SCAPMC8 ;;bp/cmf - List of Practitioners for a Position ; 7/12/99 10:03am ;;5.3;Scheduling;**41,177**;AUG 13, 1993 ;;1.0 ; PRTP(SCTP,SCDATES,SCLIST,SCERR,SCPRCPTR,SCALLHIS) ;-- list of practitioners for position (bp/cmf 177-->SCPRCPTR,SCALLHIS param added) ; input: ; SCTP = ien of TEAM POSITION[required] ; SCDATES("BEGIN") = begin date to search (inclusive) ; [default: TODAY] ; ("END") = end date to search (inclusive) ; [default: DT] ; ("INCL") = 1: only use pracitioners who were on ; team for entire date range ; 0: anytime in date range ; [default: 1] ; SCLIST= array NAME for output ; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages. ; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J)] ; SCPRCPTR = 1: return preceptor sub-array in SCLIST ; [default: 0] ; SCALLHIS = 1: return unfiltered sub-array in SCLIST ; [default: 0] ; ; Output: ; SCLIST(scn) = array of practitioners ; Format: ; scn: Sequential # from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 IEN of NEW PERSON file entry (#200) ; 2 Name of person ; 3 IEN of TEAM POSITION file (#404.57) ; 4 Name of Position ; 5 IEN OF USR CLASS(8930) of POSITION (404.57) ; 6 USR Class Name ; 7 IEN of STANDARD POSITION (#403.46) ; 8 Standard Role (Position) Name ; 9 Activation Date for 404.52 (not 404.59!) ; 10 Inactivation Date for 404.52 ; 11 IEN of Position Asgn History (404.52) ; 12 IEN of Current(=DT) Preceptor Position ; 13 Name of Current(=DT) Preceptor Position ; ; SCLIST(scn,'PR',scn1) = sub-array of preceptors ; Format: same as SCLIST(scn) PLUS ; scn1: Sequential number from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 14 precept start date ; 15 precept end date ; 16 IEN of Preceptor Asgn History (404.53) ; ; SCLIST("ALL",file,scn2) = sub array of all asgns within date range ; Format: ; file: 404.52 or 404.53 ; scn2: Sequential number form 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 status int [1:active,0:inactive] ; 2 status ext ["ACTIVE","INACTIVE"] ; 3 status FM date ; 4 status ext date ; 5 file = 404.52: practitioner ien (200) ; = 404.53: prec tm pos ien (404.57) ; 6 file = 404.52: practitioner name ; = 404.53: prec tm pos name ; 7 ien of [file] history ; ; SCLIST('SCPR',sc200,sctp,scact,scn)="" ; ; SCLIST('CH')= position asgn history status ; Format: ; Piece Description ; 1 [1:corrupt hist file,0:ok] ; 2 global first act hist date ; 3 global first act hist ien ; ; SCLIST('PR','CH')= preceptor asgn history status ; Format: ; Piece Description ; 1 [1:corrupt hist file,0:ok] ; 2 global first act hist date ; 3 global first act hist ien ; ; SCERR() = Array of DIALOG file messages(errors) ; Format: ; @SCERR@(0) = Number of errors, undefined if none ; Subscript: Sequential # from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 IEN of DIALOG file ; Returned: 1 if ok, 0 if error ; ; -- initialize control variables ; ST N SCPOSNM,SCPOS0,SCEFF,SCPRTP,SCTPNODE,SCVALHIS,SCI,SCN,SCSTOP N SCP1,SCP2,SCP3,SCP4,SCP5,SCP6,SCP7,SCP8,SCP9,SCP10,SCP11,SCP12 N SCLSEQ,SCRN,SCESEQ,SCPARM,SCP,SCBEGIN,SCEND,SCINCL,SCDTS ; G:'$$OKDATA PRACQ ; no team pos/date array G:'$D(^SCTM(404.52,"AIDT",SCTP)) PRACQ ; no history ; S SCPRCPTR=$S(+$G(SCPRCPTR):1,1:0) S SCALLHIS=$S(+$G(SCALLHIS):1,1:0) ; S @SCLIST@("CH")=$$VALHIST^SCAPMCU5(404.52,SCTP,"SCVALHIS") G:'$$ACTHIST^SCAPMCU5("SCVALHIS","SCDATES") PRACQ ;G:'$$ACTHIST^SCAPMCU2(404.52,SCTP,SCDATES,.SCERR,"SCPRTP") PRACQ G:'$D(SCVALHIS) TPALL ; no coherent history ; ; get static return pieces S SCP3=SCTP ;tm pos ien S SCTPNODE=$G(^SCTM(404.57,SCTP,0)) ;tm pos node S SCP4=$P(SCTPNODE,U) ;tm pos name S SCP5=$P(SCTPNODE,U,13) ;user class pointer S SCP6=$P($G(^USR(8930,+SCP5,0)),U) ;user class name S SCP7=$P(SCTPNODE,U,3) ;std pos pointer S SCP8=$P($G(^SD(403.46,+SCP7,0)),U) ;std pos name S SCP12=$$OKPREC3^SCMCLK(SCTP,DT) ;prec tm pos ien^name ; ; -- get list from position assignments S SCRN=0 S SCEFF=-(SCEND+.000001) F S SCEFF=$O(^SCTM(404.52,"AIDT",SCTP,1,SCEFF)) Q:'SCEFF D . ;Q:'$$ACTHIST^SCAPMCU2(404.52,SCTP,SCDATES,.SCERR,"SCPRTP") . S SCP11="" ; posn act hist ien . F S SCP11=$O(^SCTM(404.52,"AIDT",SCTP,1,SCEFF,SCP11),-1) Q:'SCP11 D . . Q:'$D(SCVALHIS("I",SCP11)) . . S SCP1=+$P($G(^SCTM(404.52,SCP11,0)),U,3) ;practitioner ien . . S SCP2=$P($G(^VA(200,+SCP1,0)),U) ;practitioner name . . S SCI=$O(SCVALHIS("I",SCP11,0)) . . S SCP9=$O(SCVALHIS(SCI,0)) ;hist start date . . Q:$D(@SCLIST@("SCPR",SCP1,SCTP,SCP9)) . . S SCP10=$P(SCVALHIS(SCI,SCP9,SCP11),U) ;hist end date . . Q:'$$DTCHK^SCAPU1(SCBEGIN,SCEND,SCINCL,SCP9,SCP10) . . S SCRN=SCRN+1 . . S @SCLIST@(0)=SCRN . . S @SCLIST@("SCPR",SCP1,SCTP,SCP9,SCRN)="" . . S @SCLIST@(SCRN)=SCP1_U_SCP2_U_SCP3_U_SCP4_U_SCP5_U_SCP6_U_SCP7_U_SCP8_U_SCP9_U_SCP10_U_SCP11_U_SCP12 . . Q . Q ; I $G(@SCLIST@(0))>0,+SCPRCPTR D PRCTP^SCAPMC8P TPALL I +SCALLHIS D TPALL^SCAPMC8A(404.52) ; PRACQ Q $G(SCERR(0))<1 ;bp/djb 7/12/99 ; OKDATA() ;check/setup variables - return 1 if ok/0 if error N SCOK S SCOK=1 D INIT^SCAPMCU1(.SCOK) ; set default dates & error array (if undefined) IF '$D(^SCTM(404.57,+$G(SCTP),0)) D S SCOK=0 . S SCPARM("POSITION")=$G(SCTP,"Undefined") . D ERR^SCAPMCU1(.SCESEQ,4045101,.SCPARM,"",.SCERR) ; -- is it a valid TEAM ien passed (Error # 4045101 in DIALOG file) IF '$D(^SCTM(404.57,+$G(SCTP),0))!('$D(SCDATES)) D S SCOK=0 . S SCPARM("POSITION")=$S('$D(SCTP):"Undefined",1:SCTP) . S SCPARM("DATES")=$S('$D(SCDATES):"Undefined",1:SCDATES) . D ERR^SCAPMCU1(SCESEQ,4045101,.SCPARM,"",.SCERR) Q SCOK ;