XWBTCP ;ISC-SF/EG - Control TCP listener ;07/08/2004 16:11 ;;1.1;RPC BROKER;**1,9,35**;Mar 28, 1997 ; EN ; -- entry point for interactive use N X1,X2,XWBTDBG,XWBIP S XWBIP="" S:$G(IO("IP"))]"" XWBIP=IO("IP") W !,"Enter client address: "_XWBIP_"//" R X1:300 Q:'$T Q:X1="^" W !," Enter client port: " R X2:300 Q:'$T Q:X2="^" W ! S XWBTDBG="" IF X1="" S X1=XWBIP IF $L(X1),$L(X2) D EN^XWBTCPC(X1,X2,"","1.08") Q ; STATSCRN(XWBNEW) ;Port STATUS field screen ;DA: FileMan DA array. See STATCHG tag bellow for detailed descr. ;XWBCUR: Current value of STATUS field ;XWBNEW: New/requested value of STATUS field ; The domain for XWBCUR and XWBNEW is the same as for the ; ACTION variable, described at STATCHG tag bellow. N C,XWBCUR,RESULT S C="," S XWBCUR=$$GET1^DIQ(8994.171,DA_C_DA(1)_C_DA(2)_C,"STATUS","I") S RESULT=0 I XWBCUR=3,XWBNEW=4 S RESULT=1 ;if stopping a running listener I XWBCUR=6,XWBNEW=1 S RESULT=1 ;if starting a stopped listener ; the next two cases are most usefull whenever some error occurs ; and the STATUS field is stuck in STARTING or RUNNING state I XWBCUR=2,XWBNEW=3 S RESULT=1 ;change to RUNNING if it's starting I XWBCUR=5,XWBNEW=6 S RESULT=1 ;change to STOPPED if it's stopping Q RESULT ; ; STATCHG(DA,ACTION) ;STATUS field X-ref SET logic ;DA: FileMan DA array ; DA =IEN of the port ; DA(1) =IEN of the BOX-VOLUME ; DA(2) =IEN of site/domain ;ACTION: Requested value for the STATUS field. Possible values are: ; 1 = START, 2 = STARTING, 3 = RUNNING, ; 4 = STOP, 5 = STOPPING, 6 = STOPPED N C,ZTCPU,TYPE,XWBPORT,XWBFDA S C="," ; I ACTION=1!(ACTION=4) D . S ZTCPU=$$GET1^DIQ(8994.17,DA(1)_C_DA(2)_C,"BOX-VOLUME PAIR") . S XWBPORT=$$GET1^DIQ(8994.171,DA_C_DA(1)_C_DA(2)_C,"PORT") . S TYPE=$$GET1^DIQ(8994.171,DA_C_DA(1)_C_DA(2)_C,"TYPE OF LISTENER","I") . ;UCI is no longer derived from the file, but comes from current . ;environment. The reason for that is it makes no sense to start . ;a listener in a UCI where ^XWB can't be reached to change status. . D GETENV^%ZOSV . S ZTUCI=$P(Y,U),ZTIO="",ZTREQ="@",ZTDTH=$H ;run it ASAP . I ACTION=1 D ; -- START listener . . S ZTDESC="RPC Broker Listener START on "_ZTUCI_"-"_ZTCPU_", port "_XWBPORT . . S ZTRTN=$S(TYPE=1:"ZISTCP^XWBTCPM1("_XWBPORT_")",1:"EN^XWBTCPL("_XWBPORT_")") . E D ; -- STOP listener . . S ZTDESC="RPC Broker Listener STOP on "_ZTUCI_"-"_ZTCPU_", port "_XWBPORT . . S ZTRTN="STOP^XWBTCP("_XWBPORT_")" . D EN^DDIOL("Task: "_ZTDESC,"","!?10") ;inform user . D ^%ZTLOAD ; queue it . D EN^DDIOL("has been queued as task "_ZTSK,"","!?10") ;inform user . ; -- change STATUS from START to STARTING or from STOP to STOPPING . D FDA^DILF(8994.171,DA_C_DA(1)_C_DA(2)_C,1,"R",ACTION+1,"XWBFDA") . D FILE^DIE("K","XWBFDA") Q ; ; STRT(XWBTSKT) ;start TCP Listener. Interactive entry point N IP,REF,Y,% S U="^" D HOME^%ZIS W "Start TCP Listener...",! X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S REF=Y S IP="" ;get server IP at some point IF $G(XWBTSKT)="" S XWBTSKT=9000 ;default service port is 9000 ; ; -- see if 'running flag' for listener is set I '$$SEMAPHOR^XWBTCPL(XWBTSKT,"LOCK") W "TCP Listener on port "_XWBTSKT_" appears to be running already.",! Q S %=$$SEMAPHOR^XWBTCPL(XWBTSKT,"UNLOCK") ; D MARKER(XWBTSKT,1) ;record problem marker ; -- start the listener J EN^XWBTCPL(XWBTSKT)::5 ;Used in place of TaskMan, Need to start on any node. I '$T W "Unable to run TCP Listener in background.",! Q F %=1:1:5 D Q:%=0 . W "Checking if TCP Listener has started...",! . H 3 . S:'$$MARKER(XWBTSKT,0) %=0 I $$MARKER(XWBTSKT,0) D . W !,"TCP Listener could not be started!",! . W "Check if port "_XWBTSKT_" is busy on this CPU.",! . D MARKER(XWBTSKT,-1) ;clear marker E W "TCP Listener started successfully." Q ; MARKER(PORT,MODE) ;Set/Test/Clear Problem Marker, Mode=0 is a function N IP,Y,%,REF X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S REF=Y,IP="",%=0 L +^XWB(IP,REF,XWBTSKT,"PROBLEM MARKER") I MODE=1 S ^XWB(IP,REF,XWBTSKT,"PROBLEM MARKER")=1 I MODE=0 S:$D(^XWB(IP,REF,XWBTSKT,"PROBLEM MARKER")) %=1 I MODE=-1 K ^XWB(IP,REF,XWBTSKT,"PROBLEM MARKER") L -^XWB(IP,REF,XWBTSKT,"PROBLEM MARKER") Q:MODE=0 % Q ; STRTALL ;XWB LISTENER STARTER option entry point ;here all listener entries in RPC Broker Site Parameters file that ;have CONTROLLED BY LISTENER STARTER set to 1/Yes will be started. N E,LSTN,LSTNID,LSTNIENS,PORTID,XWBSCR,XWBDA ;XWBDA: Namespaced FileMan DA array ; XWBDA =IEN of the port ; XWBDA(1) =IEN of the BOX-VOLUME ; XWBDA(2) =IEN of site/domain S E="" S XWBDA(2)=1 ;hard set IEN of site/domain ; -- screen out RUNNING (STATUS=3) listeners and those that aren't controlled by XWB LISTENER STARTER option. S XWBSCR="I $P(^(0),U,2)'=3,$P(^(0),U,4)" ; -- get top level listners box-volume D LIST^DIC(8994.17,",1,",E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,$NA(LSTN("LSTNR"))) S LSTNID="" F S LSTNID=$O(LSTN("LSTNR","DILIST",1,LSTNID)) Q:LSTNID="" D . S XWBDA(1)=LSTN("LSTNR","DILIST",2,LSTNID) ;IEN of each listener . S LSTNIENS=","_XWBDA(1)_","_XWBDA(2)_"," . D LIST^DIC(8994.171,LSTNIENS,E,"P",E,E,E,E,XWBSCR,E,$NA(LSTN("PORT"))) . S PORTID=0 . F S PORTID=$O(LSTN("PORT","DILIST",PORTID)) Q:PORTID="" D . . S XWBDA=$P(LSTN("PORT","DILIST",PORTID,0),U,1) . . D STATCHG(.XWBDA,1) ;use