S C=C+1 I F="M",C>1 S FL=0 I F="B",C>3 S FL=0 ADDE K C,F,X Q READ K RMPFOUT,RMPFQUT R Y:DTIME I '$T W $C(7) R Y:5 G READ:Y="." S:'$T Y=U I Y?1"^".E S (RMPFOUT,Y)="" Q S:Y?1"?".E (RMPFQUT,Y)="" Q