SCAPMR6 ;ALB/REW/PDR - Team Reassignment APIs:APPTTM ; 5 Jul 1995 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**148,157**;AUG 13, 1993 ; ; --------------------------- MAIN ------------------------------------- ACPTRATM(DFNA,SCTMTO,SCTMFRM,SCOTH,SCFIELDA,SCACT,SCERR,SCNEWTM,SCOLDTM,SCBADTM) ; list of patients RE-assigned to a team (404.42) ; input: as per ACPTTM (above with the following change:) ; DFNA = is the name of a patient array (e.g. $N(^TMP(SCJOB,"SC PATIENT LIST"))) ; there is at least one scpt(dfn)="" defined ; SCTMTO = pointer to "TO" team file ; SCTMFRM = pointer to "FROM" team file - PDR 7/98 ; SCOTH = array of other parameters e.g. SCOTH("SIZELIM") ; SCFIELDA = List of array of fields and values in 404.42 ; SCACT = Date filed (NOW) ; SCERR = Name of error message var ; SCNEWTM = Subset of DFNA that was NEWLY assigned to Team [returned] ; SCOLDTM = Subset of DFNA that was already assigned -Team [returned] ; SCBADTP = Subset of DFNA that was NOT assigned to Team [returned] ; Note: The above three arrays return data in a user determined array ; output: Count of Patients: ; 1 2 3 4 ; total assigned^newly assigned^assigned prior^not assigned N DFN,SCNEWCNT,SCOLDCNT,SCBADCNT,SCX,SCNOMAIL,SCERR,FASIEN S SCNOMAIL=1 S (SCNEWCNT,SCOLDCNT,SCBADCNT)=0 S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(@DFNA@(DFN)) Q:'DFN D . S FASIEN=@DFNA@(DFN) ; get the "FROM" team assignment . S SCX=$$ACPTTM^SCRPMTA(DFN,SCTMTO,.SCFIELDA,.SCACT,FASIEN,.SCERR) . ; SCX = ien of 404.42^new? . IF $P(SCX,U,2) D ;newly assigned to TO Team .. ;S ^TMP("PDR",$J,"NEW",DFN)="" .. S SCNEWCNT=SCNEWCNT+1 .. S @SCNEWTM@(DFN)=+SCX ;scnewtm . IF $P(SCX,U,1)&('$P(SCX,U,2)) D ;already assigned to TO team .. ;S ^TMP("PDR",$J,"OLD",DFN)="" .. S SCOLDCNT=SCOLDCNT+1 .. S @SCOLDTM@(DFN)=+SCX . IF 'SCX D ; Unable to reassign to new team, so don't discharge from old team .. ;S ^TMP("PDR",$J,"BAD",DFN)="" .. S @SCBADTM@(DFN)=$P(SCX,U,3) .. S SCBADCNT=SCBADCNT+1 K SCNOMAIL ; Send out mail notices only if there are failures to reassign I SCBADCNT D MAILLST^SCMRTMM(SCTMTO,.SCADDFLD,DT,.SCBADTM) ; report only on unable to assign Q (SCNEWCNT+SCOLDCNT)_U_SCBADCNT ;