XWBTCPL ;SLC/KCM - Listener for TCP connects ;12/09/2004 07:33 ;;1.1;RPC BROKER;**1,7,9,15,16,35**;Mar 28, 1997 ;ISC-SF/EG - DHCP Broker ; ; This routine is the background process that listens for client ; requests to connect to M. When a request is received, This ; procedure will job a routine to handle the requests of the client. ; ; This job may be started in the background with: D STRT^XWBTCP(PORT) ; ; When running, this job may be stopped with: D STOP^XWBTCP(PORT) ; ; Where port is the known service port to listen for connections ; p*35 Moved reads and writes to XWBRW ; EN(XWBTSKT) ; -- accept clients and start the individual message handler N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ^%ZTER J EN^XWBTCPL($G(XWBTSKT)) HALT" N RETRY,X,XWBVER,XWBVOL,LEN,MSG,XWBOS,DONE,DSMTCP,NATIP,XWBRBUF N XWBTIME S U="^",RETRY="START" X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S XWBVOL=$P(Y,",",2) ;(*p7,p9*) IF $G(XWBTSKT)="" S XWBTSKT=9000 ; default service port S XWBTDEV=XWBTSKT ; Q:'$$SEMAPHOR(XWBTSKT,"LOCK") ; -- quit if job is already running ; S XWBDEBUG=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","XWBDEBUG") ;(*p35) I XWBDEBUG D LOGSTART^XWBDLOG("XWBTCPL") ;(*p35) D UPDTREC(XWBTSKT,3) ;updt RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETER record as RUNNING D MARKER^XWBTCP(XWBTSKT,-1) ;Clear marker ; D SETNM^%ZOSV($E("RPCB_Port:"_XWBTSKT,1,15)) ;change process name ; RESTART ; H 5 ;Hibernate so caller can clear (*p16,*p35) N $ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ETRAP^XWBTCPL" S DONE=0,X=0,XWBTIME=5,XWBTIME(1)=5 S XWBOS=$S(^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM":"DSM",^("OS")["OpenM":"OpenM",^("OS")["GT.M":"GTM",^("OS")["MSM":"MSM",1:"") S XWBT("BF")=$S(XWBOS="GT.M":"#",1:"!") ;(*p35) ; S %T=0 ;Check for Open success (*p35) ;DSM I XWBOS="DSM" O XWBTSKT:TCPCHAN:5 S %T=$T ;Open listener ;Cache, Terminator = $C(4)512 buffers, queue = 10 I XWBOS="OpenM" S XWBTDEV="|TCP|"_XWBTSKT O XWBTDEV:(:XWBTSKT:"A":$C(4):512:512:10):5 S %T=$T ;(*p35) ;GT.M (*p35) I XWBOS="GTM" D . S @("$ZINTERRUPT=""I $$JOBEXAM^ZU($ZPOSITION)""") . S XWBTDEV="SKD$"_$J,XWBTSKT=XWBTSKT . O XWBTDEV:(ZLISTEN=XWBTSKT_":TCP":NODELIMITER:ATTACH="listener"):5:"SOCKET" S %T=$T Q:'%T . U XWBTDEV S XWBTDEV("LISTENER")=$KEY . W /LISTEN(1) . U XWBTDEV S XWBTDEV("STATUS")=$KEY . Q ;Check if got device Open I '%T D LOG^XWBDLOG("Open "_XWBTSKT_" Fail") Q ;(*p35) ; I XWBDEBUG D LOG^XWBDLOG("Port Open: "_XWBTSKT) F D Q:DONE . S DONE=0 . ; -- listen for connect & get the initial message from the client . I XWBOS="DSM" U XWBTSKT S XWBTIME=60 ;Will wait at read . I XWBOS="MSM" S XWBTDEV=56 O 56 U 56::"TCP" W /SOCKET("",XWBTSKT) . I XWBOS="OpenM" U XWBTDEV R *X ;Cache will wait here for connection . I XWBOS="GTM" D . . K XWBTDEV("SOCKET") . . F D Q:$D(XWBTDEV("SOCKET")) . . . ;Wait