RMPFRPC1 ;DDC/PJU - Module to get demographics from patient files ;7/8/04 ;;3.0;REMOTE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM;**1**;11/1/02 ;;Called from RMPFDEMOG START(RE,DFN) ;see description at end of program ;;input: array name by ref, DFN ;;output: 2 char term used in name-value pairs for URL ;;will return to the Delphi app subscripts in same order ;created during calculation in the RE array (passed by reference) ;PD = RE(0)=date of death msg or "" ;NM = RE(11)=name ;SS = RE(12)=SSN ;BD = RE(13)=DOB ;L1 = RE(14)=current ad1 ;L2 = RE(15)=current ad2 ;L3 = RE(16)=current ad3 ;CI = RE(17)=current city ;ST = RE(18)=current st ;ZP = RE(19)=current zip ;TD = RE(20)=t start date ;TE = RE(21)=t end date ;PN = RE(22)=current phone ;ED = RE(23)=eligibility status date FM ;EL = RE(24)=R3 eligibility code ;ES = RE(25)=eligibility status ;SR = RE(26)=sensitive record ;ER = RE(27)=error msg ;PR = RE(28)=primary elig ;GP = RE(29)=priority group ;ICN= RE(30)=Integration Control Number for MPI I '$G(DFN) D G END .S ER="**ERROR** Must have a DFN to run routine RMPFRPC " K RE ;can set param to clear between calls N N ARR,BD,CL,CI,ED,EL,ER,ES,GP,ICN,L1,L2,L3 N NM,PD,PN,PR,SR,SS,ST,TE,TD,VT,ZP S (BD,CL,CI,ED,EL,ER,ES,GP,ICN,L1,L2,L3)="" S (NM,PD,PN,PR,SR,SS,ST,TE,TD,VT,ZP)="" F X=0,11:1:30 S RE(X)="" D D DEM^VADPT ;sets up VADM() - demographic variables *** ck for errors I $G(VAERR) D G END .S ER="**ERROR** Problem in retrieving Demographic values" I $D(^DGSL(38.1,"B",DFN)) D ;ck for sensitive record .S SR=$O(^DGSL(38.1,"B",DFN,0)) ;IA#767 after approval from Mary Marks/Cameron Schlehuber .I SR,$P($G(^DGSL(38.1,SR,0)),U,2) S RE(26)=1 S NM=$G(VADM(1)),RE(11)=NM ;name S SS=$P($G(VADM(2)),U,1),RE(12)=SS ;ssn S BD=$G(VADM(3)),RE(13)=BD ;DOB D ADD^VADPT ;sets up VAPA() *** get current addr and ck errors I $G(VAERR) D G END .S ER="**ERROR** Problem in retrieving Address values" S L1=$G(VAPA(1)),RE(14)=L1 S L2=$G(VAPA(2)),RE(15)=L2 S L3=$G(VAPA(3)),RE(16)=L3 S CI=$G(VAPA(4)),RE(17)=CI S ST=$P($G(VAPA(5)),U,1) ;State file pointer I 'ST D G END .S ER="**ERROR** Invalid State entry in PATIENT file" E S X=ST,DIC="5",DIC(0)="NZ" D ^DIC K DIC D G:$L(ER) END .I +Y<1 K Y D Q ;2/6/04 chg'd to part of ELSE ..S ER="**ERROR** Patient State not in the STATE file" .S ST=$P(Y(0),U,2) K Y ;State abbrev S RE(18)=$P($G(VAPA(5)),U,1)_U_ST S ZP=$S($G(VAPA(11)):VAPA(11),1:VAPA(6)),RE(19)=$P(ZP,U,1) S TD=$G(VAPA(9)),RE(20)=TD S TE=$G(VAPA(10)),RE(21)=TE S PN=$G(VAPA(8)),RE(22)=PN ;OK to here END D START^RMPFRPC0(.ARR,DFN) ;elig variables ;ARR is killed and re-set in RMPFRPC0 S RE(0)=$G(ARR(0)) ;FM DOD ^ external S RE(23)=$G(ARR(1)) ;eligibility FM status date S RE(24)=$G(ARR(2)) ;R3 calculated eligibility code OR S:$L($G(ARR(8))) RE(24)=$G(ARR(8)) ;code^approval/disapproval^PSAS USER NAME S RE(25)=$P($G(ARR(3)),U,1) ;eligibility status S RE(26)=$G(ARR(4)) ;0 OR 1 FOR sensitive record I $L($G(ER)) S RE(27)=ER ;error msg from VADPT calls E S RE(27)=$G(ARR(5)) ;error msg from elig call S RE(28)=$G(ARR(6)) ;prim elig S RE(29)=$G(ARR(7)) ;priority group S X="MPIF001" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T S ICN=$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) S:(ICN<1) ICN="" ;"***ICN NOT FOUND***" S RE(30)=ICN EXIT F X=11:1:30 S RE(X)=$$CLEAN(RE(X)) K S0,S1,S2,S6,YY,POP D KVAR^VADPT ;kill VADPT variables Q CLEAN(RMVAR) ;Remove symbols that should not go through URL N RMPFRTN S RMPFRTN=$TR(RMVAR,"@#%?&/\","") ENDC Q RMPFRTN ; EXAMP ;return array to calling application ;sorts numerically by orig subscript ;RE(0)= DOD numeric and text ;RE(1)= name text ;RE(2)= SSN ;RE(3)= DOB numeric and text ;RE(4)= current address line 1 ;RE(5)= "" line 2 ;RE(6)= "" line 3 ;RE(7)= "" city ;RE(8)= "" numeric and abbrev state ;RE(9)= "" zip ;RE(10)= temp start date numeric ^ text ;RE(11)= temp end date numeric ^ text ;RE(12)= current phone ;RE(13)= elig status date numeric ^ text ;RE(14)= elig ;RE(15)= elig status (V^VERIVIED) ;RE(16)= sensitive record (1 or '') ;RE(17)=error msg ;RE(18)=primary elig ;RE(19)=priority group ;RE(20)=integration control number ICN ; ;RPCBroker lookup is done to retrieve the patient DFN. ;A call is then made to this routine through the RMPFDEMOG RPC. ;From the PATIENT file, we get the name, SSN, date of birth, ;current address, and temporary address parameters.