KMPSUTL ;OAK/KAK - SAGG Utilities ;5/1/07 10:30 ;;2.0;SAGG;;Jul 02, 2007 ; CURSTAT(STAT) ;-- current status ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; input: STAT (optional) = data from $$TSKSTAT^KMPSUTL1 ; output: See codes below ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; N RESULT,SITNUM,STRTDT ; S RESULT="",SITNUM=^DD("SITE",1),STRTDT=$G(^XTMP("KMPS",SITNUM,0)) ; I $D(^XTMP("KMPS","ERROR")) Q "6^ERRORS RECORDED" I $D(^XTMP("KMPS","STOP")) Q "7^STOPPING" I $D(^XTMP("KMPS","START")) L +^XTMP("KMPS"):0 I $T L -^XTMP("KMPS") Q "5^DID NOT COMPLETE" I +STRTDT I +$H-STRTDT>2 Q "5^DID NOT COMPLETE" I +STRTDT I +$H-STRTDT>1 Q "4^RUNNING TOO LONG" I $D(^XTMP("KMPS","START")) Q "0^RUNNING" I $D(STAT) Q $P(STAT,U,1,2) E Q "3^NOT RUNNING" Q "9^UNKNOWN" ; STOP ;-- stop SAGG collection routines ; N DIR,X,Y ; I '$D(^XTMP("KMPS","START")) D Q .W !!,?5,"The SAGG Project collection routines are not running.",! E W !!,"Current status of SAGG is ",$P($$CURSTAT(),U,2),! S DIR("A")="Do you wish to manually STOP the SAGG Project collection routines (Y/N)",DIR("B")="N",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR W ! I Y D .S ^XTMP("KMPS","STOP")=1 .W !,?5,"The SAGG Project collection routines have been notified to begin an" .W !,?5,"orderly shut-down process.",! Q ; FILE ;-- modifies data in the SAGG PROJECT file #8970.1 ; N DA,DIC,DIE,DLAYGO,DR,PLTFRM,X ; S PLTFRM=$$MPLTF^KMPSUTL1 W !!,"Specify the Directories" W " which hold your VistA production globals.",!!,"For example:",!!,?5 I PLTFRM="CWINNT" W "Cache for Windows NT => W:\VAA, W:\VBB, W:\VCC ... V:\Vxx" I PLTFRM="CVMS" W "Cache for OpenVMS => _$1$DKAn:[CACHSYS.VAA] ... _$1$DKAx:[CACHSYS.Vxx]" I PLTFRM="UNK" W "Specify all locations of VistA globals" W !!,"Do NOT specify 'test/training' Directories, (i.e., UTL,TST, etc.).",! S DIE="^KMPS(8970.1,",DA=1,DR=.03 S:PLTFRM'="DSM" DR(2,8970.11)=.01 D ^DIE ; Q ; HELP ;-- extended help for SAGG PROJECT file VOLUME SET TO MONITOR (.01) field ; N PLTFRM ; S PLTFRM=$$MPLTF^KMPSUTL1 Q:PLTFRM="UNK" W !," This field will contain the name of the Directories that the site wants" W !," to monitor with the SAGG Project collection routines. The site should" W !," specify only the Directories which hold their VistA production globals:" W !! W " For example:",!! I PLTFRM="CWINNT" W " Cache for Windows NT => W:\VAA, W:\VBB, W:\VCC ... V:\Vxx",!! I PLTFRM="CVMS" W " Cache for OpenVMS => _$1$DKAn:[CACHSYS.VAA] ... _$1$DKAx:[CACHSYS.Vxx]",!! W " Do NOT specify 'test/training' Directories (e.g., UTL, TST, etc.).",! Q ; VERSION() ;-- extrinsic - return current version. Q $P($T(+2^KMPSUTL),";",3)_"^"_$P($T(+2^KMPSUTL),";",5) ; PTCHINFO ; -- patch information: routine name ^ current version ^ current patch(es) ^ package namespace ;;KMPSGE^2.0^^KMPS ;;KMPSLK^2.0^^KMPS ;;KMPSUTL^2.0^^KMPS ;;KMPSUTL1^2.0^^KMPS ;;%ZOSVKSD^8.0^**121,197,268,456**^XU ;;%ZOSVKSE^8.0^**90,94,197,268,456**^XU ;;%ZOSVKSS^8.0^**90,94,197,268,456**^XU