XWBM2MT ;OIFO-Oakland/REM - M2M Broker Example ;05/16/2002 14:09 ;;1.1;RPC BROKER;**28**;Mar 28, 1997 ; QUIT ; EN(CONTX,RPCN) ;Entry point to hard code IP,PORT,AV S IP="",PORT=9800,AV="QQQQ11;11ZZZZ.." D EN1(CONTX,RPCN,PORT,IP,AV) Q ; EN1(CONTX,RPCN,PORT,IP,AV) ; N I ;Entry point that passes in needed parameters. If use this entry point, ; need to set up params first. ;CONTX - Name of context ;RPCN - RPC name ;PORT - port number ;IP - IP address ;AV - access/verify codes ;XWBOPEN - set this flag before call to keep connection open after call. K REQ,STATE,RPC S U="^" I $G(DUZ)'>0 W !,"Please Call XUP first!" Q D HOME^%ZIS U IO W !!,"Test a M2M call to ",CONTX," context." D OPEN(PORT,IP,AV) I XWBSTATE("M2M","OPEN")=0 D HOME^%ZIS U IO W !,"Didn't get port open or AV failed." Q I '$$SETCONTX^XWBM2MC(CONTX) D HOME^%ZIS U IO W !,"Didn't get Context" G EXIT ;This code is run if called from EN3 I $G(RMFLAG)=1 D .D CLEARP .D SETPARAM(1,"STRING","RAUL TEST") D HOME^%ZIS U IO W !,"Call ",RPCN," - RPC." I '$$CALLRPC^XWBM2MC(RPCN,"REQ",1) D HOME^%ZIS U IO W !,"Could not run RPC." W !,"Result: " F I=1:1 Q:'$D(REQ(I)) W !,REQ(I) W ! K RMFLAG I $G(XWBOPEN)=1 Q ;flag to quit and keep connection open ; EXIT D CLOSE Q ; EN2 ;Entry point that hard sets IP,PORT,AV,CONTEXT,RPC. ;RMFLAG - if RMGLAG=1, it will set PARAM in EN1. N IP,PORT,AV,CONTX,RPCN,RMFLAG S RMFLAG=1 ;S IP="",PORT="9800",AV="2287CTD;11ZZZZ.." ;BayPines Cache S IP="",PORT=9800,AV="QQQQ11;11ZZZZ.." S CONTX="XWB BROKER EXAMPLE",RPCN="XWB EXAMPLE ECHO STRING" D EN1(CONTX,RPCN,PORT,IP,AV) Q ; EN3(VAL) ;Just runs RPC; need to OPEN, SETCONTX then CLOSE. Or just call after ; connection has been done. **ONLY WORKS FOR TESTING IN DEV,XWB** N STR,ROOT,RPC,RES S ^TMP("XWBM2MTEST",$J,"TYPE")="STRING" S ^TMP("XWBM2MTEST",$J,"VALUE")=VAL S ROOT=$NA(^TMP("XWBM2MTEST",$J)) I '$$PARAM^XWBM2MC(1,ROOT) W !,"PARAM failed." Q 0 S RPC="ZZRM TEST RPC",RES="RESPONSE" I '$$CALLRPC^XWBM2MC(RPC,RES,0) Q 0 ;D HOME^%ZIS U IO W !,"Could not run RPC." K ^TMP("XWBM2MTEST") Q 1 ; ECHOSTR ;Example of Echo String N XWBSTR,XWBIP,XWBPORT,XWBAV,Y S XWBIP="",XWBPORT="",XWBAV="" K DIR S DIR(0)="FAU^1:50",DIR("A")="Enter String: ",DIR("B")="TEST STRING" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S XWBSTR=$$CHARCHK^XWBUTL(Y) D CLEARP D SETPARAM(1,"STRING",XWBSTR) I $G(XWBFLAG) D EN("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB EXAMPLE ECHO STRING") K XWBFLAG Q D USERIP Q:$G(XWBQUIT) D EN1("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB EXAMPLE ECHO STRING",XWBPORT,XWBIP,XWBAV) D CLEAN Q ; WP ;Example of WP N XWBSTR,XWBIP,XWBPORT,XWBAV S XWBIP="",XWBPORT="",XWBAV="" D CLEARP I $G(XWBFLAG) D EN("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB EXAMPLE WPTEXT") K XWBFLAG Q D USERIP Q:$G(XWBQUIT) D EN1("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB EXAMPLE WPTEXT",XWBPORT,XWBIP,XWBAV) D CLEAN Q ; LARRY ;Example of passing Array (mult). N XWBIP,XWBPORT,XWBAV S XWBIP="",XWBPORT="",XWBAV="" D CLEARP S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"TYPE")="ARRAY" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"VALUE","Raul")="Programmer" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"VALUE","Susan")="Tech Writter" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"VALUE","Dan")="Project Mgr" I $G(XWBFLAG) D EN("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB M2M EXAMPLE LARRY") K XWBFLAG