STATUS field X-ref SET logic to queue up start of a listener Q ; STOPALL ;XWB LISTENER STOP ALL entry point ;here all listener entries in RPC Broker Site Parameters file that ;have CONTROLLED BY LISTENER STARTER set to 1/Yes will be stopped. N E,LSTN,LSTNID,LSTNIENS,PORTID,XWBSCR,XWBDA ;XWBDA: Namespaced FileMan DA array ; XWBDA =IEN of the port ; XWBDA(1) =IEN of the BOX-VOLUME ; XWBDA(2) =IEN of site/domain S E="" S XWBDA(2)=1 ;hard set IEN of site/domain ; -- screen out STOPPED (STATUS=3) listeners and those that aren't controlled by XWB LISTENER STARTER option. S XWBSCR="I $P(^(0),U,2)'=6,$P(^(0),U,4)" ; -- get top level listners box-volume D LIST^DIC(8994.17,",1,",E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,$NA(LSTN("LSTNR"))) S LSTNID="" F S LSTNID=$O(LSTN("LSTNR","DILIST",1,LSTNID)) Q:LSTNID="" D . S XWBDA(1)=LSTN("LSTNR","DILIST",2,LSTNID) ;IEN of each listener . S LSTNIENS=","_XWBDA(1)_","_XWBDA(2)_"," . D LIST^DIC(8994.171,LSTNIENS,E,"P",E,E,E,E,XWBSCR,E,$NA(LSTN("PORT"))) . S PORTID=0 . F S PORTID=$O(LSTN("PORT","DILIST",PORTID)) Q:PORTID="" D . . S XWBDA=$P(LSTN("PORT","DILIST",PORTID,0),U,1) . . D STATCHG(.XWBDA,4) ;use STATUS field X-ref SET logic to queue up stop of a listener Q ; RESTART ;Stop and then Start all listeners. D STOPALL H 15 D STRTALL Q ; STOP(XWBTSKT) ;stop TCP Listener. Interactive and TaskMan entry point N IP,REF,X,DEV,XWBOS,XWBIP,XWBENV S U="^" D HOME^%ZIS,GETENV^%ZOSV S XWBENV=Y D EN^DDIOL("Stop TCP Listener...") X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S REF=Y S IP="" ;get server IP IF $G(XWBTSKT)="" S XWBTSKT=9000 ;default service port is 9000 ; S XWBOS=$S(^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM":"DSM",^("OS")["MSM":"MSM",^("OS")["OpenM":"OpenM",1:"") ;RWF ; ; -- make sure the listener is running I $$SEMAPHOR^XWBTCPL(XWBTSKT,"LOCK") D Q . S %=$$SEMAPHOR^XWBTCPL(XWBTSKT,"UNLOCK") . D EN^DDIOL("TCP Listener does not appear to be running.") ; S X=$$NODE^XWBTCPM1(XWBTSKT) ;Get node I $P(X,"^",3)=1 D Q . D EN^DDIOL("New listener should stop on its own") ; ; -- send the shutdown message to the TCP Listener process ; using loopback address S XWBIP="" D CALL^%ZISTCP("",XWBTSKT) I POP D Q . S %=$$SEMAPHOR^XWBTCPL(XWBTSKT,"UNLOCK") . D EN^DDIOL("TCP Listener does not appear to be running.") U IO ; S X=$T(+2),X=$P(X,";;",2),X=$P(X,";") IF X="" S X=0 S X=$C($L(X))_X W "{XWB}00020|"_X_"00011TCPshutdown",! R X:5 D CLOSE^%ZISTCP IF X["ack" D EN^DDIOL("TCP Listener has been shutdown.") ELSE D EN^DDIOL("Shutdown Failed!") Q ; DEBUG ;Edit the debug parameter W !! D EDITPAR^XPAREDIT("XWBDEBUG") W !! Q