XWBTCPMT ;ISF/RWF - Routine to test a connection ;11/28/2005 ;;1.1;RPC BROKER;**43**;Mar 28, 1997 CALL ;Interactive N IP,PORT,STAT D HOME^%ZIS S U="^",DTIME=$$DTIME^XUP W !,"Interactive Broker Test" R !,"IP ADDRESS: ",IP:DTIME I IP["^" Q R !,"PORT: ",PORT:DTIME I PORT["^" Q S STAT=$$TEST(IP,PORT,1) U $P W !,$S(STAT>0:"Success, response: "_$P(STAT,U,2),1:"Failed: "_$P(STAT,U,2,9)) Q ; TEST(IP,PORT,TALK) ; I IP'?1.3N1P1.3N1P1.3N1P1.3N S IP=$$ADDRESS^XLFNSLK(IP) I IP'?1.3N1P1.3N1P1.3N1P1.3N Q "-1^BAD IP" D CALL^%ZISTCP(IP,PORT) I POP Q "-1^Failed to Connect" U IO N $ET S $ET="G ERR^XWBTCPMT" ;TCPConnect W "[XWB]10304"_$C(10)_"TCPConnect5001010.6.17.95f00010f0024ISF-FORTW.vha.med.va.govf"_$C(4),@IOF R RES:10 I '$T S RES="-1^TIMEOUT" G EXIT W "[XWB]10304"_$C(5)_"#BYE#"_$C(4),@IOF R RES2:10 I '$T S RES="-1^TIMEOUT after accept" S RES="1^"_RES EXIT ;Close and Exit D CLOSE^%ZISTCP Q RES ; ERR ; D CLOSE^%ZISTCP U $P Q "-1^"_$$EC^%ZOSV ; CHECK ;Check server setup N XPARSYS,XWBDEBUG,XWBOS,XWBT,XWNRBUF,XWBTIME,NEWJOB W !,"This will check for some of the errors that can prevent the Broker" W !,"from getting started.",! D HOME^%ZIS D INIT^XWBTCPM W !,"Debuging is set to ",$S(XWBDEBUG=1:"On",XWBDEBUG=2:"Verbose",XWBDEBUG=3:"Very Verbose",1:"Off") D SETTIME^XWBTCPM(0) W !,"Broker activity timeout is set to ",XWBTIME S %ZIS="MN",IOP="NULL" D ^%ZIS I POP W !,"The NULL device is not setup correctly." I 'POP D ^%ZISC W !,"The NULL device is OK." I $T(SHARELIC^%ZOSV)="" W !,"The routine %ZOSV is missing the entry point 'SHARELIC'." I $T(GETPEER^%ZOSV)="" W !,"The routine %ZOSV is missing the entry point 'GETPEER'." I $G(XWBT("PCNT")),$T(COUNT^XUSCNT)="" W !,"The routine XUSCNT is missing on a GT.M system." W !,"Checking if new JOB's can start." S ^TMP("XWB",$J)=1 J HOLD^XWBTCPMT($J) H 1 I $G(^TMP("XWB",$J))=1 W !,"Doesn't look like a new JOB could start!",! S NEWJOB=$$NEWJOB^XWBTCPM() W !,"New jobs are "_$S('NEWJOB:"not ",1:"")_"allowed." W !,"Done with the checks.",! K ^TMP("XWB",$J) Q ; HOLD(MJ) ;Show that a new job is allowed. S ^TMP("XWB",MJ)=5 HANG 5 Q