RMPFET8 ;DDC/KAW-ADJUST AN ORDER [ 06/16/95 3:06 PM ] ;;2.0;REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM;**17**;06/06/01 ;;input : RMPFX,DFN,RMPFTYP,RMPFHAT,RMPFTP ;;output: None Q:'$D(RMPFX) Q:'$D(DFN) Q:'DFN W @IOF,!!,"ORDER ADJUSTMENTS" W !!?32,"*** WARNING ***" W !!,"This module is used to make adjustments to an order that has already been" W !!,"sent to the DDC. Orders may be adjusted up to 60 working days after aids" W !!,"are issued. If an adjustment is made after issue, the DDC will update the" W !!,"the order with the status 'CERTIFICATION PENDING'. Certification will again" W !!,"be required before the vendor will be paid." D CONT^RMPFET G END:$D(RMPFOUT) EN1 S S0=^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,0) K RMPFADJ I RMPFTYP,$D(^RMPF(791810.1,RMPFTYP,0)) S RMPFTYPP=$P(^(0),U,1) I RMPFTYP=""!(RMPFHAT="") W $C(7),!!,"ERROR IN ORDER TYPE" G END K RMPFSEL1 EDIT D PAT^RMPFUTL,HEAD,^RMPFDT2 S (X,CT)=0 F I=1:1 S X=$O(RMPFO(X)) Q:'X S CT=CT+1 D SEL G END:$D(RMPFOUT),EDIT:$D(RMPFQUT),END:RMPFSEL1="",EDIT END K RMPFTYPP,CT,X,RMPFOUT,RMPFQUT,RMPFSEL1,RMPFADJ,RMPFDOD K RMPFDOB,RMPFNAM,RMPFMD,RMPFO,RMPFSSN,CM,CX,DI,DIC,I,Y,RMPFRE Q SEL ;;Select adjustment action ;; input: RMPFX,CT,RMPFMD ;;output: RMPFSEL1 S RMPFODAT=$P(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,0),"^",9) I RMPFODAT>3010630 D .W !!!,"Enter hange Model, istory or to continue: " D READ I RMPFODAT<3010701 D .W !!!,"Enter hange Model, emove Component, dd Component," .W " istory or to continue: " D READ G SELE:$D(RMPFOUT) SEL1 I $D(RMPFQUT) D MSG G SELE:$D(RMPFOUT) S RMPFQUT="" G SELE S RMPFSEL1=$E(Y,1) G SELE:RMPFSEL1="" I RMPFODAT>3010630 I "CcHh"'[RMPFSEL1 S RMPFQUT="" G SEL1 I RMPFODAT<3010701 I "CcRrAaHh"'[RMPFSEL1 S RMPFQUT="" G SEL1 I "Hh"[RMPFSEL1 D ^RMPFDT7 G SELE I CT=1,$P(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFMD(1),0),U,15)'="C" S RMPFY=RMPFMD(1) G DO NUM S Z=$E(Y,2,99) G ITEM:'Z I $D(RMPFMD(Z)),$P(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFMD(Z),0),U,15)'="C" S RMPFY=RMPFMD(Z) G DO ITEM W !!,"Select number of item to adjust: " D READ G SELE:$D(RMPFOUT) ITEM1 I $D(RMPFQUT) W !!,"Enter the number to the left of the item that you wish to adjust." G ITEM G SELE:Y="" I '$D(RMPFMD(Y)) S RMPFQUT="" G ITEM1 S RMPFY=RMPFMD(Y) I $P(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY,0),U,15)="C" W $C(7),!!,"*** THIS ORDER HAS BEEN CANCELED ***" S RMPFQUT="" G ITEM1 DO S X=$P(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY,0),U,18) G SELE:'X,SELE:'$D(^RMPF(791810.2,X,0)) S X=$P(^(0),U,2) G SELE:X="" I "SECF"'[X W !!,$C(7),"*** LINE ITEMS WITH THIS STATUS CANNOT BE ADJUSTED ***" H 2 G SELE I "Cc"[RMPFSEL1 D CHANGEM^RMPFET81 G END:$D(RMPFOUT)!'