for connection, $KEY will be "CONNECT|socket_handle|remote_ipaddress" . . . U XWBTDEV W /WAIT(10) S XWBTDEV("KEY")=$KEY . . . I XWBTDEV("KEY")="" Q . . . S XWBTDEV("SOCKET")=$P(XWBTDEV("KEY"),"|",2) . . . S (XWBTDEV("IP"),IO("GTM-IP"))=$P(XWBTDEV("KEY"),"|",3) . . . U XWBTDEV:(SOCKET=XWBTDEV("SOCKET"):WIDTH=512:NOWRAP:EXCEPTION="GOTO ETRAP") . . . Q . . Q . ;========================MAIN LOOP======================= . ;(*p35) change to use MSG, MSG1 and MSG2 . S (MSG,MSG1,MSG2,XWBRBUF)="" . ;F XCNT=0:0 R MSG1#1:XWBTIME Q:$T I '$T S XCNT=XCNT+1 Q:XCNT>5 . F XCNT=0:0 S MSG1=$$BREAD^XWBRW(1,XWBTIME,1) Q:$L(MSG1) S XCNT=XCNT+1 Q:XCNT>5 . Q:XCNT>5 . I MSG1'="{" D RELEASE(0) Q ;Not the right start so Close. . S MSG1=MSG1_$$BREAD^XWBRW(4,,1) IF (MSG1'="{XWB}") D RELEASE(0) Q . S MSG1=MSG1_$$BREAD^XWBRW(6) . I $E(MSG1,11)="|" D . . S VL=$$BREAD^XWBRW(1),VL=$A(VL) . . S XWBVER=$$BREAD^XWBRW(VL) . . S LEN=$$BREAD^XWBRW(5) . . S MSG=$$BREAD^XWBRW(+LEN) . E S X=$E(MSG1,11),LEN=$E(MSG1,6,10)-1,MSG2=$$BREAD^XWBRW(LEN),MSG=X_MSG2,XWBVER=0 . ; -- msg should be: action^client IP^client port^token . I XWBDEBUG D LOG^XWBDLOG("Hdr:"_MSG1_" Msg:"_MSG) ;(*p35) . ; . ; -- if the action is TCPconnect (usual case) . I $P(MSG,"^")="TCPconnect" D . . N DZ,%T S DZ="",%T=0,RETRY=$S($G(RETRY)>1:RETRY-1,1:0) ;(*p7*) . . ;Get the peer and use that IP, Allow use thru a NAT box. . . S NATIP=$$GETPEER^%ZOSV I $L(NATIP) S $P(MSG,"^",2)=NATIP ;(*p35) . . I '$$NEWJOB D QSND("reject") Q ;(*p7,*p35) . . I XWBDEBUG>1 D LOG^XWBDLOG("JOB: "_MSG) . . ;Job a Server, X should be null . . J EN^XWBTCPC($P(MSG,"^",2),$P(MSG,"^",3),$P(DZ,"^"),XWBVER,$P(MSG,"^",4))::5 S %T=$T . . I %T D QSND("accept") ;(*p35) . . I '%T D QSND("reject") ;(*p35) . ; . ; -- if the action is TCPdebug (when msg handler run interactively) . I $P(MSG,"^")="TCPdebug" D QSND("accept") ;(*p35) . ; . ; -- if the action is TCPshutdown, this listener will quit if the . ; stop flag has been set. This request comes from an M process. . I $P(MSG,"^")="TCPshutdown" S DONE=1 D QSND^XWBRW("ack") . D RELEASE(0) ;Now release the connection. (*p7*) . Q ; -- loop end ; S %=$$SEMAPHOR(XWBTSKT,"UNLOCK") ; destroy 'running flag' D LOG^XWBDLOG("Exit") D UPDTREC(XWBTSKT,6) ;updt RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETER record as STOPPED S $ETRAP="" ;(*p35) Turn off error trap IF XWBOS="DSM" C XWBTSKT ;Do Close last in case it gets an error Q ; QSND(STR) ;Write output (*p35) D QSND^XWBRW(STR),LOG^XWBDLOG(STR) Q ; ETRAP ; -- on trapped error, send error info to client N XWBERC,XWBERR S $ETRAP="D ^%ZTER J EN^XWBTCPL($G(XWBTSKT)) HALT" S XWBERC=$$EC^%ZOSV,XWBERR=$C(24)_"M ERROR="_XWBERC_$C(13,10)_"LAST REF="_$$LGR^%ZOSV D ^%ZTER ;Record error and clear $ECODE D LOG^XWBDLOG("Error: "_$E(XWBERC,1,200)) S RETRY=$G(RETRY)+1 H 3+(RETRY\5) ;(*p7*) Slow down but never stop ;Halt if DSM DUPNAME I XWBERC["F-DUPLNAM" D HALT . S %=$$SEMAPHOR(XWBTSKT,"UNLOCK") ; destroy 'running flag' . D UPDTREC(XWBTSKT,6) ;updt RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETER record as STOPPED . Q S XWBDEBUG=$G(XWBDEBUG) ;Set new trap S $ETRAP="Q:($ESTACK&'$QUIT) Q:$ESTACK -9 S $ECODE="""" G RESTART^XWBTCPL" ; I (XWBERC["READ")!