SCAPMC25 ;ALB/REW - Team API's:MSGDTH ; may 1999 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**41,177,297**;AUG 13, 1993 ;;1.0 MSGPT(MSGTYPE,DFN,SCTEAMA,SCDATES,SCYESCL,SCLIST,SCERR) ; users getting death message ; Input: ; MSGTYPE: ; 1 = Death Message ; 2 = Inpatient Message ; 3 = Team Message ; 4 = Consult Message ; 5 = Inactivation Message ; ; DFN - Pointer to Patient File #2 ; SCTEAMA -array of pointers to team file 404.51 ; if none are defined - returns all teams ; if @scteama@('exclude') is defined - exclude listed teams ; SCDATES("BEGIN") = begin date to search (inclusive) ; [default: TODAY] ; ("END") = end date to search (inclusive) ; [default: TODAY] ; ("INCL") = 1: only use pracitioners who were on ; team for entire date range ; 0: anytime in date range ; [default: 1] ; SCYESCL -boolean[1-yes(default)/0-no] Include pts asc. via enrollment? ; SCLIST - Name of output array ; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages. ; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J ; Output: ; SCLIST() = array of practitioners (users) - pointers to file #200 ; Format: ; Subscript: Sequential # from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 IEN of NEW PERSON file entry (#200) ; 2 .01 of file #200 ; SCERR() = Array of DIALOG file messages(errors) . ; @SCERR(0)= Number of error(s), UNDEFINED if no errors ; Foramt: ; Subscript: Sequential # from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 IEN of DIALOG file ; Returned: 1 if ok, 0 if error ; ST N SCOK,SCTM,SCTP,SCX,SCY,NODE,SCZ,SCTPND N SCLSEQ,SCN,SCESEQ,SCPARM,SCP,SCBEGIN,SCEND,SCINCL,SCDTS S SCOK=1 ; -- initialize control variables G:'$$OKDATA MSGQ ;given patient get list of their teams S SCOK=$$TMPT^SCAPMC(DFN,SCDATES,,"^TMP(""SCMSG1"",$J)",.SCERR) G:SCOK<1 MSGQ ;validate teams F SCX=1:1 S NODE=$G(^TMP("SCMSG1",$J,SCX)) Q:'NODE S SCTM=+NODE D:$$OKARRAY^SCAPU1(.SCTEAMA,SCTM) Q:SCOK<1 .;given teams get list of their positions .S SCZ=$$TPTM^SCAPMC(SCTM,SCDATES,,,"^TMP(""SCMSG2"",$J)",.SCERR) .Q:'SCZ .IF SCZ<0 S SCOK=-1 Q .;given list of valid positions get list of practitioners ; should position get message? ;;bp/cmf **177** begin F SCY=1:1 S SCTPND=$G(^TMP("SCMSG2",$J,SCY)) Q:'SCTPND D .S SCTP=$P(SCTPND,U,1) .D:$$OKPOS(MSGTYPE,SCTP,DFN,SCYESCL,SCDATES,.SCERR) ..;given list of valid positions get current practitioners ..S SCOK=$$PRTP^SCAPMC(SCTP,SCDATES,.SCLIST,.SCERR) ..Q .;new code here .;if preceptor notice turned on for message type .I +$P($G(^SCTM(404.57,SCTP,2)),U,MSGTYPE+4) D ..S SCX=+$$OKPREC2^SCMCLK(SCTP,DT) ..;if preceptor duz returned, add to array ..I SCX S @SCLIST@("SCPR",SCX)="" ..Q .Q ; ;;bp/cmf **177** orig begin ;;o;;F SCY=1:1 S SCTPND=$G(^TMP("SCMSG2",$J,SCY)) Q:'SCTPND S SCTP=$P(SCTPND,U,1) D:$$OKPOS(MSGTYPE,SCTP,DFN,SCYESCL,SCDATES,.SCERR) ;;o;;.;given list of valid positions get current practitioners ;;o;;.S SCOK=$$PRTP^SCAPMC(SCTP,SCDATES,.SCLIST,.SCERR) ;;bp/cmf **177** orig end ;;bp/cmf **177** end MSGQ F SCZ="SCMSG1","SCMSG2","SCMSG3" K ^TMP(SCZ) PRACQ Q $G(@SCERR@(0))<1 ; OKPOS(MSGTYPE,SCTP,DFN,SCYESCL,SCDATES,SCERR) ;check if message should go out to position for given pt ;needs pre-validated input ;return 1=ok,0=not ok N GETMESS,SCOK,SCX,SCTM K ^TMP("SCMSG3",$J) S SCTM=$P($G(^SCTM(404.57,SCTP,0)),U,2) S GETMESS=$P($G(^SCTM(404.57,SCTP,2)),U,MSGTYPE) S:"T"[GETMESS SCOK=1 ;if null give messages S:GETMESS="N" SCOK=0 IF GETMESS="P" D .;check if pt is assigned to position .S SCX=$$TPPT^SCAPMC(DFN,SCDATES,,,,,SCYESCL,"^TMP(""SCMSG3"",$J)",.SCERR) .S SCOK=$D(^TMP("SCMSG3",$J,"SCTP",SCTM,SCTP)) .S:SCX<0 SCOK="-1^Error in position-patient call" K ^TMP("SCMSG3",$J) Q SCOK ; OKDATA() ;setup/check variables N SCOK S SCOK=1 D INIT^SCAPMCU1(.SCOK) ; set default dates & error array (if undefined) S:'$L($G(SCYESCL)) SCYESCL=1 IF '$D(^DPT(+$G(DFN),0)) D S SCOK=0 . S SCPARM("PATIENT")=$G(PATIENT,"Undefined") . D ERR^SCAPMCU1(.SCESEQ,4045101,.SCPARM,"",.SCERR) ; ; -- is it a valid DFN passed (Error # 20001 in DIALOG file) IF '$D(^DPT(+DFN,0)) D S SCOK=0 . S SCPARM("PATIENT")=DFN . D ERR^SCAPMCU1(SCESEQ,20001,.SCPARM,"",.SCERR) Q SCOK ; PCMMXMY(MSGTYPE,DFN,SCTEAMA,SCDATES,SCYESCL) ;create xmy array for the appropriate type of pcmm mess ; return 1 if success,0 if error or no users receiving message N SCOK,SCGROUP,SC200,SCGROUP IF '$G(MSGTYPE) S SCOK=0 G QTXMY S SCOK=1 S SCOK=$$MSGPT(MSGTYPE,.DFN,.SCTEAMA,.SCDATES,.SCYESCL,"^TMP(""SC PCMM MAIL"",$J)") S SC200=0 F S SC200=$O(^TMP("SC PCMM MAIL",$J,"SCPR",SC200)) Q:'SC200 S XMY(SC200)="" IF $D(XMY) D .S XMY(.5)="" ELSE D .S SCOK=0 .S XMY(.5)="" K ^TMP("SC PCMM MAIL",$J) QTXMY Q SCOK ; MSGTEXT(MSGTYPE) ; Q $S(MSGTYPE=1:"DEATH",(MSGTYPE=2):"INPATIENT",(MSGTYPE=3):"TEAM",(MSGTYPE=4):"CONSULT",(MSGTYPE=5):"INACTIVATION",1:"ERROR")