$D(RMPFY) D CERTIFY G END:$D(RMPFOUT),SELE I RMPFODAT<3010701 I "Rr"[RMPFSEL1 D REMOVEC^RMPFET81 G END:$D(RMPFOUT)!'$D(RMPFY) D CERTIFY G END:$D(RMPFOUT),SELE I RMPFODAT<3010701 I "Aa"[RMPFSEL1 D ADDC^RMPFET81 G END:$D(RMPFOUT)!'$D(RMPFY) D CERTIFY G END:$D(RMPFOUT),SELE SELE K X,Y,Z,RMPFMD,RMPFY Q READ K RMPFOUT,RMPFQUT R Y:DTIME I '$T W $C(7) R Y:5 G READ:Y="." S:'$T Y=U I Y?1"^".E S (RMPFOUT,Y)="" Q S:Y?1"?".E (RMPFQUT,Y)="" Q HEAD W @IOF,!?27,"ACTIVE ORDER INFORMATION" W !,"Station: ",RMPFSTAP,?68,RMPFDAT W !,"Patient: ",$E(RMPFNAM,1,25),?40,"SSN: ",RMPFSSN,?62,"DOB: ",RMPFDOB W ! F I=1:1:80 W "-" Q CERTIFY S S0=^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY,0) Q:'$P(S0,U,20) Q:$P(S0,U,19)'["A" Q:'$D(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY,90)) F I=8:1:11 S $P(^(90),U,I)="" W !!,"*** THIS LINE ITEM MUST BE CERTIFIED ***" S BX=1 D ^RMPFET85 Q MSG W !!,"Enter to change a hearing aid model" W:RMPFODAT<3010701 !?6," to remove a component from the order" W:RMPFODAT<3010701 !?6," to add a component to the order" W !?6," to view the history of the order actions" W !?6," to continue." W !!,"If the order consists of more than one model, the number of the model needing to",!,"be adjusted may be entered after the letter from the command line (i.g., 'C2')." W !!,"Enter to continue." D READ Q DELETE ;;Delete old model when changing models ;; input: RMPFX,RMPFY,RMPFRE,RMPFMSG,RMPFY1 ;;output: None S S0=^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY1,0),IT=$P(S0,U,1) S LR=$P(S0,U,4),CX=$P(S0,U,14),X="NOW",%DT="T" D ^%DT S TD=Y S DIC="^RMPF(791810,"_RMPFX_",101,",DA(1)=RMPFX,DLAYGO=791810 S DIC(0)="L",X=""_IT_"" S DIC("DR")=".04////"_LR_";.14////"_CX_";.15////DC;.16////"_RMPFY1_";.18///APPROVED;90.01////"_DUZ_";90.02////"_TD_";90.03////"_RMPFRE_";90.04////"_RMPFMESG W "." K DD,DO D FILE^DICN S RMPFY3=+Y I Y=-1 W $C(7),!!,"*** MODEL NOT DELETED ***" H 2 Q S RMPFY=RMPFY1 D ARRAY2^RMPFDT2 S RMPFZ=0 F IX=1:1 S RMPFZ=$O(RMPFC(RMPFZ)) Q:'RMPFZ W "." D .S IT=$P(RMPFC(RMPFZ),U,1),CX=$P(RMPFC(RMPFZ),U,2) .I '$D(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY3,102,0)) S ^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY3,102,0)="^791810.101102P" .S DIC="^RMPF(791810,"_RMPFX_",101,"_RMPFY3_",102,",X=""_IT_"" .S DA(2)=RMPFX,DA(1)=RMPFY3,DLAYGO=791810,DIC(0)="L" .S DIC("DR")=".03////D;.05////"_DUZ_";.06////"_TD_";.07////"_RMPFRE .K DO,DD D FILE^DICN I Y=-1 W $C(7),!!,"*** COMPONENT NOT DELETED ***" Q .S $P(^RMPF(791810,RMPFX,101,RMPFY3,102,+Y,0),U,4)=+Y,$P(^(0),U,2)=CX Q K X,Y,RMPFOUT,RMPFQUT,DIC,RMPFZ,RMPFC,IT,CX,DA,ZZ,ZY,RMPFRE,RMPFY3,TD K LR,IX,%,%DT,D0,DI,DIE,DLAYGO,DQ,DR Q