SCAPMSG ;ALB/SCK - PCMM MESSAGE GENERATOR ; 22 SEP 95 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**41**;AUG 13, 1993 ;;1 Q ; mailman message generator for the primary care management ; module. ; PARSE(SC) ; ; -- array parsing for messages ; SCDUZ - DUZ of user triggering the message ; SCIENS - The Internal entry number of the team, position, or ; patient, etc. ; SCDATE - The date and/or time of the change or incident that ; triggered the notification in external format. ; SCSUBJ - The subject for the message ; SCMSG - The message type ; SCTEXT - text line to be added to the message ; S SCDUZ=$G(SC("DUZ")) S SCIENS=$G(SC("IENS")) S SCDATE=$G(SC("DATE")) S SCSUBJ=$G(SC("SUBJECT")) S SCMSG=$G(SC("MESSAGE")) S SCTEXT=$G(SC("TEXT")) Q ; MAILC(SCOK,SCROOT) ; ; N SCTEXT,SCSUBJ,SCDUZ D CHK^SCUTBK D TMP^SCUTBK ; S SCOK=0 ; D BLDMSG(.SCROOT,.SCSUBJ,.SCDUZ) ; S XMDUZ=$S($G(SCDUZ)]"":SCDUZ,1:"PRIMARY CARE MANAGEMENT") S XMSUB=$S($G(SCSUBJ)]"":SCSUBJ,1:"PCMM NOTIFICATION") D XMZ^XMA2 G:XMZ<1 MAILQ S XMTEXT="SCTEXT(" S XMY("G.PCM MESSAGING@DEVFEX.ISC-ALBANY.VA.GOV")="" ; D ^XMD S SCOK=XMZ MAILQ Q ; BLDMSG(SCROOT,SCSUBJ,SCDUZ) ; ; N I S SCDUZ=$P($G(SCROOT(1,0)),U,1) S SCSUBJ=$P($G(SCROOT(1,0)),U,2) ; S I=0 F S I=$O(SCROOT(1,I)) Q:'I S SCTEXT(I)=SCROOT(1,I) Q