Q D USERIP Q:$G(XWBQUIT) D EN1("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB M2M EXAMPLE LARRY",XWBPORT,XWBIP,XWBAV) D CLEAN Q ; LARRYRP(XWBY,XWBARR,XWBSTR) ;Remote procedure for local array NEW XWBX,XWBLINE ; SET XWBLINE=0 I $G(XWBSTR)'="" S XWBY(1)=$G(XWBSTR) S XWBLINE=1 SET XWBX="" FOR SET XWBX=$O(XWBARR(XWBX)) QUIT:XWBX="" DO .S XWBLINE=XWBLINE+1 .S XWBY(XWBLINE)=XWBX_" / "_XWBARR(XWBX) Q ; LARRSTR ;Example of passing Array (mult) and String. N XWBIP,XWBPORT,XWBAV S XWBIP="",XWBPORT="",XWBAV="" D CLEARP S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"TYPE")="ARRAY" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"VALUE","Raul")="Programmer" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"VALUE","Susan")="Tech Writter" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",1,"VALUE","Dan")="Project Mgr" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",2,"TYPE")="STRING" S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",2,"VALUE")="String and Array (MULT) TEST" I $G(XWBFLAG) D EN("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB M2M EXAMPLE LARRY") K XWBFLAG Q D USERIP Q:$G(XWBQUIT) D EN1("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB M2M EXAMPLE LARRY",XWBPORT,XWBIP,XWBAV) D CLEAN Q ; REF ;Example of passing a value by reference N XWBREF,Y,XWBSTR,XWBIP,XWBPORT,XWBAV S XWBIP="",XWBPORT="",XWBAV="" K DIR S DIR(0)="FAU^1:50",DIR("A")="Enter Reference Value: ",DIR("B")="DT" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q S XWBREF=$$CHARCHK^XWBUTL(Y) D CLEARP D SETPARAM(1,"REF",XWBREF) I $G(XWBFLAG) D EN("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB M2M EXAMPLE REF") K XWBFLAG Q D USERIP Q:$G(XWBQUIT) D EN1("XWB BROKER EXAMPLE","XWB M2M EXAMPLE REF",XWBPORT,XWBIP,XWBAV) D CLEAN Q ; REFRP(RET,PARAM) ;Remote procedure for value passed by reference S RET(0)=PARAM Q ; USERIP ;Get IP,Port,AV from user for connection. N Y S XWBQUIT=0 K DIR S DIR(0)="FAU^1:50",DIR("A")="Enter IP: ",DIR("B")="" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XWBQUIT=1 Q S XWBIP=Y K DIR S DIR(0)="FAU^1:50",DIR("A")="Enter PORT: ",DIR("B")="9800" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XWBQUIT=1 Q S XWBPORT=Y K DIR S DIR(0)="FAU^1:50",DIR("A")="Enter AV: ",DIR("?")="e.g. Smith;11PASSWORD!! " D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XWBQUIT=1 Q S XWBAV=Y K DIR S DIR(0)="FAU^1:50",DIR("A")="Enter CONTEXT: ",DIR("B")="XWB BROKER EXAMPLE" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XWBQUIT=1 Q S XWBCONTX=Y I $G(XWBREPFL) D .K DIR S DIR(0)="FAU^1:50",DIR("A")="Enter REPS: " .D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S XWBQUIT=1 Q .S XWBREPS=Y Q ; OPEN(PORT,IP,AV) ;Opens connection to server. ;S IP="",PORT="9800",AV="QQQQ11;11ZZZZ.." ;Local ;S IP="",PORT="9800",AV="2287CTD;11ZZZZ.." ;BayPines Cache S XWBSTATE("M2M","OPEN")=$$CONNECT^XWBM2MC(PORT,IP,AV) Q ; CLOSE ;Close the connection. S X=$$CLOSE^XWBM2MC() S XWBSTATE("M2M","OPEN")=0 D CLEAN K X,XWBOPEN Q ; CLEARP ;Clear the PARAMS array I '$G(XWBDBUG) K XWBPARMS D PRE^XWBM2MC Q ; SETPARAM(INDEX,TYPE,VALUE) ;Set a Params entry S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",INDEX,"TYPE")=TYPE S XWBPARMS("PARAMS",INDEX,"VALUE")=VALUE Q ; CLNTMP ;Kills the TMP("XWB*" K ^TMP("XWBM2M"),^TMP("XWBM2MVLC"),^TMP("XWBM2MRPC"),^TMP("XWBM2MRL") K ^TMP("XWBM2ME"),^TMP("XWBM2M"),^TMP("XWBM2ML") Q ; CLEAN ; K REQ,XWBCONTX Q ;