(XWBERC["WRITE")!(XWBERC["SYSTEM-F") G ETRAPX IF XWBOS="DSM" D . I $D(XWBTLEN),XWBTLEN,XWBERC'["SYSTEM-F" D QSND(XWBERR) ;(p35) IF XWBOS="OpenM",XWBERC'["" D QSND(XWBERR) ;(*p7,35*) IF XWBOS="MSM" D QSND(XWBERR) ;(*p7,35*) ETRAPX D RELEASE(1) ;Now close the connection. (*p7*) I XWBOS="DSM" H 15 ;Wait for device to close S $ECODE=",U1," Q ;Pass error up to pop stack. ; FLUSH ;Flush the input buffer F R X:0 Q:'$T Q ; RELEASE(%) ;Now release the connection. (*p7*) ;Parameter is zero to Release, one to Close I XWBOS="DSM" D Q ;(*p35) . I $G(%) C XWBTSKT Q . U XWBTSKT:DISCONNECT ; release this socket I XWBOS="OpenM" D Q ;(*p35) . I $G(%) C XWBTDEV Q . W *-2 ;Release the socket I XWBOS="GTM" D Q ;(*p35) . I $G(%) C XWBTDEV Q . C XWBTDEV:(SOCKET=XWBTDEV("SOCKET")) ;release the socket I XWBOS="MSM" C 56 Q ; UPDTREC(XWBTSKT,STATE,XWBENV) ; -- update STATUS field and ^%ZIS X-ref of the ;RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETER file ;XWBTSKT: listener port N C,XWBOXIEN,XWBPOIEN,XWBFDA S C=",",U="^" I $G(XWBENV)'="" S Y=XWBENV E D GETENV^%ZOSV ;get Y=UCI^VOL^NODE^BOXLOOKUP of current system ;I STATE=3 S ^%ZIS(8994.171,"RPCB Listener",$P(Y,U,2),$P(Y,U),$P(Y,U,4),XWBTSKT)=$J ;I STATE=6 K ^%ZIS(8994.171,"RPCB Listener",$P(Y,U,2),$P(Y,U),$P(Y,U,4),XWBTSKT) ; S XWBOXIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(8994.17,",1,","",$P(Y,U,4)) ;find rec for box S XWBPOIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(8994.171,C_XWBOXIEN_",1,","",XWBTSKT) D:XWBPOIEN>0 ;update STATUS field if entry was found . D FDA^DILF(8994.171,XWBPOIEN_C_XWBOXIEN_C_1_C,1,"R",STATE,"XWBFDA") . D FILE^DIE("","XWBFDA") Q ; ; SEMAPHOR(XWBTSKT,XWBACT) ;Lock/Unlock listener semaphore ;XWBTSKT: listener port, XWBACT: "LOCK" | "UNLOCK" action to perform ;if LOCK is requested, it will be attempted with 1 sec timeout and if ;lock was obtained RESULT will be 1, otherwise it will be 0. For ;unlock RESULT will always be 1. N RESULT S U="^",RESULT=1 D GETENV^%ZOSV ;get Y=UCI^VOL^NODE^BOXLOOKUP of current system I XWBACT="LOCK" D . L +^%ZIS(8994.171,"RPCB Listener",$P(Y,U,2),$P(Y,U),$P(Y,U,4),XWBTSKT):1 . S RESULT=$T E L -^%ZIS(8994.171,"RPCB Listener",$P(Y,U,2),$P(Y,U),$P(Y,U,4),XWBTSKT) Q RESULT ; NEWJOB() ;Check if OK to start a new job, Return 1 if OK, 0 if not OK. N X,Y,XQVOL,XUVOL S X=$O(^XTV(8989.3,1,4,"B",XWBVOL,0)),XUVOL=$S(X>0:^XTV(8989.3,1,4,X,0),1:"ROU^y^1"),XQVOL=XWBVOL S X=$$INHIBIT^XUSRB ;Returns 1 if new logons are inhibited. Q 'X