SCAPMC27 ;ALB/REW - PTST Patients with a Stop Code ; JUN 30, 1995 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**41,140**;AUG 13, 1993 ;;1.0 PTST(SCST,SCDATES,SCMAXCNT,SCLIST,SCERR,MORE) ; -- list of patients with a IEN of 40.7 ; USE $$PTSTEXT(below) if you have stop code (e.g. 301) ; input: ; SCST = stop code ; SCDATES("BEGIN") = begin date to search (inclusive) ; [default: TODAY] ; ("END") = end date to search (inclusive) ; [default: TODAY] ; ("INCL") = 1: only use patients who were assigned to ; team for entire date range ; 0: anytime in date range ; [default: 1] ; SCMAXCNT = Maximum Number to Return - Default=99 ; SCLIST -array name to store list ; [ex. ^TMP("SCPT",$J)] ; ; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages. ; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J)] ; MORE - For continuing lists (see scapmc28) ;Note: Don't Return DFNs where $D(^TMP("SCMC",$J,"EXCLUDE PT","SCPTA",+DFN)) is true ; Output: ; SCLIST() = array of patients ; Format: ; Subscript: Sequential # from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 IEN of PATIENT file entry ; 2 Name of patient ; 3 ien to 40.7 - Not Stop Code!! stp=$$intstp ; 4 AMIS reporting stop code ; ; SCEFFDT - negative of effective date ; SCN - current subscript (counter) 1->n ; SCPTA0 is 0 node of Patient Team Assignment file 1st piece is DFN ; SCERR() = Array of DIALOG file messages(errors) . ; @SCERR@(0)=number of errors, undefined if none ; Foramt: ; Subscript: Sequential # from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 IEN of DIALOG file ; ; Returned: 1 if ok, 0 if error^More? ; ; ST N SCDT,SCEND,SCCL,SCNODE,SCX N SCLSEQ,SCN,SCESEQ,SCPARM,SCP,SCBEGIN,SCEND,SCINCL,SCDTS S SCX=0 G:'$$OKDATA STQ ;check/setup variables ; -- loop file#44 LP S SCDT=SCBEGIN S:'$P(SCEND,".",2) SCEND=$$FMADD^XLFDT(SCEND,1) ;ending is end of day IF $G(MORE) D .S SCSTART=+$P($G(@SCLIST@(0)),U,2) .S SCBEGIN=+$P($G(@SCLIST@(0)),U,3) .S SCCL=+$P($G(@SCLIST@(0)),U,4) .K @SCLIST ELSE D .S SCSTART=0 .S SCCL=0 ; go thru clinics with stop code=SCST F S:'$G(MORE) SCCL=$O(^SC(SCCL)) Q:'SCCL S:$P($G(^SC(SCCL,0)),U,7)=SCST SCX=$$PTAPX^SCAPMC28(.SCCL,.SCBEGIN,.SCEND,.SCMAXCNT,.SCLIST,.SCERR,.SCSTART) S MORE=0 STQ Q SCX ; OKDATA() ;check/setup variables N SCOK S SCOK=1 S SCMAXCNT=$G(SCMAXCNT,99) D INIT^SCAPMCU1(.SCOK) ; set default dates & error array (if undefined) IF '$D(^DIC(40.7,+$G(SCST),0)) D S SCOK=0 . S SCPARM("STOP")=$G(SCST,"Undefined") . D ERR^SCAPMCU1(.SCESEQ,4045101,.SCPARM,"",.SCERR) ; -- is it a valid TEAM ien passed (Error # 4045101 in DIALOG file) Q SCOK ; INTST(STOP) ;given stop code return ient Q +$O(^DIC(40.7,"C",+$G(STOP),0)) ; PTSTEXT(SCSTOP,SCDATES,SCMAXCNT,SCLIST,SCERR) ; -- list of patients with AMIS REPORTING STOP CODE ; For variables see: PTST (above) ; Returned: 1 if ok, 0 if error^More? N SCST S SCST=$$INTST(.SCSTOP) Q $$PTST(.SCST,.SCDATES,.SCMAXCNT,.SCLIST,.SCERR,.MORE)